Nova Roma

Chapter 61

In the trenches life is hard sun and rain are normal things, food often cannot be hot due to the summer rains that flood the trenches and prevent kitchens from carrying hot food, therefore legionaries and auxiliaries have to eat compressed cookies.

To avoid diseases in the trenches, constant changes are made in surveillance, so the troops can be covered in semi-underground barracks which are kept dry, the latrines were placed in strategic locations, therefore diseases are avoided.

The days pa.s.sed slowly and the attacks continued on the three fronts where the wall was built, to replace the troops, auxiliary workers from different tribes of central Mexico were recruited.

All this was thanks to a message that Mother Tonantzin made to the priests under her influence, volunteers were brought from different places such as the mountains or even from places as far away as the desert, which would fight to safeguard the survival of her place of birth.

These initiates are placed on the second line where they learn about the use of Roman weapons in the heat of battle, during training the recruits saw death in a fairly close way, but this far from being scared made them happy to face these Beasts and die gloriously as warriors.

Quickly they asked to be in the front line, the Roman soldiers were surprised to see how they fought with courage against the beasts, one of the most important battles took place on a rainy day.

The guard from the trenches was attentive to any threat that might arise, when a sound similar to blows in the wood began to sound than a large number of naked men, women and children came out armed with bone weapons and wooden s.h.i.+elds.

Flavio looked at this from a distance and did not hesitate to say to his soldiers "Without survivors, they stopped being human a long time ago," he noted that despite looking human now they seem more puppets controlled by something, really a shame to kill so many people but there is no other option, that d.a.m.n jungle wants blood and blood will give the empire.

The puppets shouted and ran to the trenches, the legionaries and auxiliaries prepared to fight those crazy people.

The arrows and bullets flew over the heads of the entrenched legendary death were present the puppets fell dead full of shooting arrows or anything else that could kill them.

Something very disturbing was that some puppets despite having been crossed and having the guts outside were still running were like zombies.

The first puppets began to go down the trenches trying to kill the troops they found with their stone and bone weapons, fortunately, the spears and steel weapons were more than enough to end them but that did not change the ferocity they had it surprised the legionaries and the auxiliaries.

His attacks were monotonous and easy to avoid but his strength was superhuman, this causes problems when it comes to defending because even with the steel s.h.i.+eld his blows were capable of causing skin lesions and even fractures.

The true stars of this skirmish were the Tlahuelpuchi, some Nahual women who act like vampires and witches at the same time as they tend to feed on children and blood to stay alive, they are quite lonely and do not like to relate to any of their species but for this In case they had to come to fight against this threat of the jungle and as a favor to Tezcatlipocatl, their caretaker G.o.d.

The puppets are strong but these women are even stronger, thanks to their partic.i.p.ation on different fronts the pressure in the trenches was lower, but this advantage was overcome by another horde that came out of the jungle, this time they were again giant but this time they were covered by wood covered with leather.

This put pressure on the soldiers as they realized that although their defenses were primitive it was thick enough to stop most of the shots and steel shavings.

This was a real danger that was approaching the first line of defense, the volunteers who had come from the center of Mexico decided to stop the advance of these giants at the cost of their lives if necessary, without thinking twice they asked the soldiers for grenades. which moored occupying ayates (A rectangular maguey fiber cloth that is placed on the head to load different things)

They were turned on and out of the trench protection, they ran towards the giants to whom they threw the cloth with the grenades at a fairly short and dangerous distance.

These grenades exploded on the bodies of the giants which died by the wave of the expansive, this heroic action by the volunteers allowed to delay that the giants could reach the trenches, but it was at a huge cost many of them died from the explosions or direct attacks of the giants as kicks.

This battle lasted for 12 long hours, to avoid that darkness was a factor of weakness the battlefield was lit with burning oil, the end of the battle was when no kind of monster or puppet left the forest.

For these battles, there could be no celebration because you could only win because losing meant the death of all.

But while the soldiers died against enemies that came from a jungle the Slaves and Misquitos died on their battlefield, the fatigue of building 24/7 under pressure was the worst.

When one of them fell dead his body was buried in the wall as part of a ritual so that the construction was even stronger, it could be a rather sinister measure but the situation does not allow flanking.

A large amount of cement is supplied thanks to the fact that the Irazú volcano is nearby, therefore the ash and pumice for the creation of bricks is always available, to remove it, donkeys and horses are occupied, which pull trucks to the fields of cement and bricks.

The artisans for their part in each part of the wall create accessories such as mechanical cranes and statues that will adorn and reinforce with runes and pictograms to the wall, so that it has even more protection from the G.o.ds because if it falls only death is expected anywhere where is d.a.m.n jungle advance ...

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Very good dear readers, first of all, I want to thank you for the support you have shown to the novel without you this would not be possible but I would like you to support me with a small thing.

I have to do a 2-minute 3D animation for my university degree project, in which I have to animate a part of a fantasy novel that I want, Cof * Nova Roma Cof *

That"s why I would like to ask you what you would like to see animated in 3D of Nova Roma remember that I have creative freedom

But the university limited me to the age of my target audience doing it for young people between 12 and 15 years old, Nothing (Gore, s.e.x or something weird)

What would you like to see animated your response is important guys, it is just a comment do not worry about the time of publication because I have 8 weeks to finish it, so tell me what part of my book would you like to see animated?

(Pd: I"m not very good at modeling and animating 3D if I would do it 2D but the university set the rules ) (Don"t worry about the quality my future university degree is at stake ... )

(Pdd: The characters are made in chibi form (As on the cover) for the time, 8 weeks sounds a lot but it is little, just rendering frame by frame will take me 2 or 3 days, not to mention that I have to do Script, Storyboard, technical script, animatics, among many other things, so tell me my nice reader that you would like to see)