Nova Roma

Chapter 64

h.e.l.lena and the cavalry began a hunt to locate the Caribbean tribes that would be without any defense, their search began to bear fruit, once they reached a tribe the women surrendered to what they called monsters.

Quickly, h.e.l.lena and her men began to advance throughout the north of Insulae Canibalium (Cuba), which is just one-week h.e.l.lena could capture more than 60,000 women and kids, also released the Mohan b.a.s.t.a.r.d children from underground jails, the Small thanked him for help with his few strengths.

All of them were quickly taken to Magna Caribe, where women would be taken to build the wall in the south, while the children will be re-educated in the capital and the rescued children will be handed over to the Semihumans to learn to live in society while they are They recover from their traumas so that in the future they help the construction of the empire.

The news about the hunt that a white woman (h.e.l.lena) and her four-legged monsters were performing by some survivors, who had somehow managed to dodge or hide from the cavalry were discouraging for the Caribs, many women leaders of their tribes They decided to take their canoes and flee to other islands.

The advance was quite simple in the areas with plains while the mountain range of Insulae Canibalium, presented some delays such as small ambushes or attacks on the troops but h.e.l.lena with hard hand killed the attackers, the search of the tribes was thorough to cover more ground the Cavalry met in groups of 10.

The groups were made up of 2 members of the heavy cavalry and 8 members of the light cavalry, in the search in the mountains they found horrible things like human bones and human skins, it seems that the Caribs were fleeing.

h.e.l.lena personally looked for an area of ​​natural caves, where she found some Caribbean women abandoned by their tribe who had to kill their children to eat and not starve.

The soldiers were surprised by the cruelty of these supposed mothers, h.e.l.lena, on the other hand, took his sword and I walk towards them "They are rubbish, sacrifice their children to save their own miserable lives, I prefer to give my life to save my children who kill them to see one more day "

After this the screams sounded in the cave until they slowly died down, h.e.l.lena came out completely b.l.o.o.d.y of the place "Bury the remains of the children, I am sure that my father Anubis will receive them with pleasure, as for the mothers let them rot where they are, that will be their punishment for being a garbage of mothers if they can be called yes "

They toured other caves but they were empty, the search lasted a few days until they combed the entire saw of the center after this they arrived until the south of Insulae Canibalium, the conquest was absolute because it was mostly plains, therefore, they had no problems in submitting the Caribbean tribes

The conquered land needed people, fortunately, a large number of towns in central Mexico who sent their warriors to fight in the south to defend the construction of the wall would be rewarded by the empire, the conditions were simple enough to join the empire.

In return, they received land and slaves to increase the workforce, of course not many people are going to leave their ancestral land but many volunteers want to get Roman citizens.h.i.+p after some saw the great life that the Romans lead or so They hear from the merchants.

The southern war against the Caribs and the voice of mother Tonantzin only caused all of Mesoamerica to learn about Nova Roma, so in recent weeks the population suffered a ma.s.sive increase in population, thanks to the large amount of smoked fish that hunger existed in the position of the Romans was not an option.

h.e.l.lena sent for volunteers who wanted to serve the empire in charge of hectares of land for agriculture and livestock, all the lands were free and depending on the number of people who came in the future they would be granted, slaves.

In the port of Origin Civitatem, the recruitment orders arrived from Insulae Canibalium, the news was quickly published in the newspaper and the crier began to announce the news of Insulae Canibalium and the new land that can belong to them along with their Roman citizens.h.i.+p.

Some travelers who came alone or with their families to see with their eyes this new and flouris.h.i.+ng metropolis looking for work heard the recruitment news that the empress was ordering, this news made their day happy because unlike the warriors who were giving their lives on the south wall they were better as farmers.

The concept of money was gradually implanted in the mentality replacing the barter system, therefore, the desire to get money increased in them thanks to an anti-corruption system implemented by Flavio could change their objects such as jade and gold pieces by Denars so they could buy things they needed.

Many volunteers gathered at the port offices to join the settlers who would occupy these new lands, which better than being Roman citizens and obtaining new lands, tools and other completely free, their children will enjoy a better life than the one they lived in their native cities, in such a situation they thanked in the different chapels the mother Tonantzin for such a good fortune that accompanies them.

The conquest continued smoothly until h.e.l.lena arrived in the mountains of the southern tip of Cuba in that place, was the last settlement of the Caribs on the island as the Carib captives are in Maisí.

That place is a meeting point for the Mohan on h.e.l.lena Island. She wanted to kill them but she held back because it is dangerous to enter the mountains to finish them, that"s why she plans to send scouts to discover dangerous roads and places to move forward and end the threat. The Caribbean once and for all ...