Nova Roma

Chapter 88

Queen Nicte Ha got angry when she heard the response of Emperor Flavio, for the Maya who is a monogamous society, having a harem is a lack of respect for the culture of their ancestors.

But at the same time before a crisis did not have many options, therefore she had to consult with his protective deity Kukulkan, to know if the alliance with the Romans was the best option.

The queen headed towards the temple behind the palace, which was a small pyramid, which at the top was the Kukulcan temple, once she climbed the stairs of the pyramid she met the temple priest.

The priest looked at the queen with some curiosity, it was very rare that the n.o.bility approached the temple of Kukulcan if it was not for events related to parties or offerings for the protective deity "Dear daughter what are you looking for in the temple of the feathered serpent G.o.d Kukulcan? "

The queen responded by standing on her knees in front of the priest "I want to ask the great G.o.d Kukulcan if the deal with the Romans is a good option and if the son of Emperor Flavio can he be a good couple for my daughter?"

The priest now understood what the queen was looking for. "Very well, my daughter, wait a moment, I will make a ritual to ask the great serpent G.o.d."

The priest went to the center of the temple and with salt drawing the 4 cardinal points, after this, he lit a Copal incense which began to give off a rather peculiar aroma that transformed the environment into something mystical.

After this, the priest began to recite a prayer standing in the middle of the circle of salt when he finished the prayer he cut his hand with an obsidian knife and dropped a stream of his blood in the middle of the circle.

Suddenly time stopped for Queen Nicte Ha, she could tell that the priest"s blood stopped in the air, even the smoke from the copal incense stopped leaving the entire room as a static image, at that moment he heard a great noise from abroad.

When he turned his head he could see that from the sky a great feathered serpent was coming down through the clouds heading towards the temple where she was.

Queen Nicte Ha was in a state where she could not move a single muscle due to the impression of seeing the great feathered serpent that was gradually closer to where she was.

Kukulcan approached the temple where they had called him, while he was coming down from the sky he could see that there were 4 humans quite different from those created by the mother Tonantzin from the corn, he knew immediately that they were foreigners coming from beyond from sea.

Although the mother Tonantzin had made a pact with three other G.o.ds creating in the process a new world and redefining the rules of the world of the dead and G.o.ds to Kukulcan this did not matter much, since most of the time he spent with his beloved Mayahuel the G.o.ddess of the maguey.

When Kukulcan arrived at the temple he could see Nicte Ha completely trembling from the impression of seeing his gigantic feathered snake body

"You must be the queen of Lakam Ha, tell me what you are looking for my dear daughter"

Queen Nicte Ha tried to speak but could not perform any action because of the impression she had of seeing her great protective deity, Kukulcán realized it and using her divine energy little by little she was able to make Nicte Ha move again.

Nicte Ha felt that her body had moved again while a golden energy surrounded her, when she could finally move again she could answer the Kukulcan G.o.d, ducking her head and standing on her knees she said "Sorry to your daughter who dared to summon you interrupted your Sacred labors, but I need your sacred guide with mortal matters that have to do with the future of my family and the city of Lakam Ha.

The first issue I want to ask is whether an alliance with the Romans is the best option for the survival of the city and the other question is whether I can allow my daughter to marry the son of the Roman emperor Flavio.

He has said that his son will have different values ​​from him and therefore he may have more than one woman creating a harem, as a mother this worries me and that is why I am looking for your guide great G.o.d Kukulcan. "

Kukulcan heard Nicte Ha"s words and replied "In a moment I will find out if Emperor Flavio and his son are trusted people"

Kukulcan released his divine energy and channeled it to Origin Civitatem, creating a materialization of his body in the form of a golden ray that headed towards the imperial palace.

Flavio was hugging h.e.l.lena while they took care of their children by telling them a story about how a child could go to a giant"s castle with some magic beans.

At that moment, time stopped and h.e.l.lena and Flavio prepared to face any contingency that could occur, then a golden figure appeared in the living room window while taking the form of a white man in Aztec soldier clothes.

Flavio could recognize that it was Quetzalcoatl the feathered serpent G.o.d who is a G.o.d of very importance to the Mesoamerican peoples, Flavio walked slowly until he stood in front of Quetzalcoatl "A pity that you have not announced your arrival Quetzalcoatl to receive you with a banquet at your height, but tell me why you have a magnificent presence "

Quetzalcoatl was surprised by the young man with golden hair that he had in front of him, he might know that it was not normal since the divine energy that he gave off was also in the world created with the union of the pantheons with the G.o.ds.

Quetzalcoatl asked with enough curiosity "You are not a normal mortal, who are you and why does your divine energy have the same feeling that gives off the new world created by the union that made mother Tonantzin?" ...