Nuptial Chamber Next Door

Chapter 13

His kiss brought out my dark, hidden desires. Both of us sucked on each others lips like crazy, almost biting each other. Strange sensations coursed through my body. My body gradually softened in his arms, and i felt limp, waiting to bear the pa.s.sion that only he could bring to me

He looked so s.e.xy. This feeling was so sweet, so intoxicating!

I lost sense of time. I dont know how long we continued kissing

I had long since abandoned any pretence of resistance. I realised this man was destined to be my end. Why should I fight it anymore?

destined to my end, why should I fight with fate?

I would give in, I would try to love him once. I no longer cared about the results, it was the journey that was beautiful

Feeling me give in, he let go of my hand. His fingers slowly glided up my jaw, so that he could hold me in the right position to kiss me more thoroughly, more deeply

His tongue probed my lips and I opened my mouth to allow his tongue to move in again smoothly

Our tongues intertwined and pa.s.sion surged. I closed my eyes . I felt his hands gradually skim my shoulders, my nape. I responded crazily to his pa.s.sion, but also to my own love for him

His hand moved downward from my neck to my chest..

At the slightest touch, I felt an electric shock run through my body. Reflexively, I breathed in hard, drawing in his breath into my body

Suddenly I felt a burst of dizziness, then smelled the typical jasmine smell of the detergent and found myself lying on the soft bed.

I opened my eyes and vaguely looked at him, his eyes filled with pride..

He must have been really proud of himself.

Why was I such a fool ? Finally, like hundreds before me, I had lain in his arms, willingly allowing him to do whatever he wanted. Finally, I had allowed him to take me to bed

I closed my eyes again as he released the b.u.t.tons on  my dress,allowing the cool air to flow over my heated body. His lips moved down over my body, exploring every nook and cranny

As his hot tongue touched my overheated skin, I inhaled deeply, suddenly feeling as if my brain was deprived of oxygen.

" Do you want it?" His voice was hotly tempting

I blushed and turned my face to the side , avoiding his gaze

I remember in one of those late night chats with my roommates in the hostel, we were discussing why we would never get involved with male doctors

Because with their knowledge of human physiology, they would easily know the sensitive spots of a woman..

If they wanted to get you into bed, they could easily seduce you!

I had been completely unbelieving at that point. I had sneered, if a woman did not want, there was no way a man could seduce her to change her mind

But today, I believed it!

Ye Zengchen, with his gentle but persuasive kisses had managed to make me obedient, why would I not believe in this theory anymore?

His cool fingers stretched out under my dress, touching my ribs, then my b.r.e.a.s.t.s..

I knew what was going to happen and I clutched the bed sheets nervously

" Do you like it?" he asked with a faint smile

At the same time, his fingers trailed up the back of my thighs under the dress. I bit my lower lip, trying not to groan out loud

" Hmm", I answered

His smile grew wider and he bore down on me with his body

At the critical moment..

" Qin Xue!" I cried out.

He smiled at me mockingly, " Another creative way to shift my attention!"

I struggled to raise my chin towards the window, " Really! I am not lying, I think she is coming here."

Skeptically, he turned to look out of the window but couldn"t see anyone. He turned back , then concentrating on unb.u.t.toning my clothes when the doorbell rang

The sharp ring pierced the stillness of the night, pouring cold water on our enthusiasm. The strange la.s.situde that had overcome my body disappeared as well.

She came at the right time!

Embarra.s.sed, I jumped out of bed and ran to the door

" Who is it?"

" Qin Xue"

I tidied up my clothes quickly , wiped my red and moist lips and opened the door with a smiling face, " What happened?"

" My computer crashed. I wanted to borrow your system disk. SInce I saw your lights were still on… did I wake you up?"

Ugh! Why was she looking for a system disk in the middle of the night?

" I just came back. Wait here, I"ll get the disk for you"

I didn"t let her come in and sit.  I wasn"t afraid , I just did not want her to face the fact that Ye Zhengchen was with me.

Hurriedly, I retrieved the system disk. When I came back, I saw her staring at the pair of men"s shoes at the door. As she took the disc, her face was pale and her fingers were trembling. My heart ached for her, and for myself.

" My rice cooker was not working. So I called him to help me."

She nodded and smiled half heartedly. " He is very good at helping people with repairing things."

She turned , then hesitated and then turned back at me and said, " I wanted to tell him something, can I ?"

"Oh!" I came back in my room to see him lying nonchalantly in my bed, his upper body half naked. Inexplicably, I was annoyed

I kicked his leg and whispered, " Just go out and talk to your ex lover and get her out of here."

He gritted his teeth then spit out, " You are unable to distinguish between right and wrong!"

" Don"t make me hit your head with the rice cooker!"

He put on his clothes, and while b.u.t.toning up his shirt, he walked out

I heard Qin Xue"s voice, very low, " Did I disturb you ?"

" I have told you very clearly I am not interested in you.."

" Do you like her?"

Very coldly, he answered, " Who I like has nothing to do with you."

" You like her?" QIn Xue laughed sarcastically

" Do you even know what you like? When you are tired of playing, you will ruthlessly abandon her. Can you tell me , hand over heart, that you are committed wholeheartedly to her, that you will marry her ?"

" Qin Xue, you are an intelligent girl. Don"t do something that hurts someone , ok?"

His voice was as cold as ice.

One day, would he treat me in the same manner?

I picked up the unfinished beer he has left behind and drank half of the beer. It was cold and sour!

" I am not trying to hurt anyone. I just don"t want you to hurt Bo Bing!" Qin Xue said loudly.

…… …

I knew that sentence was meant for me

But I didn"t want to hear it. I had walked into this deliberately, and I didn"t want anyone to remind me of the painful consequences that lay at the end of this road.

I switched off the light and went to bed.

The next day, I bunked two to see off Ye Zhengchen at the airport

The bus sped along the highway next to the swa. There were very few pa.s.sengers in the bus, and they were sitting scattered in twos and threes

Ye Zhengchen intentionally sat in the last seat, away from the eyes of the other pa.s.sengers

Apart from the few mutterings of the pa.s.sengers, we could only hear the sound of the engine and the TV.

I curled up next to the window, looking out quietly at the scenery in a daze

It was a calm and clear day, and we could see the dawn breaking over the sea

Occasionally, you could see a couple walking along the beach, their footprints on the sand going together till far away..

Ye Zhengchen held my left hand. I looked down. He had affixed a dazzling watch in my wrist. It felt heavy, as if I was wearing shackles

He held my hand, and showed me his other hand. He had a smiliar watch on hso wrist, the diamonds dazzling like mine

" You don"t like it?" he said as he saw me frown , then immediately followed it up with, " wear this for a while. When I come back, we will get something you like"

" I like the watch with the seagull logo. White dial, white band…" I told him

He froze for a moment then laughing, he held my hand " Ok. I"ll buy it once I am back"

I nodded

I remembered, as a child, my father had gifted a similar watch to my mother. My mother always treasured it. She never let me touch it. But still, when she was not there, I would take it and put in on my wrist. Then I would turn my wrist this way and that  and admire how nice it looked on my hand.

Ye Zhengchen hugged my shoulder. I did not refuse and lay down my head on his shoulder

We had not formally confessed to each other, there was no serious declaration of our relationship. We were just together for now

I liked this feeling, this feeling of a tacit understanding..


"Hmm", my voice was bery low, so he bent to get his ear near my lips.

" I won"t ask for promises that I know you can"t keep. But while you and I together, promise me that you will not get involved with other women. If you get tired of me, if you stop liking me, or start liking someone else, just tell me directly and I will happily leave. I hate being cheated"

He tightened his grip on my hand. His eyes were sincere. " I am serious about you"

" I am also serious" I smiled and bowed, " I am serious about everything"

"  I am just the opposite. I am only serious about you"

Even knowing he was just trying to make me happy, a sweet feeling sneaked into my heart.

"……" “…”

…… …

Gently, his lips touched mine. I closed my eyes and snuggled in his arms

We were in one corner of the bus. No one paid any attention as we kissed and chatted, then kissed again

The sound of intermittent laughter, then of unsteady breathing could be heard

Two hours of travel, and yet the journey felt so short!

I talked about my childhood, about how my parents loved me, the most simple but most moving kind of love. He listened carefully. I asked him how his childhood was

He thought for a long time and then told me. His father was a very busy person. He was only at home for two or three days a week. His mother had it tough. She managed her own work, took care of the household , the children and even the elderly parents

She was a strong person. Even when she was not well, she would never complain

When Ye Zhengchen was seven years old, his mother got acute appendicitis.

He came across his mother in her room, sweating heavily, her lips pale. He was badly frightened. He called his father, then held his mother"s hand , repeatedly pleading, " Mom, you can"t die, you can"t die.."

Soon the ambulance came and two doctors in white coats accompanied a stretcher that took his mother to the hospital

From that day on, he was determined, that like those white coated angels, he would become a doctor..
Miumiu : So things are getting a bit more serious between the two. Bo Bing is finally deciding to risk a painful ending to give in to her heart’s desire. She has resisted for a long time, but finally gives in to his charms. Ye Zhengchen claims to be serious about her, but with his track record, Bo Bing is unwilling to believe him. But if both of them are willing to give it a try, are some happy days in store for them now?