Nuptial Chamber Next Door

Chapter 14

Before boarding the flight, Ye Zhengchen hugged me fiercely. I was a little awkard in public displays of affection and pushed him away

He didn"t force me. Instead he whispered to me, " Wait for me to come back. We didn"t finish what we started last night.."

I kept quiet

But silence was acquiescence!

He left. I didn"t feel too sad. Just that when I was returning, I accidentally boarded the wrong bus and was only made aware of that thanks to the driver

For the next few days after he left, I carried on as usual, busy with my, my homework, my professors and my work. Basically, I had no time left to miss him

Only when I went home every day, when I saw his name plate on the next door, my heart felt a ripple, a feeling both sweet and sour.

Ten days later, I was excited enough to start the countdown, five, four..three.. Two.. one

Twenty days later, Ye Zhengchen had still not come back. His phone was always shut down and I started to worry

I often worried if he had an accident, or whether his family was in some sort of trouble that prevented him from returning to j.a.pan

This kind of worry was like spring weeds, taking root in your heart quickly and flourishing mercilessly

I was no longer able to control my emotions. I was unable to concentrate in cla.s.s, my work was lackadaisical, I was too lazy to cook and often survived on store bought snacks

Even knowing that his phone was shut down, I tried calling him a few times, hoping for some miracle. But no such miracles happened and I started sending text messages to him

" I cooked today and the food was delicious. I cooked a portion for you as well.. Even though you are not here.."

" The cherry blossoms have still not started blooming in front of the window. They are waiting for you. We can see it together once you are back.."

" The cells I was culturing didn"t die. They have a strong will to live. They are probably waiting for you.."

" I"m listening to that song you play always.."

" Do you ever think of me?"

" Today , a handsome guy was asking me directions. If you don"t come back, I will elope with him"

" Please message me back!"

I didn"t want him to say anything. I just wanted to know he was ok

He had still not returned

Late at night, as I walked back to the apartment, I suddenly looked up. A few cherry blossoms had bloomed. It was such a beautiful sight!

I sent him a message, " The cherry blossoms have bloomed, It"s so beautiful"

I waited for a long time, but there was no answer.

…… …

I sighed.I walked down the corridor. Just as I took out my key to open the lock, my hand trembled and the key fell to the ground.

Because the lights were on next door!

I was so excited that I ran to his door and pulled it. His door was locked. Excitedly I rang the doorbell and waited to hear his footsteps approaching the door

After a century of waiting, finally, the door opened. The long awaited person was standing at the door. I felt like I was on cloud nine and rushed closer.

" You finally came back ! I thought you still hadn"t returned."

With his hand on my shoulder, he held me back, then opened the door a bit wider and silently walked into the room, sitting back at the table

" When did you come back?"

I was so happy seeing him , I totally ignored his indifferent att.i.tude.

" Last night!"

"Last night?" I smiled and shook my head, " don"t lie to me, how is it that you didn"t come to meet me earlier?"

I looked at him as he indifferently worked on the computer.

A few minutes ago, I had even sent him a message. Why didn"t he reply?

I looked around his room. Everything was clean and tidy. His bags had already been stowed away

" I didn"t lie to you" , he replied in the same cold and indifferent tone, making me a bit nervous

" Then why didn"t you call me or meet me ?" I tentatively asked, looking at his eyes to gauge his reaction.

An ominous premonition filled my mind!

He walked up to the doors leading to the balcony and opened the curtains.

" Let"s break up!"