Nuptial Chamber Next Door

Chapter 18

It rained for the whole day. Once we were back from Kyoto, I immediatey went to the convenience store to start working
Taking advantage of the fact that there were no customers, Li kai asked me , " Xiao Bing, are you free tomorrow?"
" You want me to take your shift tomorrow?" Consciously, I didn"t glance at the calendar. Tomorrow was Ye Zhengchen"s birthday. I was thinking of whether to take a leave or not
"No!" Li Kai said.
" Brother Feng said it"s Ye Zhengchen"s birthday . We would like to invite him for dinner sing Karaoke and celebrate his birthday."
" Do you want to join us?"

" I have till late evening tomorrow."
Last time he had made such double entendres in front of everyone. Now our relationship was like this. How could I eat at the same table?
Better to skip it altogether even if that made me the b.u.t.t of jokes

" Xiao Bing, you and Ye Zhengchen.."
Even before he finished, I interrupted him, " Xiao Li, have you eaten?"
" Not yet"
" What do you want to eat? I"ll cook something"
" Fried chicken, spicy"
" Ok"
I hid in the room and took a long time to fry several pieces of chicken wings.
Then I went up to him. As soon as the lid of the container was opened, the convenience store was filled with the fragrance of fried chicken.
" Sit here and I"ll take care of the counter"
" Thank you". He took the lunch, opened the cash machine, paid the money and sat in the corner to eat his meal

The door was pushed open
The bell rang out crisply
I bowed and greeted the customer in j.a.panese.
" Welcome…" and then I paused for a second. Then I stood up stiffly and only said the last word, "..customer"
Ye Zhengchen came in. His face was sombre. His dark eyes fell on me as if seeing right through to my heart

Quietly, I clenched my fists and put on a professional smile. I asked in Chinese, " What do you need?"
He stood opposite me , looked at my hands on the counter and then looked around.
Finally, he saw Li Kai eating his lunch
" Can I have the fried chicken?"
" I"m sorry, its not ready", I said, " Are you in a hurry? I can fry it right now.."
" Its okay. Just give me the packet"
I took a bag from the counter, put two of his favourite coffee flavoured beer and the lunch in the bag and handed it over to him
Seeing him take out his wallet, I smiled and said, " You don"t need to pay. It"s my treat"
He was slightly startled. Almost inadvertently, his fingers touched my hand. I was stunned. I could almost feel his fingers trembling
I lifted up my eyes to look into his eyes, we were so aligned, some things never changed..

He cleared his throat and looked at his watch
" What time do you get off work?"
I finally realised why he was looking at his watch constantly
" Midnight"
" Oh!"

…… …

That day, his car was parked next to the convenience store for a long time
As I attended to the customers, I kept anxiously looking at the time. I knew that he was waiting for me
Finally, at midnight, when I came out , it was raining heavily. I opened the umbrella and ran out in the rain

The heavy rain beat on my umbrella mercilessly and I was already drenched before I took two steps
I walked around his parked car and dragged my tired body towards the apartment
The door opened and Ye Zhengchen alighted from the car
I reminded myself over and over again that our relationship had ended, he had failed to live up to my expectations.
" You"re still here ?" I asked coldly
" Yes", he opened the door, " get into the car"
" No, thanks", I turned and started walking towards the sidewalk. The frenzied wind made my umbrella sway
" Girl..", he chased after me and caught my wrist. He pulled me towards himself so forcefully my arm hurt. The umbrella fell to the ground

Fortunately, the rain hid the tears on my face

"Get in!"
" I won"t"
" Its already very late and it"s raining heavily. It"s too dangerous."
" Today you pick me up. What about tomorrow? Don"t rescue me today."
Seeing my determined att.i.tude, he simply dragged me to the car. Then he pulled open the door and simply dumped me in the car.
" Just what do you want to do?" I was very angry
" Since you have already broken up with me,don"t pretend you care about me. Did you forget what you said? Did you forget about Qin Xue?"
" You aren"t the same as her."

" What"s the difference?"
I was livid but he was silent
" Don"t you have an answer?"
" You think I don"t want to answer you?" He smashed his hand against the steering wheel. The horn rang out harshly, " I don"t want to lie to you"

I opened the door but he held me back with his arms around my body, holding me back.

My body was drenched from the rain, I noticed he was looking very attentively at me

The look in his eyes scared me.

" Let me go. If you don"t, I will call you a b.a.s.t.a.r.d."

"Let me go," I shouted again. He still wouldn"t release me. I was livid and pushed against him, " Ye Zhengchen, we have broken up. What is it that you want to do ?"

The more I struggled, the tighter her hugged me. He pinned my body against the leather seat, holding my wrists with his hands

I was anxious and incoherent.

"Do you want me to say I hate you ?I hate you because you didn"t even tell me why we broke up. I hate you because from heaven, in one day, you dragged my life to h.e.l.l.."

Suddenly he kissed me. This kiss- this kiss was destined to bring to the surface  my hitherto suppressed feelings; it was destined to allow logic and reason to disappear, it was destined to let us finish what we hadn"t earlier.
Miumiu – for all of you who thought their affair had already ended, clearly more happenings in j.a.pan in the past before we move to the present. Leave me your comments . And if you like this novel, please review it in NU