Nuptial Chamber Next Door

Chapter 22

A ray of thin light pa.s.sed through the clouds. Raindrops glittered the light of early dawn. The pale blue sky wore a thin veil of clouds.

The slight rustling of clothes represented my shyness and his stubbornness.

"Stop it, it"s almost day",I was very worried about the soundproofing quality of the walls

" But I want to hold you while I sleep and I don"t want to feel clothes in between us"

"……" “…”

Finally my fragile clothes flew off in an arc due to his insistence

With no barrier of clothing between is, our skins touched together. I suddenly realised the feel of his warm body against my cold skin was very comfortable. My body naturally moved closer to his

His lips gently brushed my neck, then his hands gently stroked, moving down the curve of my back

Feeling the natural reaction of his body, my body began to tremble too

" …No, I am so tired"

He brought his lips close to my ear, paused and then blew hot air gently in my ear.

"Sleep" he whispered. Then pillowing my head with one arm, the other hand encircled me from the back and grabbed one of my hands and held it close to my chest. I was imprisoned by his strong body

The curve of his body closely fitted to mine. I did not have the courage to turn over and face him

The world was silent. I could quietly hear the gentle swaying of the cherry blossoms, smell the fragrance and feel his calm heartbeat

My whole body relaxed. Combined with the tiring day, a wave of drowsiness. .h.i.t me.

As I closed my eyes, I could feel his warm body close to mine, his breath mingling with mine, our hearts beating together..

I had been in j.a.pan for so long, but I had never had this stable and peaceful feeling

Perhaps this was the so called sense of security?

I quietly slept in his arms

I seemed to have returned to childhood, when I would lay in my mother"s arms and peacefully fall asleep while listening to her singing my a lullaby

I dont know when I fell asleep in a dreamless sleep

…… …

When I woke up, the sun was shining on us. I squinted my eyes and saw our joined hands on the quilt. He was holding my hand in his , and in his wrist there was a white watch with the logo of seagulls.

The wristband was engraved with the word – girl!

I was so touched, especially when I thought of the fact that the wrist belonged to the dazzling, handsome, almost unattainable man  called Ye Zhengchen

Was he mine now?

I knew that wasn"t true. I was just a pa.s.sing fling in his life, just someone to fill in a temporary s.p.a.ce

But even in this temporary period, I had all of him. What happened later wasn"t important

I looked at the time. It was only six. I allowed myself to take a nap for a little while and closed my eyes again. Soon I was fast asleep

When I woke up again, the sun was dazzling. I looked at the watch. Nine o clock!

My pathology cla.s.s! The professor who loved to take role calls!

I was dead!

As I hurried to sit up and move out of the quilt to get my clothes, an arm hugged my waist and dragged me back to bed and under the quilt

" I"m going to cla.s.s"

" Mmm", his eyes were still closed but his hands were strong.

" This is a difficult course!" I said.

" I know!" he wrapped my leg around his

" If I fail this, my professor will kill me"

He moved his body and I thought he had finally found his conscience and was letting me go. But he just moved over my body while smiling at me

“You might as well ask me to help you with your tutorials."

“Really ?!” Why had I not thought of this?

" I will charge you a fair fee. For every lesson, once.."  As he said this, his hand moved to my chest, and kneaded my soft breast, clearly revealing what the fee was

I pushed away his wicked hands.

" Isn"t that a loss for me?"

" about twice for one cla.s.s.."

" You.. are you kidding…"

I couldn"t continue after this

Suddenly, I remembered something important. I pushed him away. Today was the 17th. I started to count on my fingers, was this a safe period?

" You don"t need to calculate, this is a safe period," he told me very confidently.

" How would you know?"

" I"ve calculated it", he answered as if it was very obvious.

It was clear that he was completely aware of my monthly cycles.

".. this doesn"t mean it is a hundred percent safe. In case something happens.."

" I will take responsibility"

He kissed me again

I was overpowered and fell headlong into the abyss of fiery pa.s.sion

Today , he was gentler than last night. Step by step, he guided me into the paradise of love.

As he caressed and teased me, I felt as if he had bewitched my body and mind. Just as and when he wanted, my body was eager and I groaned in antic.i.p.ation, or it was waiting, but still happy.

The shyness in my heart had long disappeared. I was eagerly looking forward to enjoying this whirlwind journey of love and pa.s.sion. As he tried to enter my body, a slight pain made me frown and he immediately stopped. He kissed my ears, my neck, patiently waiting for my body to relax. As pa.s.sion replaced the pain, as I felt my body heat up, he continued till I could bear the deepest penetration

The same actions , once done under the cover of night, felt so different when done in the bright daylight

There was nowhere to hide.

Everything was visible. Just like I could see the play of light on his body, he too could see clearly how our bodies joined together.

Otherwise, his breathing would not have been so chaotic, he wouldn"t have such a physiological response, we wouldn"t have lost all sense of logic and rationality..

…… …

There were countless kisses,countless suppressed groans, many times when our bodies imprisoned each other and then broke free, numerous times when we climbed the peak and then fell in a free fall…

It was close to noon when we were just snuggling

He was very careful with me and I was lying on his chest enjoying a rare moment of peace

I reached out to take the pencil on the bedside table. With it, I drew a horizontal line on the wall and then crossed it.

" What are you doing?" he looked curiously at the wall

" Remember the tutorials? I"m counting"

He burst out laughing , grabbed the pencil, made two more lines and then dragged me back in his arms.

" What are you doing?"

"Girl, rest a.s.sured, I will ensure that the whole wall is covered with our glorious history.."

"……" “…”

"……" “…”

" Are you sure you are a doctor?"

He looked at me, a drop of sweat glistening between his eyebrows

" Why do you ask?"

" Aren"t you a part timer in the kabuki hall of Shinjuku?"

He laughed. " Don"t have such low expectations of me. They hardly have any stamina!"

"……" “…”

"……" “…”

However, I still thought that a doctor should not have such a powerful body and such strong endurance and stamina!