Nuptial Chamber Next Door

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

The past was the past. I couldn"t sleep again.

I put on my clothes and walked towards the window and opened the curtains

The cold wind blew through my hair, chilling me slightly.

My neck, shoulders and chest hurt a little bit.

Not far from the street lights, a black Hummer was parked. Pitch black, with powerful edges and clean corners, I guessed it must belong to some invincible man.

I couldn"t see if there was anyone in the car, but from the exhaust fumes I could make out that the engine was running.

There was an old Elm tree by the side of the road. Its yellow leaves reflected the moonlight.

I looked up and remembered a similar such elm tree from my childhood, one which flourished in the summer.

At that time, my father and Zhong Tian"s father worked in the same hospital. They had been colleagues for many years, and friends for as many years, with a good personal equation.

In my childhood memories, Zhong Tian always wore a clean white shirt. A patient smile was always engraved on his face.  I used to pester him to play with me, and sometimes, I begged him to help me climb the old Elm tree.

Everytime he refused my pleas.

After I graduated from college, I met Zhong Tian for the first time in a romantic and quiet coffee shop. He wore a suit, his skin smooth and fair. With thick eyebrows and a sharp nose, he looked gentle. He took the spoon and stirred his coffee as he told me that he had liked me for a long time.

I shook my head as my face paled.

He was puzzled. It seemed that he hadn"t expected this

" Do you like someone?"

" There isn"t anyone like that!"

In fact, Zhong Tian is absolutely A grade husband material. He looked handsome, he was gentle and polite and also hardworking

After graduating from university, he was admitted to the national civil service and was a.s.signed to the government. His future was excellent.

But brainwashed by the Taiwanese romance novels, I always thought the definition of love was "unable to control"

I was waiting for a man who I would fall in love with on first sight, where I would be lose my heart, my mind, everything, with no regrets.

That would be worth it!

So I refused Zhong Tian. My mother repeatedly nagged me , "Zhong Tian is a good man. You refused him! What are you looking for ? A rich dude? A handsome prince?"

I could not stand her incessant nagging, so interrupting here I said, " I want to marry a soldier."

"Soldiers have no personal freedom. How will he take care of you…"

She went on and on. But what was wrong with someone in the military?

Nothing. I liked it.

Those dark green uniforms, that straight, proud bearing, the strong sense of discipline, they appealed to me both physically and mentally.

Sometimes when we did that thing,I would watch him unb.u.t.ton that uniform and my mouth would water. I hated it that a soldier wasn"t appearing immediately to allow me to unb.u.t.ton his uniform…

I was so helpless, that in order to protect my eardrums from long term fatigue, I decided to become deaf. Biting my lips and with a hand on my heart, I decided to go alone to j.a.pan to study. And my great father joined my cause!

He gave me more than 20 years of his savings to fund my education.

So in this way, three years ago, I, with the innocence and simplicity of youth, and the best wishes of my family, met the person I was destined to meet, to experience the kind of love I couldn"t control..


In j.a.pan, doctors were scarce resources. Medical college students who had just graduated were just picked up by the hospitals. So only a very few j.a.panese with lofty ideals would continue for higher studies in the medical schools.

When I went to Osaka University Medical college, there had been a continuous shortage of students to do research, It was big headache for the professors to recruit students

When I first met the a.s.sociate professor, I couldn"t say three words in j.a.panese and English combined. The moment he heard that I was interested in graduate studies, he was anxious to put me in the laboratory, worried that I would run off.

In the afternoon, I went to his office to complete the formalities to enter the research room.

I asked him, " In case I am unable to pa.s.s the year end entrance examinations, what will happen?"

He said, "It doesn"t matter."

Later I learnt that the pa.s.s rate of the entrance examinations was always 100%. If you don"t want to test, the professors will not agree!

When I thought back to the army of postgraduates in my country, I felt really emotional!

…… …

After one week in j.a.pan, I met Qin Xue from the department of economics in the International Students Forum.

Qin Xue was very beautiful. Fair skin, gentle and demure, a soft voice – she looked very delicate. It was said that when she danced the elegant ribbon dance, no one knew how many men"s hearts were moved.

We soon became friends.

With her help, I applied for a student apartment, It was an old building. After several renovations, the ground floor wall could no longer afford the vicissitudes of history. But the apartment was clean and comfortable.

In front of the apartment, there was a blue lake. There were boulders in the lake, and in summer, turtles would often lie on the boulders. Behind the apartment , there were woods. In early spring, you could see cherry blossoms.

My room was in the middle of the third floor, the farthest from the open corridor. Standing in front of the door, I inadvertently glanced at the next door. On the door, was a strong and powerful Chinese name - Ye Zhengchen

I felt so good looking at the Chinese name.

I would have liked to ask Qin Xue if she knew him, but then I saw her face and she seemed to be lost in thought for a long time

I opened the door and put down my luggage.

The room was twenty square metres and was simply decorated. There was a table and chairs, a double bed, a TV, refrigerator, automatic washing machine, microwave ovens and other furniture appliances

Walking barefoot into the room, I opened the window and a  burst of cold wind blew in the room.

I fell in love with the room at that moment.

This was my first home. No mother to nag, no Dad to obey, this was my unique world, to be filled by secrets of my youth.

The first day I moved, I met the Chinese students staying nearby except Ye Zhengchen did not come back.

For the next few days, he never came back. I suspected he had moved away.

I went downstairs to ask Liu Jie about him She said, "Ye Zhengchen?! That guy! You stay far away from him, he is a typical playboy, He loves only two things - cars and beautiful ladies."

I laughed, and pointed jokingly to Qin Xue sitting next to me, "Then he must love Qin Xue!"

Qing Xue did not laugh, her eyes looked downward.

I remembered that on the first day I had moved, Qin Xue had looked at his name, and her expression was strange.

After that, intentionally and unintentionally when I mentioned his name to Qin Zue, she told me , " He is a puzzling man. I can never guess what he is thinking."

I would like to tell her that psychologically, men and women never think alike. Women can never guess what men want and a man can never read a woman.

But it wasn"t a good thing to tell her so I swallowed back my words.

A few days later, I was invited to the fifth floor by Feng Sao to a meal of dumplings as a welcome party for new students. We all sat together around the dumplings. The girls sat together and inevitably gossiped about a new girl being seen with Ye Zhengchen.

" I heard that our apartment has a very handsome guy, have you seen him?"

“Are you talking about Zhengchen? He is more than handsome, simply too handsome to be true.”

Another girl tried to use all cla.s.sical words to describe his handsomeness, her face captivated.

“I heard that he has a lot of girls, so far Ive missed him.”

… …”

Xia Lu sighed as she kneaded the dumplings, "That kind of man is poison, highly toxic.”

I was glad I was a doctor. Even if I wasn"t careful with poison, I wouldn"t die a miserable death.

As we laughed, Feng Sao also joined us. She took advantage of the fact that Qin Xue was not around and quietly asked, " Isnt Ye Zhengchen in touch with Qin Xue anymore?"

" Is it?" I was a little surprised. I had not heard Qin Xue talk about him

" The situation is a bit ambiguous", Xiao Lu said.

" Does anyone know what happened?"

" Dont talk nonsense, Brother Feng interrupted our gossip," There is nothing between Ye Zhengchen and Qin Xue."

“Feng brother, do you know where Ye Zhengchen is these days?" someone asked.

“Isnt he coming home at night?”

It suddenly dawned on me that the most efficient way to find a man was to ask around.

The more rumours I heard about him, the more curious I was about Ye Zhengchen.

Every day, full of hope, I would knock his door. Sooner or later..

No one answered. I posted notes on the door.

Handsome, if you don"t come back early, how will I live?

Days had pa.s.sed and I had still not seen Ye Zhengchen. I decided to first solve the problem of food and clothing, and then come back to keep vigil. So I took the map the Indian at the laboratory had helped me draw to find the legendary cheap supermarket.

The Indian had said that it was very close by, only half an hour by foot. I walked for half an hour but even a sliver of a supermarket could not be seen.

As I stood at the crossroads and looked at the road in front, I sighed. If I had known, I would have learnt the geography of the world!

Osaka had entered late autumn, the clouds were light.

I was wearing a knee length skirt, and a long beige windbreaker. As the wind blew, my hair became slightly messy and I could feel the chill in my bones.

I wrapped my coat and bent down to rub my cold knees as I swore at myself for doing such a stupid thing.

…… …

Suddenly, I was dazzled by a sports coupe that braked next to me

The window was rolled down, and then I saw an equally dazzling smile. A straight nose, angular face with a solemn expression , his narrow eyes flashing a soft light.. for a minute I forgot where I was

“Do you need help?” The man asked me in j.a.panese.

I was lost for words. The man was wearing a black well cut suit and a white shirt. He looked gentle, humble and courteous. I quickly handed the map to him and in bad j.a.panese I asked, " How do I go to this supermarket?"

He grumbled and said a bunch of words very quickly

I could not understand what he said.

I asked him in English, "I am sorry, can you speak in English?"

He looked me up and down. It seemed that he could not speak English, so I reached out to take the map from his hands when I heard him say in Mandarin, " Get in the car, I will drop you there."

I hesitated slightly.

My national pride soared high. My heart excitedly cried out, I knew that j.a.pan cannot produce such a handsome guy!

"Thank you", I got in the car.

…… …

" Put on your seat belt", he reminded me.

"Oh!"As soon as I fastened the seat belt, he hit the throttle and the car was flying.

Along the way, I discreetly observed the handsome guy.

With such a luxurious car, I guessed he wasn"t the kid of a rich industrialist, but the child of a top party member.

Poor guy! Having money isn"t his fault !

I was wondering what to say to break the silence when he very politely introduced himself," h.e.l.lo, my name is Ye Zhengchen"

Ye Zhengchen! The Ye Zhengchen!!

I couldn"t help but look at him from head to toe. He was in an orthodox j.a.panese suit, and seemed like he had just finished a meeting.

"My name is Bo Bing."

He didn"t react at all. It seemed like he hadn"t read the notes I had left him

“When did you come to j.a.pan?” He asked.

"Its just been two weeks.”

“What are you doing in j.a.pan?”


Just as I finished speaking, he pointed to the supermarket, "Here it is."

I was following the map closely. No wonder I could not find it.  The map was incorrect.

"Ok", I asked him, "where are you going?"I hoped that I could return with him to the apartment.

He was very puzzled with my question but politely replied back, " Back to my apartment"

I laughed and asked, " Can you wait for some time?"

He squinted his eyes, his lips curled up in a nasty smile and there was a trace of mischief on his handsome face," If you want to come to my apartment, I don"t mind."

I suddenly felt that my new neighbour was a little mean and I wanted to tease him.


And I"m done for the day as well.. So this is how they met. Liking it so far ?