Nuptial Chamber Next Door

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

Chapter 43

A wave of intense longing crept up my body. I grasped the rough bark with my fingers and tried to endure silently.

I knew what Ye Zhengchen was waiting for. No matter how he tried to seduce me, I had made up my mind that I would keep my eyes closed and yield to him. I would allow him to do  anything he wanted to do.

He seemed to tease me deliberately. The more I stood there unresisting, the more he teased me. His tongue fluttered shallowly over my lips, as if it was a b.u.t.terfly perching on my lips. My conscious thoughts were getting more and more muddled, my body felt weaker every second. I had the sensation of falling through clouds.

The minute his tongue touched my teeth, I swayed and grabbed his waist to steady myself.

At that critical moment, his cell phone rang.

As if rudely pulled from a dream, I regained my senses and stood upright.

But he ignored the phone and his hands continued to fondle my b.r.e.a.s.t.s, igniting a path of fire in me.

“Your phone is ringing”, I pushed his hand aside.

“ I’m busy”, he grabbed my hand and placed it back at his waist, continuing his earlier ministrations.

But the phone continued to ring irritatingly. I admired the perseverance of the person and simply reached out into his pocket and took out the phone.

The minute I saw the name flashing on the screen, Yu Yin, I regretted my action.

Sensing my sudden stiffness, Ye Zhengchen took a break from his actions and glanced at the screen. After a moment’s thought, he took the phone and swiped his finger on the screen to connect the call.

He was so close to me that I could hear Yu Yin’s icy voice clearly, “ Your request was approved.”

“ Hmm”, he only snorted, because his lips were busily kissing my mouth.

“ If you are free in the afternoon, we can go to the court and complete the divorce proceedings.”

I felt slightly awkward when I heard this. Although his divorce was now meaningless to me, I still looked at the married man in front of me and pushed him away.

Ye Zhengchen’s lips reluctantly left me and spoke, “ I don’t have time. I am in Nanzhou.”

There was silence on the other side of the line.

He ignored it. Instead , he took me in

his arms once again, and buried his face in my neck. Then he bit me lightly on the side of my neck.

The bite was so unexpected that I could not help but moan, “ Ah!”

It was clearly the moans of a woman in the throes of ecstacy.

When he heard it, Ye Zhengchen smiled maliciously.

At that moment, I hated that he was able to play me like this. But then I realised that the woman on the other side of the line was perhaps feeling even more irritated. 

Irrational as it was, that thought immediately made me feel better.

Yu Yin’s voice sounded even icier on the phone, “ When are you coming back?”

“ It’s not necessary..”, he deliberately dragged the last word.

“ Well then, let’s speak when you are back.”

“ It’s just a divorce certificate, When you are free, you can pick it up. I don’t have the time, I will send someone to get my copy.”

“ You !” Yu Yin could no longer control her rage, “ The law requires that both parties be present at the time of divorce and sign the papers.”

“ Don’t use the law to put pressure on me. Whoever signed the marriage certificate on my behalf can sign the divorce certificate as well”

In answer, we could only hear short beeps.

This man was even able to provoke an ice-queen like Yu Yin! My esteem for him increased by several notches.

But the man in question seemed unperturbed. He tossed the the phone back in his pocket, nudged me with his knees and then smiled at me. “ Sweet pea, do you still think the marital relationship between the two of us is great?”

I shook my head. Infact, the relationship between them seemed quite bad. He was unwilling to turn up in front of her even to sign the divorce agreement.

But I had no time to ponder on why such a woman would stay with this man for the last three years. A strong wave of emotions was now coursing through my body as he continued what Yu Yin’s phone call had interrupted earlier.

While I wasn’t paying attention, he had unb.u.t.toned my coat.

Even when he was touching me through my clothes I had found his touch unbearable. Now, as skin touched skin, I shuddered with the feelings coursing through my body. His cool fingers traced a path of

of fire on my skin as it reached under my bra and gently kneaded my breast. I knew he was out of control too. All my earlier plans of not responding to him flew away. I was unable to resist. Now I wanted what he wanted as well. Even if he took me now on the hard ground, I was willing. This endless intimacy was sheer torture.

Once again, he kissed me, his tongue entangling with mine.

This kiss was even more intimate than the last one.

I had lost all conscious thoughts and my hands wrapped themselves around his waist, pulling him closer to me.

I felt as if there was fire flowing through my veins, but at the same time, I also felt as if my body was melting.

I succ.u.mbed to the temptation finally and opened my eyes, “ Please..”

He smiled with satisfaction.

At this moment, the phone rang again.

Ye Zhengchen cursed softly and picked up the phone. When he saw the number, he immediately connected the call and started shouting, “ Can’t you call at a decent time?”

The person on the other side was stunned to silence. Then he said, “ Hey, you’re really p.i.s.sed! I hope I’m not interrupting something with your little lover?”

Ye Zhengchen gritted his teeth, “ You know everything and still argue with me?”

The person smiled, “ Whether or not you will continue after this news about your rival..”

I felt like someone had dumped a pot of cold water over me. I stiffened. My earlier enthusiasm was extinguished with one stroke.

Ye Zhengchen looked at me and released me. He walked away, “ Speak”.

They spoke for a long time. I tried to listen in the conversation but Ye Zhengchen only said a couple of words, “ Yeah”, “ I know” and “ Ok”

Unable to discern what the h.e.l.l was going on, I felt a bit anxious.

Finally when he finished talking, I immediately asked, “ What happened?”

He tucked the phone in his pocket and started b.u.t.toning his coat, “ Your fiance will be released soon.”

Chapter 43.2

“Soon?” I couldn’t believe it. “ Were you lying to me earlier?”

“No. He should have been released only after the investigations were completed”. He paused and continued, “ My friend helped a bit. As long as someone stands guarantee that he will not try to escape, he will be released.”

“ Who can stand guarantee for

guarantee for him? Can I ?”

Ye Zhengchen shook his head. “ I have to do that. You can’t.”

“ When can he come out?”

“ When do you want him to come out?” he asked, looking directly into my eyes. I could see the contradictory emotions in his eyes and his face.

Zhong Tim was finally alright. There was no reason for Ye Zhengchen and I to continue interacting with each other anymore

It was bound to happen sooner or later. The sooner, the better.

“ Ofcourse, the sooner it is , the better. If he gets out fine, even my dad would be rea.s.sured“, I said.

“ What about you?”

“……” “…”

How could I not understand his hints?

Since the time I had met him at the hotel, I had asked myself several times if I would entangle myself with Ye Zhengchen again even if Zhong Tim was not in the picture.

The answer was no

The past was now a distant memory. Yes , the love I felt for him was deep but so was the hurt.

I knew now that a lot of things were outside his control, but nothing could change the responsibility and commitment I had towards Zhong Tim.

I had also asked myself if I would be willing to do this with another man if Zhong Tim’s life was on the line. The answer to that was no as well.

The only person I could do this with, the only person with whom I would be able to take off my clothes in the presidential suite, the only person with whom I would be willing to accept this trade was.. Ye Zhengchen.

No matter what my brain would say, for any other man, my body would revolt ..

Seeing me hesitate, Ye Zhengchen took my hand, “ Girl, just break up with him.”

Break up! It was easy to say.

Irrespective of whether Zhong Tim was guilty or not, there was no doubt that this was a big blow to his political career. In the most difficult period of my life three years ago, he had supported me unstintingly. Now, when he was in trouble and I turned away from him, what kind of person would that make me?

I withdrew my hand from Ye Zhengchen’s grasp and walked a bit away, the dead leaves crackling under my foot.

“ Zhong Tim does not have anything now, I can’t leave him.”

He grabbed my armgrabbed my arm and pulled me back to face him.

“ You can’t let me go either.”

This man had really aced his psychology course! He could see right through my heart. He has planned this well. Step by step, he had me reveal my still active feelings for him. I had no way to hide, he had controlled everything from the beginning.

Zhong Tim was a weak opponent.

I raised my head and looked at him, “ I don’t want to see you again once Zhong Tim comes out of jail.”

“ What do you mean?” he raged at me , “ now you kick me out after you’ve achieved your objective?”

“ I remember what we said perfectly. This was a quid pro quo arrangement. I sleep with you in exchange for his freedom. ”

“ You!”

His grip on my arms tightened. It was painful, but it helped me hide the ache in my heart.

“ General Ye, in case you are not satisfied, I am willing to sleep with you tonight for the last time.”

He inhaled deeply in an effort to calm down his temper.

Then, in a steady tone, he said, “ I want you, but not for the ‘last time’, Not now, not three years ago and not three years later.”

“ But I always thought of our time together as the ‘last time’”, I shouted, “ including our first time.”

He was so angry his face paled. His mouth twisted and I felt suddenly scared.

He was a strong general, he could easily break all the bones in my body

Looking at his expression, I realised it was very likely that he could kill me an get rid of my corpse easily in this barren and desolate place

I was considering whether to beg him for mercy when he suddenly bent and kissed me wildly.

Instead of a kiss, it was more appropriate to call it a ferocious bite, a latent brutality simmering underneath it.

My vision blurred. The kiss clearly ill.u.s.trated the tangled feelings of love and hate that ran between us.

I cried. I could not deceive myself. I loved him, now and three years go. This strange mixture of love and hate would always occupy my heart.

When his anger cooled, he lifted my chin with his finger.

“ Remember, I will decide the ‘last time’. Only me.”

I bit my lips, no longer willing to argue with him