Nuttie's Father

Chapter 8

"No, no," interposed Mr. Dutton, ""tis no swimming ground, and I forbid the expedient. You would only be entangled in the weeds."

"Behold!" exclaimed Mary, who had been prowling about the banks, and now held up in triumph one of the poles with a bill-hook at the end used for cutting weed.

"Bravo, Miss Nugent!" cried Gerard.

"Female wit has circ.u.mvented the water-soldier," said Mr. Dutton.

"Don"t cry out too soon," returned Mary; "the soldier may float off and escape you yet."

However, the capture was safely accomplished, without even a dip under water to destroy the beauty of the white flowers. With these, and a few waterlilies secured by Gerard for the morrow"s altar vases, the party set out on their homeward walk, through plantations of whispering firs, the low sun tingeing the trunks with ruddy light; across heathery commons, where crimson heath abounded, and the delicate blush-coloured wax-belled species was a prize; by cornfields in ear hanging out their dainty stamens; along hedges full of exquisite plumes of feathering or nodding gra.s.s, of which Nuttie made bouquets and botanical studies, and Gerard stored for harvest decorations. They ran and danced on together with Monsieur at their heels, while the elders watched them with some sadness and anxiety. Free-masonry had soon made both Mary and Mr.

Dutton aware of each other"s initiation, and they had discussed the matter in all its bearings, agreed that the man was a scoundrel, and the woman an angel, even if she had once been weak, and that she ought to be very resolute with him if he came to terms. And then they looked after their young companions, and Mr. Dutton said, "Poor children, what is before them?"

"It is well they are both so young," answered Mary.



"It is the last time--"tis the last!"--SCOTT.

Sundays were the ever-recurring centres of work and interests to the little circle in St. Ambrose"s Road. To them the church services and the various and schools were the great objects and excitements of the week. A certain measure of hopeful effort and varying success is what gives zest to life, and the purer and higher the aim, and the more unmixed the motives, the greater the happiness achieved by the "something attempted, something done."

Setting apart actual spiritual devotion, the altar vases, purchased by a contribution of careful savings, and adorned with the Monks Horton lilies, backed by ferns from the same quarter; the surplices made by the ladies themselves, the chants they had practised, the hymns they had taught, could not but be much more interesting to them than if they had been mere lookers on. Every cross on the markers, every flower on the altar cloth was the work of one or other of them; everything in the church was an achievement, and choir boys, school children, Bible, every member of the regular congregation, had some special interest; nay, every irregular member or visitor might be a convert in time--if not a present sympathiser, and at the very least might swell the offertory that was destined to so many needs of the struggling district.

Thus it was with some curiosity mingled with self-reproach that Nuttie, while singing her Benedictus among the tuneful shop-girls, to whom she was bound to set an example, became aware of yesterday"s first-cla.s.s traveller lounging, as far as the rows of chairs would permit, in the aisle, and, as she thought, staring hard at her mother. It was well that Mrs. Egremont"s invariable custom was never to lift her eyes from her book or her harmonium, or she surely must have been disconcerted, her daughter thought, by the eyes that must have found her out, under her little black net bonnet and veil, as the most beautiful woman in church,--as she certainly was,--even that fine good-for-nothing gentleman thinking so. Nuttie would add his glances to the glories of her lovely mother!

And she did so, with triumph in her tone of reprobation, as she trotted off, after the early dinner, to her share of Sunday-school work as usual under Miss Nugent"s wing. It began with a children"s service, and then ensued, in rooms at the factory, lent by Mr. Dutton, the teaching that was to supply the omissions of the Board School; the establishment of a voluntary one being the next ambition of St.


Coming home from their labours, in the fervent discussion of their scholars, and exchanging remarks and greetings with the other teachers of various calibres, the friends reached their own road, and there, to their amazement, beheld Miss Headworth.

"Yes, it really is!" cried Nuttie. "We can"t be too late? No--there"s no bell! Aunt Ursel! What has brought you out? What"s the matter?

Where"s mother?"

"In the house. My dear," catching hold of her, and speaking breathlessly, "I came out to prepare you. He is come--your father--"

"Where?" cried Nuttie, rather wildly.

"He is in the drawing-room with your mother. I said I would send you."

Poor Miss Headworth gasped with agitation. "Oh! where"s Mr.

Dutton--not that anything can be done--"

"Is it _that man_?" asked Nuttie, and getting no answer, "I know it is!

Oh Aunt Ursel, how could you leave her with him? I must go and protect her. Gerard--come. No, go and fetch Mr. Dutton."

"Hush! hush, Nuttie," cried her aunt, grasping her. "You know nothing about it. Wait here till I can tell you."

"Come in here, dear Miss Headworth," said Mary, gently drawing her arm into hers, for the poor old lady could hardly stand for trembling, and bidding Gerard open the door of her own house with the latch-key.

She took them into the dining-room, so as not to disturb her mother, sent Gerard off after Mr. Dutton in the very uttermost astonishment and bewilderment, and set Miss Headworth down in an easy-chair, where she recovered herself, under Mary"s soothing care, enough to tell her story in spite of Nuttie"s exclamations. "Wait! wait, Nuttie! You mustn"t burst in on them so! No, you need not be afraid. Don"t be a silly child! He won"t hurt her! Oh no! They are quite delighted to meet."

"Delighted to meet?" said Nuttie, as if transfixed.

"Yes," said her aunt. "Oh yes, I always knew the poor child cared for him and tried to believe in him all along. He only had to say the word."

"I wouldn"t," cried the girl, her eyes flashing. "Why didn"t you ask him how he could desert her and leave her?"

"My dear! how can one come between husband and wife? Oh, my poor Alice!"

"How was it, how did they meet, dear Miss Headworth?" asked Mary, administering the wine she had been pouring out.

"You hadn"t been gone half an hour, Alice was reading to me, and I was just dozing, when in came Louisa. "A gentleman to see Mrs. Egremont,"

she said, and there he was just behind. We rose up--she did not know him at once, but he just said "Edda, my little Edda, sweeter than ever, I knew you at once," or something of that sort, and she gave one little cry of "I knew you would come," and sprang right into his arms.

I--well, I meant to make him understand how he had treated her, but just as I began "Sir"--he came at me with his hand outstretched--"

"You didn"t take it, aunt, I hope?" cried Nuttie.

"My dear, when you see him, you will know how impossible it is. He _has_ that high-bred manner it is as if he were conferring a favour.

"Miss Headworth, I conclude," said he, "a lady to whom I owe more than I can express." Just as if I had done it for his sake." Miss Nugent felt this open expression dangerous on account of the daughter, and she looked her consternation at Mr. Dutton, who had quietly entered, ruthlessly shutting Gerard G.o.dfrey out with only such a word of explanation as could be given on the way.

"Then he comes with--with favourable intentions," said Mary, putting as much admonition as she could into her voice.

"Oh! no doubt of that," said Miss Headworth, drawing herself together.

"He spoke of the long separation,--said he had never been able to find her, till the strange chance of his nephew stumbling on her at Abbots Norton."

"That is--possib--probably true," said Mr. Dutton.

"It can"t be," broke in Nuttie. "He never troubled himself about it till his nephew found the papers. You said so, Aunt Ursel! He is a dreadful traitor of a man, just like Marmion, or Theseus, or Lancelot, and now he is telling lies about it! Don"t look at me. Aunt Ursel, they are lies, and I _will_ say it, and he took in poor dear mother once, and now he is taking her in again, and I can"t bear that he should be my father!"

It was so entirely true, yet so shocking to hear from her mouth, that all three stood aghast, as she stood with heaving chest, crimson cheeks, and big tears in her eyes. Miss Headworth only muttered, "Oh, my poor child, you mustn"t!"

Mr. Dutton prevented another pa.s.sionate outburst by his tone of grave, gentle authority. "Listen a moment, Ursula," he said. "It is unhappily true that this man has acted in an unjustifiable way towards your mother and yourself. But there are, no doubt, many more excuses for him than you know of, and as I found a few years ago that the people at Dieppe had lost the address that had been left with them, he must have found no traces of your mother there. You cannot understand the difficulties that may have been in his way. And there is no use, quite the contrary, in making the worst of him. He has found your mother out, and it seems that he claims her affectionately, and she forgives and welcomes him--out of the sweet tenderness of her heart."

"She may--but I can"t," murmured Nuttie.

"That is not a fit thing for a daughter, nor a Christian, to say," Mr.

Dutton sternly said.

""Tis not for myself--"tis for her,--"objected Nuttie.

"That"s nonsense; a mere excuse," he returned. "You have nothing at all to forgive, since he did not know you were in existence. And as to your mother, whom you say you put first, what greater grief or pain can you give her than by showing enmity and resentment against her husband, when she, the really injured person, loves and forgives?"

"He"s a bad man. If she goes back to him, I know he will make her unhappy--"