Nuttie's Father

Chapter 15

Nuttie was almost infected, though somewhat hurt. "Who said I was horrid?" she asked.

"n.o.body! n.o.body but me--Annaple Ruthven--and they"ll all tell you, May and all, that I"m always putting my foot in it. And I never meant that you were horrid--you yourself--you know--only--"

"Only n.o.body wanted us here," said Nuttie; "but we could not help it."

"Of course not. It was shocking, just my way. Please forgive me!" and she looked most pleading. Nuttie held out her hand with something about "No one could mind;" and therewith Annaple cried, "Oh, if you don"t mind, we can have our laugh out!" and the rippling laughter did set Nuttie off at once. The peal was not over when May herself was upon them demanding what was the joke.

"Oh, there she is! The real May! Why," said Annaple, kissing her, "only think here I"ve been and gone and thought this was you, and inquired about--What was it?--the awful monster--the chimera dire--that Mark had routed up--"

"No; you didn"t say that," said Nuttie, half provoked.

"Never mind what I said. Don"t repeat it. I only wish myself and every one else to forget it. Now it is swept to the winds by a good wholesome giggling. But what business have you two to be so inconveniently alike? You are as bad as the twin Leslies!"

"There"s an old foremother on the staircase in white satin who left her looks to us both," said May.

"You"ll have to wear badges," said Annaple. "You know the Leslies were so troublesome that one had to be shipped off to the East Indies and the other to the West."

"They married, that"s all," said May, seeing Nuttie looking mystified; and at that moment, Blanche"s side coming out victorious, Nuttie descended into the arena to congratulate and be asked to form part of the next set.

"Well, that was a!" said Annaple; "but she wasn"t bad about it!

I must do something to make up for it somehow--get Janet to invite her, but really Janet is in such a state of mind that I am mildness itself compared with her. She would not have come, only John was curious, and declared he should go whether we did or not."

"Ah!" said May, "I saw him, like the rest of mankind, at madame"s feet."

"Oh! is she of that sort?"

"No," said May, "not at all. Mother and father too both think she is good to the backbone; but she is very pretty, with just the inane soft sweetness that men rave about--innocent really. All accounts of her are excellent, and she has nice parish ways, and will be as helpful as Uncle Alwyn will let her."

"But she couldn"t always have been nice?"

"Well, I verily believe it was all Uncle Alwyn"s and grandmamma"s fault. I know Mark thinks so."

"When the women of a family acquit a woman it goes for something," said Annaple. "That"s not original, my dear, I heard old Lady Grosmede say so to Janet when she was deliberating over the invitation, "For a good deal more than Mr. Mark"s, at any rate.""

"Mark is very fond of her--the mother, I mean. He says when he was a little fellow her loss was worse to him than even our mother"s."

"Do you remember the catastrophe?"

"Not a bit. Only when she is petting Basil it strikes me that I have heard the tones before. I only remember the time of misery under the crosspatches grandmamma got for us."

"Well, it was a splendid cutting of his own throat in Mark," said Annaple, "so it ought to turn out well."

"I don"t know how it is to turn out for Mark," answered May. "Oh, here he comes!"

"Will you come into this set, Annaple?" he asked. "They want another couple," and, as she accepted, "How do you get on with May"s double?"

"I pity May for having such a double."

"Don"t encourage her by misplaced pity."

"It"s abominable altogether! I want to fly at somebody!"

"Exhaust your feelings on your racket, and reflect that you see a man released from bondage."

"Is that philosophy or high-faluting?" she said in a teasing tone as the game began.

The Ruthvens had very blue blood in their veins, but as there were nine of the present generation, they possessed little beyond their long pedigree; even the head of the family, Lord Ronnisglen, being forced to live as a soldier, leaving his castle to grouse shooters. His seven brothers had fared mostly in distant lands as they could, and his mother had found a home, together with her youngest child, at Les...o...b.., where her eldest was the wife of Sir John Delmar. Lady Ronnisglen was an invalid, confined to the house, and Lady Delmar had daughters fast treading on the heels of Annabella, so christened, but always called Annaple after the old Scottish queens, her ancestors. She had been May Egremont"s chief friend ever since her importation at twelve years old, and the intimacy had been promoted by her mother and sister. Indeed, the neighbourhood had looked on with some amus.e.m.e.nt at the compet.i.tion ascribed to Lady Delmar and to the wealthy parvenu, Mrs. West, for the heir-presumptive of Bridgefield Egremont.

Annaple"s lightness and dexterity rendered her the best of the lady tennis-players, and the less practised Ursula found herself defeated in the match, in spite of a partner whose play was superior to Mark"s, and with whom she shyly walked off to eat ices.

"I see," said Annaple, "it is a country-town edition of May. I shan"t blunder between them again."

"She will polish," said Mark, "but she is not equal to her mother."

"Whom I have not seen yet. Ah, there"s Mr. Egremont! Why, he looks quite renovated!"

"Well he may be!"

"But Mark, not to hurt your feelings, he must have behaved atrociously."

"I"m not going to deny it," said Mark.

"I always did think he looked like it," said Annaple.

"When have you seen him before?"

"Only once, but it was my admirable sagacity, you understand? I always see all the villains in books just on his model. Oh, but who"s that?

How very pretty! You don"t mean it is she! Well, she might be the heroine of anything!"

"Isn"t she lovely?"

"And has she been keeping school like Patience on a monument all these years? It doesn"t seem to have much damaged her damask cheek!"

"It was only daily governessing. She looks much better than when I first saw her; and as to the damask--why, that"s deepened by the introduction to old Lady Grosmede that is impending."

"She is being walked up to the old Spanish duck with the red rag round her leg to receive her fiat. What a thing it is to be a bearded Dowager, and rule one"s neighbourhood!"

"I think she approves. She has made room for her by her side. Is she going to catechise her?"

Annaple made an absurd sound of mingled pity and disgust.

"Not that she--my aunt, I mean--need be afraid. The shame is all on the other side."

"And I think Lady Grosmede has too much sense to think the worse of her for having worked for herself," added Annaple. "If it was not for mother I should long to begin!"

"You? It"s a longing well known to me!--but you!"

"Exactly! As the Irishman felt blue moulded for want of a bating, so do I feel f.a.gged out for want of an honest day"s work."