Nuttie's Father

Chapter 39

"Wynnie must be a good boy. Kiss papa first, and Mr. Dutton,"

remonstrated the sister; and Alwyn obeyed so far as to submit to his father"s embrace, and then raising those velvety eyes to the visitor"s face, he repeated: "Where black doggie? Wyn want to see him buy bun."

"There! your fame has preceded you," said Mr. Egremont, "or rather your dog"s."

"You shall see him," said Mr. Dutton, taking the pretty boy almost reverently on his knee, "but he is at home now. I could not leave him out on the street, and I did not know if I might bring him in."

"Oh, Mr. Dutton! as if Monsieur would not be welcome," cried the Nuttie of old times. "I only wish I had stipulated for him, dear old fellow."

"Wyn want to see him," reiterated the child.

"May I take him to see the performance?" said Mr. Dutton. "I live only at the corner of Berkshire Road, and there"s a dairy just opposite where Monsieur has been allowed to keep up his accomplishment."

Alwyn"s legs, arms, and voice, were all excitement and entreaty; and Mr. Egremont himself proposed that they should all come and witness the feat; so Nuttie, in great glee, climbed the stairs with her little brother to get ready; and when she came down again, found the gentlemen deep, not in Mark Egremont"s umbrellas, but in the gas and smoke grievances which had arisen since the lease of the house had been taken, and in which sympathy might be expected from a fellow-inhabitant of the district. Little Alwyn was, however, plainly the lord of the ascendant, and unused to see anything else attended to in his presence.

He took possession of Mr. Dutton"s hand, and his tongue went fast, nor did his father or sister seem to desire any better music. They reached an old-walled garden, with lilac and laburnum and horse-chestnut blossoming above, and showing a ma.s.s of greenery through the iron railing that surmounted, the low wall on the street side, where Mr.

Dutton halted and took out his key.

"Is this yours?" exclaimed Nuttie, "I have so often wondered whose it could be."

"Yes, it was a country-house when I was of the age of this little man, though you might not think it."

"The increase of London had not been on that side," said Mr. Egremont.

"This must be a very valuable property!"

And Nuttie perceived that such an inheritance made Mr. Dutton much more in his eyes than an ex-umbrella-monger; but no sooner was the tall iron gate opened than Monsieur, beautifully shaved, with all his curly tufts in perfection, came bounding to meet his master, and Alwyn had his arms round the neck in a moment. Monsieur had in his time been introduced to too many children not to understand the situation, and respond politely; and he also recognised Ursula, and gave unmistakable proofs of being glad to see her.

Then the halfpenny was presented to him. He wagged his queer tail, smiled with his intelligent brown eyes, took it between his teeth, and trotted across the street in the most business-like way, the others following, but detaining the boy from keeping too close. They found the creature sitting upright, tapping the floor with his tail, the centre of rapturous admiration to all the customers already in the dairy shop.

He received his bun, and demurely dropping on his front legs, walked back with it to his master, and crossed the road with it uneaten, rather to Alwyn"s disappointment, but Mr. Dutton said he would probably dispose of it in some hiding-place in the garden until his evening appet.i.te came on. It was well he was a dog of moderation, for there was great temptation to repeat the entertainment more than was wholesome for him.

"There, Wynnie," said Nuttie in a voice of monition, "Monsieur doesn"t eat all his goodies at once, he keeps them for bedtime."

It might be perceived that the over-supply of sweets was a matter of anxiety to the elder sister. To the nurse, who waited in readiness, Alwyn was consigned for his walk, while his father and sister accepted Mr. Dutton"s invitation to look round his domain. It would have been small in the country, but it was extensive for the locality, and there was a perfect order and trimness about the shaven lawn, the little fountain in the midst, the flower-beds gay with pansies, forget-me-nots, and other early beauties, and the freshly-rolled gravel paths, that made Nuttie exclaim: "Ah! I should have known this for yours anywhere."

"I have not had much to do to it," he said. "My old aunts had it well kept up, even when they could only see it from their windows. Their old gardener still lives in the cottage behind the tool-house, though he is too infirm for anything but being wheeled about in the sun in their Bath-chair."

"You keep a large amount lying idle by retaining it as it is," said Mr.


"True, but it is well to preserve an oasis here and there."

Nuttie knew well that it was not for himself alone, and as they entered the little conservatory, and her eye fell on the row of white hyacinths, the very scent carried her back to the old times, and her eyes grew moist while Mr. Dutton was cutting a bouquet for her in accordance with well-known tastes.

"I shall put them in my room. It will feel like home," she said, and then she saw that she had said what her father did not like; for he was always sensitive as to any reference to her early life.

Mr. Dutton, however, took this opportunity of saying that he had been backwards and forwards to Micklethwayte several times this spring.

"I hope you are well out of the concern there," said Mr. Egremont.

"Thank you, sir; I have no share in it at present."

"So much the better!"

"But I am very anxious about my friends."

"Ah!" But Mr. Egremont"s attention was drawn off at the entrance of the house by a new-fashioned stove of which Mr. Dutton did the honours, conducting father and daughter into the drawing-room, where obvious traces of the old ladies remained, and thence into his own sitting-room, smelling pleasantly of Russia leather, and recalling that into which Nuttie had been wont, before her schooldays, to climb by the window, and become entranced by the ill.u.s.trations of a wonderful old edition of Telemaque, picked up at Paris.

Mr. Dutton made them sit and rest, for this had been a good deal of exercise for Mr. Egremont; coffee was brought in, having been ordered on their arrival, and therewith Mr. Dutton entered on an exposition of the affairs of Greenleaf and Goodenough, which was listened to with a good deal of interest, though Nuttie could not quite detect whether it were altogether friendly interests in Mark"s misfortunes, or if there were not a certain triumph in the young man having run into trouble by rejecting his offer.

Mr. Dutton explained that his present object was to induce the friends of the family to prevent annoyance by preserving the furniture and personals at a valuation; and Mr. Egremont readily agreed to contribute to doing this, though he said the sisters and stepmother were well able also to do their share.

"And then to give the young people a fresh start," added Mr. Dutton.

"There are some men who are always wanting fresh starts," said Mr.

Egremont, "just as there are some vessels that are always unlucky. And if you observe, it is just those men who are in the greatest haste to hang an expensive wife and family round their necks."

"I don"t think poor Annaple can be accused of being expensive, papa,"

said Nuttie. "Only think, when Wynnie has two nurses always after him, her Willie has only the fraction of a little maid, who does all sorts of work besides."

"Yes, I never saw more resolute and cheerful exertion than Mrs. Mark Egremont"s," said Mr. Dutton.

"She owes him something," said Mr. Egremont, "for she has been the ruin of him."

"Of his worldly prospects in one sense," said Mr. Dutton quietly; while Nuttie felt how much better and wiser an answer it was than the indignant denial that trembled on her tongue. "There can be no doubt that they made a grievous mistake in their choice, and I unfortunately was concerned in leading them into it; but no one can see how they meet their troubles without great respect and admiration, and I am especially bound to seek for some new opening for them. I have little doubt that some office work might be found for him in London, but they are essentially country people, and it would be much better for them if he could have some agency. I suppose the situation you offered him before, sir, is filled up?"

"Not really," cried Nuttie. "We have only a very common sort of uneducated bailiff, who would be much better with some one over him.

You said so, papa."

"Did he request you to apply to me?" said Mr. Egremont sharply, looking at Mr. Dutton.

"Neither he nor she has the least idea of my intention; I only thought, sir, you might be willing to consider how best to a.s.sist a nephew, who has certainly not been wanting either in industry or economy, and who bears your name."

"Well, I will think it over," said Mr. Egremont, rising to take leave.

The carriage had been bidden to await them at the door for their daily drive, and as Mr. Egremont leant back with the furs disposed over him he observed: "That"s a man who knows how to take care of himself. I wonder where he gets his coffee, I"ve not drunk any like it since I was at Nice." And Nuttie, though well knowing that Mr. Dutton"s love of perfection was not self-indulgence, was content to accept this as high approbation, and a good augury for Mark and Annaple. Indeed, with Mr.

Dutton settled near, and with the prospect of a daily walk from church with him, she felt such a complete content and trust as she had not known since she had been uprooted from Micklethwayte.



"One furnace many times the good and bad may hold, Yet what consumes the chaff will only cleanse the gold."

Archbishop TRENCH.

Never was there a truer verse than that which tells us that in seeking duty we find pleasure by the way, and in seeking pleasure we meet pain.

It might be varied to apply to our antic.i.p.ations of enjoyment or the reverse. Ursula had embraced her lot as a necessity, and found it enlivened by a good many sunshiny hours; and when she looked upon Mr.

Dutton"s neighbourhood as a continual source of delight and satisfaction, she found that it gave rise to a continual course of small disappointments.