One Hundred Ways To Become A God

Chapter 10

He was busy until nightfall. When Mo Yitao returned to the old house again, it was already very late. As soon as he entered the door, he asked the steward about the boy"s condition today. He learned that the boy didn"t really leave the room all day and didn"t eat much for lunch. For dinner, he only drank a small bowl of soup and frowned afterwards.

  Thinking of the information he found out today, he was angry inside, and at the same time, his heartache for the boy also grew deeper.

  With a cup of hot milk, Mo Yitao knocked on He Yan"s door.

  "Please come in."

  Mo Yitao pushed the door and went in. The boy was lying on the bed facing the computer, and maybe because he had just showered, he wore loose pajama pants that revealed two fair calves, his hair was also damp, and he turned to look at him with a pair of sparkling eyes.

  Mo Yitao felt the intensity of his heartbeat suddenly increased, but that feeling only lasted for a few seconds. He quickly sat down on the edge of the bed in a natural manner and asked, "Are you watching a movie? Are your eyes okay?"

  "Yeah, it"s a little better." He Yan obediently sat up with his legs crossed and moved the notebook"s screen toward Mo Yitao. There was a light comedy playing on the screen, it was very popular some time ago. Mo Yitao hasn"t watched it yet, but he knows that the public opinion of it was good.

  Mo Yitao frowned slightly. "You can"t watch that for too long. Take a rest early after you"re done watching it. I have already helped you book an appointment with a doctor, I will take you there tomorrow to have your eyes checked properly."

  He Yan nodded with his lovely face. The little face drooped and didn"t dare to look at him, revealing a small whorl on his head. Looking at the lovely and pitiful boy who didn"t dare to move, Mo Yitao who wanted to thoughtfully reprimand him a bit couldn"t say anything anymore.

  He placed the milk on the small bedside cabinet and said, "Drink a cup of milk, it"s good for sleep." This suggestion was also mentioned by the steward. Even though Mo Qi is already 17, his stature looks like when he was 14-15. Although being small looks pitiful and cute, making Mo Yitao itch to hold him in his arms and rub him, but seeing him like this will also make people feel heartache.

  While He Yan was anxious on how to "inadvertently" hint the matter of Chen Cuiwei giving him drugs to Mo Yitao, this Mo family head attentively sent props, really can"t be any more considerate. He Yan then frowned and spoke while stuttering, "I, um, I don"t want to drink this... I"m sorry."

  It was rare for Mo Yitao to be thoughtful and considerate of others for once, but his kindness wasn"t accepted in the end. If it was someone else who couldn"t recognize his good intentions, he would"ve already sent that person far away, but he toward the boy, he couldn"t bear such a thought at all. Especially when the boy is helplessly looking at him and apologizing anxiously to him, as if afraid of angering him, it can"t help but make his heart go soft.

  Mo Yitao didn"t even realize the gentleness of his tone, "It"s alright, if you don"t want to drink then forget it, it"s not a big deal."

  He Yan continued to maintain his pitiful doormat persona. He spoke softly, as if ashamed for having let down Mo Yitao"s kindness: "I"m really sorry....Auntie Chen used to make me drink milk every day, but I really don"t like it, really, really don"t want to drink it anymore..." Although Chen Cuiwei is his aunt* by blood, but that little bit of blood relation is so thin that it can be disregarded, there"s no need to call her aunt*.

*wife of father"s cousin

*Mo Qi called Chen Cuiwei "阿姨" (you can address a woman without any relation as "阿姨" if her age is similar to your parents) instead of "婶婶"

  Moreover, he doesn"t want such a aunt who is always plotting on how to kill him.

  Mo Yitao couldn"t help but reach out to rub his fluffy head and comforted him: "It"s not your fault, don"t be so inhibited, ok?"

  He Yan blushed and nodded his head.

  However, his blush is not due to  shyness, but due to anger. From his soul, he"s also already an adult. Being treated like a child this way makes him feel quite tangled. That is to say, he has a good impression of Mo Yitao and doesn"t hate his touch. Otherwise, the act of being a well-behaved child can"t go on.

  After this matter was revealed, Mo Yitao accompanied He Yan to watch the light comedy movie. The quality of the film was quite good, both of them watched with focus and the atmosphere was also harmonious. After watching the movie, it was also about time to sleep. After saying good night to the boy and receiving a little soft reply, Mo Yitao walked out of the door with a look of gentleness, but just after closing the door of the boy"s room, his expression fell.