One Hundred Ways To Become A God

Chapter 3

Duck blood, ginseng, hens, mutton, and turtles are all strong nourishments. The boy"s body is physically weak and can"t touch these yang* rich tonics. Mo Yitao lifted his chin to the a.s.sistant standing next to him, the a.s.sistant immediately took the hint and removed the small dinning table on the bed.

*In traditional chinese medicine, the body"s yin & yang must be balanced together for good health, it"s important to build yin before attempting to build yang because your body lacks the substance to support the fire.

  Chen Chuiwei was anxious and her heart felt guilty*, but on the surface her face look surprised and confused: "Little Qi needs to nourish his body right now, what I gave him are all very good tonics."

*feeling guilty because of fear or uncertainty

  "People who are physically weak can"t take these nourishments. What a coincidence, the dishes you made for young master Qi are all drastic medicinal tonics. If young master Qi really drank everything without leaving a single drop, I’m afraid that today he"ll be left with half a life here.” The mild and elegant a.s.sistant used his forefinger to push up his, a smile on his face while his tone carried sarcasm.
  He has been with Mo Yitao for many years, he will personify on behalf of his boss and smack talk when needed. It"s a good a.s.sistant"s necessary skill, hum*.

*interjection indicating approval, appreciation or agreement

  This accusation was too sharp, Chen Cuiwei felt guilty* and Xiao Di"s words scared her till her face paled. She had no choice but to embarra.s.singly say: “It"s all my fault. I almost made a big mistake. I will definitely pay attention next time."

*afraid of being found out; with a guilty conscience

  a.s.sistant: "Hehe."
  Mo Lanyu"s face also had some embarra.s.sment. Although Chen Cuiwei didn"t do well, but it was with good intentions. Watching her own mother being scolded by the a.s.sistant of the person she admires, her heart inevitably felt some grievances. She pouted and explained: "Mr. Mo, my mother wasn"t intentional. Besides, my cousin only drank a little bit, it shouldn"t be a problem."
  Mo Yitao stared at her blankly and didn"t respond.
  Not intentional? In the end, Chen Cuiwei is also someone who has fought for half a lifetime, she doesn"t even know of this common sense?
  Mo Lanyu brought contempt upon herself, she aggrievedly lowered her eyes and her line of sight inadvertently fell onto the boy. The boy"s body is thin and weak, huddled on the bed, his pale face is sickly, his dull and unfocused eyes stared at her. She thought of the consequences if the boy drank the soup under her and her mother"s persuasion, her heart couldn"t help but jumped a bit and she looked away embarra.s.sed.
  "Mom, I"m going first." Her heart couldn"t take it. Even with that man"s presence, her heart couldn"t settle down. She said a few words to Chen Cuiwei in a low voice, then hurriedly left the hospital.
  Shen Cuiwei was humiliated and couldn"t really continue to stay. After Mo Lanyu left, she received a phone call and dropped a message that she will pick up Mo Qi from the hospital in the evening, then left as if she gained amnesty.
  Mo Yitao told Xiao Di to go buy a light meal. In the ward, only He Yan and Mo Yitao were left.
  Eyes stayed on the ahoge* on top of the boy"s head for a moment, then Mo Yitao suddenly opened his mouth: "How does your body feel right now?"

*Ahoge (literally foolish hair) is a single, often large, lock of hair sticking out from the top of the head. Often used to identify foolish, b.u.mbling or carefree characters.

  He Yan answered honestly: "Not so good." The feeling of spirit depletion is still unbearable, there"s an inexplicable sense of exhaustion.
  Up until now, he still doesn"t understand what Mo Yitao is trying to do. As the head of a large family, how could Mo Yitao suddenly become interested in a branch heir who has no sense of existence?
  It must be known that in the original storyline, Mo Yitao didn"t appear at all today. Don"t know what sort of evil this patriarch committed for him to hurriedly come visit him. His attentive att.i.tude can"t help but make people have some doubts.
  It"s true that Mo Yitao and Mo Qi"s father have some friendship, but in the end they"re just ordinary business contacts between companies, very shallow. Will Mo Yitao really care for an ordinary and rather useless boy over that little friendship?
  He Yan is not sure.
  Or... does this patriarch have a peculiar interest? After all, Mo Qi"s appearance is still good, this slender and delicate boy is most likely to attract the attention of a certain specific group of people, especially in the military, this kind of thing is never uncommon. He Yan who had fought in the military for more than ten years couldn"t help but suspect.
  Because of this speculation, he raised his head and looked at the man with unfocused eyes for a moment.
  After seeing the man"s eyes, He Yan quickly overturned his guess just now. In Mo Yitao"s eyes, there"s concern, tenderness and also...compa.s.sion? But there"s truly no l.u.s.t and malice. Although unable to mobilize spiritual power, his perceptive ability hasn"t disappeared, he can still closely perceive people"s emotions - as long as the other person doesn"t use spiritual power to hide their emotions.
  However, in the previous data, there weren"t any information about spiritual power in this world, he also didn"t find any spiritual power among the few people he had just met.
  Mo Yitao was stared at by the boy"s wet eyes, his brain blanked for a brief moment. He paused for a while before asking, "Where is it uncomfortable."
  He Yan: "Headache."
  The body responded before the brain. When Mo Yitao realized what he was doing, his hand already touched the corner of the boy"s eye.
  He frozed a bit. What to do...isn"t this a bit offensive
  He Yan is also a bit sluggish. He used to hate other people"s touches. The most intimate action he ever did was shake hands and it was with gloves on too.
  But now...someone touched the corner of his eye and he didn"t feel sick.
  He wordlessly put down his hand, the corner of Mo Yitao"s mouth lifted a faint smile. This smile melted his sharp eyebrows and made him look more intimate. “Is your stay at Mo Tiangao uncomfortable? It"s better to go back to the main house with me, the environment there is good, suitable for you to recuperate.” Transferring Mo Qi’s custody right to Mo Tiangao’s family was a decision made by his adoptive father when he was in power. At that time, he did not pay too much attention. However, now it seems obviously rather careless.
  He Yan pushed down his complex feelings and continued to look at him ignorantly. "But isn"t uncle Mo my guardian?" He hasn"t even started tossing* this pair of good uncle and aunt of his. Isn"t this letting them off lightly if he leaves now?

*cause physical or mental suffering; take someone down

  "You can transfer your custody to me." Mo Yitao insists.
  He Yan hesitated for a bit, although he did took over this body halfway, but in any case, since he already became "Mo Qi", letting go of the two bad relatives that poisoned the original host is not in accordance with his principle of being a man of honor. After all, Mo Yitao is the patriarch. If he insists on taking him back to the head family, Mo Tiangao and his wife can"t stop it.
  However, thinking from another perspective....if Mo Yitao is willing to take charge of this matter, it"s also a good thing. Mo Yitao’s power is tremendous and as head of the family, he can justifiably deal with Mo Tiangao and his wife, to have him take action is more convenient then doing it by himself.
  A gun sent over in a rush - such a good gun as well - is there any reason to not use it?
  Moreover, aside from being a bit indifferent, Mo Yitao"s character has no major problems and he also has a large fortune. Although his inheritance is something that can"t be earned in a lifetime to Mo Tiangao and his wife, but compared to Mo Yitao"s net worth , it"s simply not enough to see. Therefore, Mo patriarch is surely not after that little inheritance of his.
  So first of all, he needs to give a hint to this patriarch who"s always sticking to him. He stared at the man with a puzzled look and quietly said, “Ah... no need to be so urgent, I’ll be an adult next year. Wouldn"t it be too much trouble to transfer around?"
  Mo Yitao jumped in his heart.
  The boy unintentionally reminded him that although the boy"s body isn"t good, but the sudden eye disease is too suspicious. Why didn"t it happen earlier or later, only when the boy is about to reach adulthood did something like this happened. The a.s.sets Mo Qi"s father left behind isn"t a small number. Money sways people"s hearts and Chen Cuiwei was too impatient.
  In his heart, He Yan lifted the corners of his mouth with relish. He hinted so clearly, Mo Yitao who is able to sit in the head position of the Mo family, his IQ and EQ are certainly enough to see, there"s no way he can"t see through Chen Cuiwei"s trickery.
  No that he knows about it, what will he do?
  Mo Yitao looked at the innocent and ignorant look on the boy"s face, a clueless expression and it made him even more worried of him staying with the ill-intentioned Chen Cuiwei under one roof, so he took a step back and offered: "Then how about living at the old residence for a few days first to recuperate?"
  However, before he heard the boy"s answer, the nurse carrying the medicine pushed the door and came in.
  Mo Yitao took the medicine and a cup of hot water and handed it to He Yan, then he told the nurse, "You go out first."
  The nurse shook her head in a vexed* manner. "Dr. Xu instructed that I must watch young master Qi finish taking his medicine."

*in a difficult position

  Mo Yitao"s face changed.
  "Get out!" He looked at the nurse coldly. "Can"t understand?"
   Good one, Chen Cuiwei. Really think that other people are fools?
  The nurse was terribly scared by the man"s cold stare. She just started work not long ago, everything was done following the doctor"s instructions. Being coldly scolded with a few words, her face paled at that moment and left in a panic*.

*六神无主 all six vital organs failing to function - out of one"s wits; stupefied (by emotional shock)

  After the nurse left, Mo Yitao looked back and saw the boy holding pills, looking at him with wide open eyes and a puzzled look. The boy"s eyes are pitch black and moist. No matter how much more angry he gets, it will all vanish into thin air the moment he"s face to face with the boy.
  He took the pills out of his hands and put them on the bedside with a tissue. He comforted the confused boy "Don"t take these medicines anymore."
  He Yan still looked at him with a confused look.
  Mo Yitao frowned, looking at the nurse"s att.i.tude, 80% chance that something is fishy with the medicine. The boy is too naive and soft. He doesn"t want to let these filthy private matters to contaminate the boy"s ignorant mind. Coincidentally at this time, Xiao Di entered with the meal. Mo Yitao avoided the boy"s doubtful eyes and took over the porridge to open it for him.
  Xiao Di bought lotus red dates porridge, thick rice porridge dotted with plump lotus seeds and red jujube, with a touch of light fragrance. He Yan has always liked light food. The body already starved for a whole day, his stomach rumbled with hunger. His eyes couldn"t help but brighten after seeing the delicious porridge and unrestrainedly drank it up.
  Seeing the boy look like a little kitten with the same sparkly eyes, Mo Yitao"s heart was inexplicably satisfied for a moment. After admiring the boy"s eating habits, he took the opportunity when the boy lowered his head to drink to hurriedly send a message to Xiao Di. "Take the medicine on the table to get it identified."
  Xiao Di took a look at his phone. When the boy focused on the porridge, he sneaked the medicine into his pocket.
  After waiting for He Yan to cleanly drink up a bowl of porridge, Mo Yitao opened his mouth again. "After a while and tidying up a bit, I will take you back to the old residence for a few days. Be obedient,"
  So he already made up his mind to intervene in this matter?
   It"s pointless to not use the gun sent to his door. If Mo Yitao doesn"t settle those two people to his wish, he will make it up with two more stabs from the back. However, when he thought of his cousin who"s obsessed with that man, bad thoughts emerged in his head again, narrowed his eyes, and showed a soft smile to the man: "Then can I go back with you tomorrow? I want to go home and pack up somethings."