One More Time: Rebirth

Chapter 38

After the mock battle ended sensei called most of the grey cla.s.s students and failed them. The ones he failed are those who fled from the battle. So now our cla.s.s of thirty-seven had become a cla.s.s of twenty-nine.

"Now that is over with, I now know the way all of you fight. The real cla.s.s will be starting next week. In the meanwhile, you guys can think of ways to get stronger. Oh, and as for the broken weapons, the school will provide you with new ones. Cla.s.s dismissed." He left as abruptly as he came.

As Tsukiyomi and I were about to leave for the next cla.s.s, Len appeared in front of us. "THAT WAS INCREDIBLE EDGE-KUN! You finished the mock battle in less than seven minutes and against thirty-four people. There was even a red-clad mixed in and you guys still won without a single scratch."

"Is that so?" I answered with a weak voice. This guy"s energy seems to have doubled after the mock battle. I sighed in resignation to his boundless energy.

"Umm. Len sorry we got to go we still have another cla.s.s to attend."

"Really what is it? Sword fighting cla.s.s? Survival cla.s.s? Magic enhancement cla.s.s? So what is it?"

"It"s a cooking cla.s.s." With that one line, Len looked at me and Tsukiyomi and started laughing. "That"s a joke right Edge-kun." I shook my head in response, which of course surprised Len.

"Why do you need to take cooking"

"I"m sorry can"t answer that question without dying." With that last line, Tsukiyomi and I retreated.

While we were walking towards our next cla.s.s, I could hear some interesting conversations.

"Have you heard about the true humanity?"

"What is that a name of a race, like true vampires?"

"No, it"s a cult proclaiming humans should dominate every other race."

"So just a bunch of crazies, wanting to rule the world. Why do they even think humans should dominate, it"s already hard enough to keep up with the other races?"

"True Humanity?" That sounded a bit interesting to me. Back in my old world, there were only humans and demons so both sides thought of wanting to become the dominant race. On the other hand, in this world, there seem to be multiple races. Well, this world does seem to be bigger, it also has stronger monsters, actually, everything in this world is above the things in my old world.

While I was thinking about various things, I suddenly heard Tsukiyomi"s voice.

"Hey Edge, what did you mean back then? When you said to that boy Len, that if you answer his question you will die?" I started sweating it seems like even if I don"t say it I"ll die. I smiled at Tsukiyomi and answered.

"It"s nothing I just told him that, so we can get away from him."

"Really now... So then, why did you take cooking" I need to think of something fast or else I"ll die. Come on my brain, think of something... I got it. Once I get stronger there"s no need to fear, but for now, I need to stay alive.

"I took cooking so that I can cook for you Tsukiyomi." "Awesome brain nice going." Tsukiyomi was still looking at me with those doubtful eyes.

"Is that really the reason you took cooking" I nodded vigorously.

"I see... Then do your best in cooking I"ll be looking forward to your cooking." She smiled cheerfully and in response, I too smiled at her, she actually bought that.

"Yes, I will, so Tsukiyomi how about you do your best in cooking as well."

"Hmm, but I"m already a good cook what do I need to learn in cooking"

Sh*t, good cook my a*s I ate your cooking once and it almost killed me. Yet I couldn"t tell you because you would actually kill me if I tell you. How come everything about you is strong except for your girl powers? I should do something so she"ll take cooking seriously.

"I think it"s a good thing to go and join the cla.s.s to improve your cooking, so you"ll reach a new level. There"s always s.p.a.ce for improvement, right?" "Good going my brain you"re doing so well today."

"Huh, why should I improve my cooking it"s already perfect, right?" I started sweating profusely as Tsukiyomi looked at me. Sh*t, if she notices that I lied she"s going to kill me for sure. I need to keep my poker face.

"Yeah, I guess so. But still, I believe you can improve some more." "Sh*t was I pus.h.i.+ng it?" Tsukiyomi took some time to think before she answered.

"Hmm, I guess you"re right I might get better." After hearing that, as if by reflex I sighed as I felt relieved. Tsukiyomi didn"t miss that moment and asked.

"Hey Edge why do you look so relieved?"

"Ah, nothing much it seems like we"re here already. We made it to the next cla.s.s on time." Whew, good thing we really are here now in front of the cla.s.sroom, such nice timing.

It was safe to say the cooking cla.s.s was a disaster. Though Tsukiyomi was so bad at it, no one tried to correct her not even the teacher of the cla.s.s. The students didn"t have the heart to tell the smiling otherworldly beauty that she was bad at it. The teacher, on the other hand, kept on saying cooking is all about heart, as long as you don"t lose heart your cooking will improve.

"How about instead of giving inspirational speeches, you actually tell her the truth and teach her properly!" I couldn"t help but shout that in my mind.