One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 14

Xu Liao realized that other than the golden metallic thread wedged in between his brows, there was something else extraordinary within his body.

A ball of dark light floated in his belly, spreading vast amounts of dark energy that was enveloping his entire body at an astonishing pace. The only exception was the area near his brows. It wasn’t that the dark energy had a special reason not to, but rather, the golden metallic thread was devouring the dark energy as rapidly as it was being emitted!

Strands of dark light occasionally burst forth from his body like tentacles, but were soon shrunk back forcefully. Compared to the majestic aura from the golden metallic thread that seemed as if it was always announcing its presence, it caused the dark light to waver, struggling to suppress the majestic aura.

Xu Liao tried to probe within the dark light but was totally unable to detect the countless rune symbols that were currently floating inside. As if it could sense Xu Liao’s probing, the dark energy suddenly burst forth from within,  innumerous dark coloured rune symbols flew out and formed a formula in front of him.

> !!

Although he was inexperienced with the knowledge of the demon world, at that moment, he understood that he had awakened two different types of blood pulse! One blood pulse was obviously from the scene where he witnessed the golden G.o.dly demon’s blood splash onto his body, and the other was when ten-coloured flower vines bloomed from within the heavenly temple.

Xu Liao wasn’t sure if this kind of situation was common in the demonic world, however, no matter what this definitely wasn’t the Undead Tree blood pulse.

His eyes widened for a moment and mused to himself. “So this is the legendary Blood Pulse Inheritance? Why didn’t the Heavenly Monument detect that I had a Blood Pulse Inheritance?”

The ten-coloured flower vine blood pulse was the first to be awakened. It had devoured and digested all the ‘meteors’ that collided with Xu Liao. The G.o.dly demonic blood pulse came later. It did not acquire energy from the ‘meteors’ to evolve, thus it could only steal the dark demonic energy from the ten coloured flower vines, as a result, it was currently still very weak. Comparing the two blood pulses, the G.o.dly demon could pulverize the entire thirty three floors of the heavenly temple with a single move, as for the ten coloured flower vine, it was only a mere sapling that separated from the giant tree, Xu Liao could obviously recognize that the G.o.dly demon blood pulse was stronger.

He considered for just a moment before choosing to cultivate the Nine Mysterious Strengthening Skill.  The golden metallic thread shone as Xu Liao concentrated on it, and with that, he began cultivating for the very first time.

The Nine Mysterious Strengthening Skill strengthens the tendons and bones; it refines the dirt, coating a layer of protection on the skin. It is the number one dharma for reinforcing the entire physical body, and it doesn’t merely restrict to the tendons. If the skill were to be fully named with all its properties, it would be “Nine Mysterious Strengthening of Tendons and Bones, Refining the Dirt Protection Skill”

Although Xu Liao did not exactly understand the locations of meridians in his body, the moment when he awakened the x-ray vision, it revealed to him every inch of demonic energy flowing inside his body.

The Nine Mysterious Strengthening Skill is deeply profound; it is like a vast infinite ocean, which Xu Liao could only slowly cultivate one step at a time. He shifted his concentration a little, the golden metallic thread stretched upwards, entering the Seimei channel, linking to the Jing Cuan Zhu, Qu Cha, Wu Chu, Cheng Guan, Tong Tian point, intersecting the Bai Hui point at the top of the head. Flowing down horizontally above the ears, it connected with the brain. Then, it exited the top section, it pa.s.sed through the Yu Chen and Tian Zhu,flowing downwards along the sides of the Cui Zhi and then to the Shen Shu in the waist area. It followed the spine downwards, connecting to the belly and then pa.s.sing the kidney, right into the bladder.  Entering the Bai Huan Yu area, it bent towards the Shang Liao pa.s.sage then down to Hui Yang points. It pa.s.sed through the hips and then into the thighs until the Wei Zhong point. Finally, from the thighs it raced down to the feet and exited through the outer end of the toes.

(ED: Meridian points in Chinese acupuncture. Gary the TL was suffering translating this =D)

The ‘meteors’ that Xu Liao devoured previously, emitted out a cold air. It had been fully consumed by the dark light inside Xu Liao’s belly, forming a unique dark demonic energy that could pa.s.s through matter. Ninety percent of the dark light demonic energy had been integrated within his belly; only ten percent of it flowed through his meridians.

While the Nine Mysterious Strengthening Skill was being cultivated, the golden metallic thread expanded ceaselessly. It completely overwhelmed the twelve meridians of the bladder, as well as stealing the dark demonic energy to nurture itself with a fierce, authoritative aura. Surprisingly, the dark light within the belly didn’t resist. The eight strands of dark energy shrunk back, letting off signs of fear.

When demons awaken, seventy percent of the demons will form a demonic core within their bodies. The demonic core is the source of energy for demonic powers. It also represents the grade of the awakened blood pulse. Every demonic core had a unique structure and could look like anything, for instance, the golden metallic thread and the dark light within his belly could be considered a unique type of blood pulse.

The grade of demonic blood pulses are divided into five categories: Top, Secondary, Third, Fourth, Fifth.

As the quality of the blood pulse decreases, the demonic core structure also becomes more simplified. The stronger the blood pulse, the stronger the ability and is easier to cultivate, and if the blood pulse is grade is low, the ability will be weak and becomes harder to train in it. The Fifth grade blood pulse is so poor that it wouldn’t even form a demonic core. Though it is known that a minority is able to practice and form the core, in truth, most could not even officially practice throughout their lives.

Xu Liao mused to himself. “The Undead Tree is a Secondary blood pulse. The ten-coloured flower vine is obviously stronger than the Undead Tree blood pulse, so perhaps that is a top grade blood pulse. The G.o.dly demonic blood pulse is stronger than the ten coloured flower vine, so it should even be above top grade.”

He activated his bladder meridian, in an instant, Xu Liao’s movements rapidly increased. Everything around him seemed to slow down slightly. The golden metallic thread started to swim around his meridian freely, the muscles in his body tightened and even let out several soft exploding sounds.

Xu Liao tried a few dribbling actions, and the dribbling skills he originally wasn’t good at, instantly became effortless. He couldn’t help but give a wide smile and thought to himself. “This Nine Mysterious Strengthening Skill is awesome!! I had only practiced once, and my body quality and coordination increased by leaps and bounds! If I actually practiced for a month, wouldn’t my body quality become similar to that of a NBA player?”

Xu Liao’s shuffled his feet and did a few crossovers with amazing speed. He then suddenly turned around and did a quick jumpshot. However, that jumpshot did not end well. He couldn’t control the explosive energy within his body and his body flew upwards, head first towards the ceiling.

If it was the previous Xu Liao, he would have made a hole in the ceiling with the shape of his head. However, as if it was a natural instinct, he activated the dark demonic energy to protect himself from the impact.

Unfortunately, due to the characteristics of the demonic energy of pa.s.sing through matter, it made Xu Liao phase directly through the ceiling, and right into his neighbour’s bedroom.

Xu Liao could spot a pair of delicate feet hanging from the ends of the bed, suddenly, not knowing what the owner of this pair of delicate feet was dreaming; it swung carelessly and landed on Xu Liao’s face, with the flexible toes ma.s.saging Xu Liao’s cheeks.