One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 23 (Part 2) – Breaking Through The Limits


OSI Chapter 23 (Part 2) – Breaking Through The Limits

Regular Chapter #2

Part 2 is specified by the author.



The monster with the huge fangs howled in pain. It landed unsteadily and stared at its belly, finding bits of internal organs hanging out from a gaping hole.

Xu Liao had been facing ferocious monsters every single day and he was no longer considered a rookie. From the first time he battled the red haired monster until now, he became much more experienced. When there was a risk with great reward, he would give it a shot. Just as he was about to praise himself for a job well done in taking the risk, he heard vibrations in the air rapidly approaching above his head. He gnashed his teeth together and twisted his body forcefully to the side, barely dodging the strike.

The ground behind Xu Liao swirled with sand and dust as another similar monster with huge fangs landed, creating a huge shockwave upon missing the fatal attack. The monster then gave a deafening roar which could even shake the ground.

During the time taken for Xu Liao to dodge the monster, there were additional two more monsters charging forward towards him. Xu Liao had almost no time to react, when he landed onto the ground after dodging the first monster, the next attack came almost immediately. This time, he lowered his body near to the ground and flexibly threw himself to the side as he retreated.

Although Xu Liao managed to dodge the attack from one of the monster, the other one managed to slash his shoulder. Even though he had managed to fatally injure one of the monsters, the very next attack left him with a deep wound on his shoulder.

Just a few short seconds, Xu Liao had returned from death twice.

The monsters were brutally bloodthirsty. Xu Liao’s injury emitted the fresh smell of blood in the air, and it made the remaining monsters eyes bloodshot as they grew into a frenzy with the l.u.s.t for blood. This caused them to feel no fear as they continuously slashed and bite at Xu Liao without restraint.

As for Xu Liao, after being injured on the shoulder, Xu Liao was put into a disadvantageous situation. His counterattacks had no strength in them anymore. The situation was grim, he could be torn into pieces any time if he made a mistake and if it wasn’t for the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon’s life protection system which aids in controlling Xu Liao’s body to stop the loss of blood, his situation would be a lot worse.

Sun Bo Fang was still as relaxed as ever. He didn’t give any attention to the deadly situation and continued to drink his wine while enjoying the music, tapping his fingers to the rhythm on the edge of the chair.

“Haha! This brat got more potential then I imagined. According to my predictions, he should only be able to fully master the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon after about half a year, yet he did it in more than a month. This is really surprising!” Sun Bo Fang laughed.

Sun Bo Fang waved his hand and casually said:

“Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon, unseal the hosts’ demonic energy source!”

Xu Liao had been bitterly struggling for more than ten minutes, and he was thoroughly exhausted. Sun Bo Fang’s command to unseal the demonic energy source was at the right time. Without delay, Xu Liao circulated the dark demonic energy throughout his body and invoked the returned power.

One of the monsters took the opportunity and swiped its huge claws at Xu Liao’s head but it went right through, as if the attack was made against water, leaving no trace of any injuries at all.

Slowly, one versus one, one versus two, Xu Liao started to gain an edge over the monsters due to his ability. Even if it was one versus three, Xu Liao had a few opportunities. However, he still could not fight them all at once recklessly.

Xu Liao knew that the monsters could do nothing against him when he used his dark demonic energy ability, thus, he took this chance to catch his breath by lying down on the ground. At this point, the monsters were frenziedly trying to take Xu Liao’s life by scratching, biting, head b.u.t.ting but it only made them more furious because none of their attacks could hit Xu Liao who was just ignoring them.

Xu Liao’s dark demonic energy can pa.s.s through all matter, and at the same time any matter can pa.s.s through it. This ability, no matter how powerful the opponent was, pure physical attacks would not affect him the slightest.

Sun Bo Fang stared at Xu Liao for more than ten minutes and started laughing loudly. He then casually released a small little black beetle.

As Xu Liao was using his Heavenly Demon Purgatory Skill to heal from his injuries, he suddenly sensed a dangerous aura. He turned his head and spotted the black beetle flying and entering the dark demonic energy emitted from his body. Xu Liao shot up in shock. He had seen Sun Bo Fang’s moves before, the black beetle was born to devour spirits and the dark demonic energy had no chance of guarding at all.

Xu Liao immediately jumped up into the air. The demonic energy on his body turned dark green, then the demonic energy as sharp as a blade swirled and twisted together with the black beetle that had already latched onto his skin, forming into a black pulp.

Sun Bo Fang laughed out loud: “You had enough rest and its time to battle. My special training isn’t for you to slack.”

“Son of a… …”

Xu Liao muttered and cursed as he slashed with both of his hands and blade waves of emerald energy collided with a monster jumping from behind. Although he had managed to somewhat heal, his energy wasn’t strong enough to repel the attack and flew backwards from the impact. Luckily, Xu Liao’s body was strengthened to the level where normal humans could never reach. He balanced his body in mid air and did a somersault to dodge another attack from a different monster.

Soon enough, Xu Liao got into another tough fight… …

Xu Liao was now panting loudly. He felt that he had used up every last bit of energy, and every last bit of blood had already drained. He had forgotten how long he had struggled with the monsters. The battle seemed to be never ending.


Both of his eyes reflected two silhouettes of monsters jumping towards him with their fangs bared. Xu Liao clenched his teeth together and used every inch of energy as he raised his arms up to defend against the attack.

Xu Liao braced for the worst because he had already ran out of ideas and energy to continue. But the moment he raised his arms, he suddenly heard a voice in his head.

“Hosts’ potential growth checked.

Secondary level minimum threshold acquired.

 Unsealing Seven Stars Praying Mantis Boxing second realm ‘Beng Pu’.”

At the same time, Xu Liao felt that the demonic core in his belly growing larger and started shooting out strands of demonic energy that began to vibrate.

The demonic energy vibrated in an odd manner. When the monsters slashed at Xu Liao’s arms, the moment they touched his arms, they were repelled far away. Not only that, the moment they fell to the ground, Xu Liao noticed that they were bleeding from their noses, obviously they were somehow injured by Xu Liao.

In an instant, Xu Liao’s battle reflexes came into play; he made two moves and sent waves of dark green energy that struck both monsters on its left and right.

The blade waves previously had limits, unless it hits the weak spot of the monster, it would not have significant damage. However, for this time, it is totally different. He could feel that his internal energy had been vibrating non-stop. The blade waves he just released had vibrated millions of times as it tore through the air and slicing into the flesh of the monster. The sharpness was ten of times more than the previous one.

With just one moves, both monsters were sliced into half. The other move sliced through the other monsters in the back.

Just in two moves, all of the demonic monsters were defeated. Xu Liao was stunned speechless by his own strength.

Translated by Gary. Edited by Jason.