One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 30

The spectre of the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon appeared on Xu Liao’s back once again. But this time, the demonic bug had a different appearance. Its original green carapace turned into dark green. It also grew to almost five metres in length and appeared much more ferocious than before.

Sun Bo Fang stared at the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon spectre and frowned.

“How are you able to control my Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon?”

Xu Liao simply licked his lips and said:

“I don’t know! But since you’re going to be a dead man soon, it doesn’t matter if you know it or not. So you’d better not think about it too much.”

Of course Xu Liao wouldn’t let Sun Bo Fang know that it was the Stars Devouring Formula.

The Heavenly Demon Purgatory Skill is not only able to devour spirits, but also has the ability to a.s.similate them. While the Stars Devouring Formula is activated, at the same time, the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon would be a.s.similated. When the Jasper Seven Stars mantis Demon was commanded to seal Xu Liao’s demonic Qi, it was at this time when Xu Liao realized that this battle beast was no longer under the control of Sun Bo Fang.

Xu Liao transformed himself back into his human form as he smiled calmly at Sun Bo Fang. He was tortured by Sun Bo Fang for so long, and faced a threat to kill his entire family as well. To say that Xu Liao didn’t harbour any intentions to kill Sun Bo Fang, even ghosts wouldn’t believe it.

The turnaround of the situation made by Xu Liao was far above Sun Bo Fang’s prediction. This disciple of the Longevity Sect totally didn’t think that this newly awakened demon could escape from his grasp. He could only furrow his brows as he thought how to salvage this situation.

Xu Liao felt the demonic Qi in his body blooming; it gave him a sense of bliss while the demonic Qi flowed through every part of his body.

Even though the Jasper  secondary level seal stopped Xu Liao from converting all of his demonic Qi, but he was still easily able to activate above three thousand, which was at least stronger than before by at least five or six times!

Xu Liao flicked his hair and laughed cheekily.

“The Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon you gave me had a demonic Qi conversion limit which made me thought that I was weak, and made me afraid of you. However! Now that I know that I’m not that weak, and even…. enough to kill you!”

The edges of Sun Bo Fang’s mouth rose as he smiled cunningly.

“Hmph! It is still light years early for you to be able to kill me!”

At that very moment, Sun Bo Fang hands moved in a clockwise direction as he chanted furiously. When a formula formed within the formation, Sun Bo Fang pinched it immediately and caused the mound nearby to turn into a black hole. The black hole let out a strong suction that Xu Liao couldn’t resist.

Xu Liao started to panic slightly because he was slowly being pulled into the black hole.

“Are you thinking of sending me to the Void world now?!” Xu Liao hurriedly spat out.

Sun Bo Fang just stood unmoving and said:

“I have more than a hundred methods to go against you. This is but only the easiest and simplest of all of them!”

As he said that, both of Sun Bo Fang’s hands pushed out and caused the black hole suction to increase by more than ten times. Xu Liao tried to dig into the ground with his demonic Qi, but he could not resist the suction and was eventually pulled into the black hole.

Xu Liao immediately activated the Heavenly Demon Purgatory skill. The dark demonic energy enveloped his body, protecting him from any matter that might collide with him. The dark demonic energy could pa.s.s through every matter, so it was the safest protection.

In that instant, more than ten objects pa.s.sed through Xu Liao’s body continuously. Although the objects flashed by for a mere second, he could still recognize them. It was the ‘fragments’ from the demon beasts he had defeated before. It was obvious that this pa.s.sageway wasn’t safe at all!

After a few minutes, Xu Liao felt that his body suddenly became lighter, he also realized that he had finally exited from the black hole pa.s.sageway. The scenery in front of him was totally unfamiliar, he wasn’t in the Huai Demon Street anymore.

Suddenly, Xu Liao heard a deep voice coming from the direction where he exited from the black hole.

“For the next twenty four hours, I will open the Void world every hour. If you can bring me the Ghost vine, I will let you off. But if you fail to obtain it within the next twenty four hours, I wouldn’t need to come and collect your corpse anymore.”

After finishing his sentence, the black hole disappeared into nothingness.

Xu Liao’s demonic Qi was in disorder. His unfamiliar surroundings also made him slightly dazed. Sun Bo Fang words however, were clear and made him understand his dire situation.

Xu Liao felt depressed.

“I just don’t have enough experience. If my sneak attack earlier was more lethal and swift, maybe I could have ended his life without all these problems.”

He was immensely dissatisfied with the consequences of his actions.

After some time, Xu Liao began to scout his surroundings. Towards the north was a strange gra.s.sland. The plants that grew on this gra.s.sland were as straight as arrows. On the top, there were a few leaves with a dull golden coloured weird thatch. This dull golden thatch was taller than any fully grown adult. It pointed towards the sky stiffly as the tip shone with a golden-like l.u.s.ter.

Being curious, Xu Liao grabbed a nearby stem and casually tugged. However, even after two tries it couldn’t be broken. Only on his third try, when he actually used eighty percent of his energy, then was he able to break the long gra.s.s. This dull golden thatch was surprising strong and st.u.r.dy. It might even be stronger than some ancient weapons.

Xu Liao then threw the broken thatch tip towards the ground. Xu Liao eyes widened at the result. Like a spear, it embedded itself into the ground for at least half a meter. The sharpness of this weird thatch tip surpa.s.sed his expectations.

This made Xu Liao think of an idea. He activated the Stars Devouring Formula. The eight strands of dark demonic energy wriggled out of his body like pythons, at that instant, it emitted a strong devouring ability.

With the power of the Stars Devouring Formula, the nearby soil and the dull golden thatches disappeared rapidly, revealing the rocky ground below. All the soil and thatches that were sucked into Xu Liao were a.s.similated by the Stars Devouring Formula, forming a piece inside his dark demonic core. However, at this moment, the places that were devoured by Xu Liao suddenly shook slightly as a big patch of thatches started emerging from within the ground with even more vigour than its predecessor. They grew even denser. The only difference was the colour, which was dark gold.

Suddenly, the skies turned dark. Countless of black beetles landed on all the thatches and started feasting, making metallic grinding sounds.

All of these black beetles started changing shape; the colour on their carapace was deeper than usual as they grew larger as they ate. In an instant, the whole patch of thatches was all devoured.

This entire land, whether it was the ground or the thatches, or the black beetles, all of them are naturally formed by dark demonic energy. The only reason why they have different shapes was because they had different rune structures.

“So this is the largest mystery of the Heavenly Demon Purgatory Skill? It could be used to a.s.similate everything, then returning them back with demonic Qi…”

One of the black beetles, as if it received a summoning, flew from the thatches and stopped in front of Xu Liao.

Xu Liao casually pinched it and caused the black beetle to burst into a cloud of dark energy. However, the cloud of dark energy swirled and condensed to form another black beetle almost immediately. Despite having the same appearance, its aura felt slightly weaker than before.

Xu Liao nodded as if he understood something. He clenched his fist for a moment before gently opening it up, revealing a myriad of black runes that emerged from his palm which flew towards the black beetle.

Once again, the black beetle burst into a dark energy cloud. However, due to the h.o.m.ogeneous attractions, the dark energy cloud swirled towards Xu Liao body and blended into his body’s demonic Qi.

The black beetle completely disappeared from the world.

Translated by Gary. Edited by Jason.