One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 43 – ‘Holy Spirit Demon’ Four Qi Division

OSI Chapter 43 – ‘Holy Spirit Demon’ Four Qi Division




Xu Liao suspected that Duan Tian Lang drove to the highway on purpose, but it was too late to say anything. After all, he couldn’t just accept his kind will and then just leave in the middle of it.

Xu Liao sighed as he opened a can of soda. Duan Tian Lang took his hands off the wheel to grab a can as well. He then gave a smile as he tried to start a conversation, and asked casually: “I guess you have a lot of hatred towards Sun Bo Fang, but quite frankly speaking, I admire that guy! He cultivated all the way to the realm of demonic Qi vibration just to join the Longevity Sect, and furthermore, he destroyed his own foundation just to learn the Longevity Sect skills!”

A hint of surprise flashed past Xu Liao’s eyes.

“But why must he destroy his own foundation?”

Duan Tian laughed and spoke: “It is because of the ‘Holy Spirit Demon’ Four Qi Division! Remember that ‘Qi’ only has one kind. No matter what human or demon you are, all of them have the same kind of energy. Only the frequency of ‘Qi’ can be used to distinguish the That being said, in the demonic world, we group them based on their frequency range. For example: from 20 to 681Hertz is called Aura; 379 to 1980Hertz is called Light; 8915 to 10191Hertz is called Demonic; 600000 to 990000Hertz is called Magic.”

Xu Liao nodded his head a few times, still appearing slightly puzzled. Although he had heard the explanation from Sun Bo Fang about the ‘Holy Spirit Demon’ For Qi Division, he had not really understood. Xu Liao then tilted his head and asked again:” So what does this got to do with Sun Bo Fang destroying his own foundation?”

“Well, we know that there are demonic genes in most humans. The difference between humans and demons are the fact that demons are mostly humans that awakened their blood pulse. So, old-fashioned Sects such as the Priory Sect and the arrogant Eighteen Xian Faction set up recruitment rules; using the frequency of Qi to divide the weak from the strong! The first time Sun Bo Fang reach the realm of vibrating Qi, his Qi rippled matched into the Demonic range. But instead of rejoicing, he actually destroyed his foundation to start learning the Longevity Sect skills because he didn’t want to be a demon.  The second time he reached the realm of vibrating Qi, he finally ended with the Aura range of vibrating Qi in which from there, he was accepted as a human cultivator into the Eighteen Xian Faction.” Duan Tian Lang explained in detail, almost flawlessly as if it was general knowledge.

All these were news to Xu Liao, so he couldn’t help but feel interested in the history of Sun Bo Fang.

“Then… what is the purpose of this division?”

Duan Tian Lang coughed lightly and continued: “The division is incredibly important! These four stages of wavelengths have gone through countless years of testing, as a result, it can be said to be the optimal range of Qi every cultivator wants to achieve. Each of the wavelengths has their own unique attributes. If a cultivator’s frequency of vibrating Qi exceeds any of these four categories, the quality of the vibrating Qi is considered to be poor.”

The traffic jam didn’t seem to be residing anytime soon. The car in front of them inched slightly forward and made Duan Tian Lang turn back to the front to cover the little distance. After which, he let go of the steering wheel once again to continue his explanation to Xu Liao.

“For example: the Aura realm has a strong bond with the human genes, however if one is in the Aura realm, they have almost no chance of awakening the blood pulse. The blood pulse will be forcefully controlled and then subside, never to emerge again. But in return, the Aura realm allowed human cultivators to cultivate at such an insane speed that it made the humans arrogant and looked down upon the demons.”

Xu Liao listened intently and couldn’t help displaying his excitement as he pressed Duan Tian Lang to continue.

“What is so unique about the other realms then?”

“The Western Priory Sect mostly cultivates the realm of Light Qi. The Aura Qi and the Demonic Qi has attributes that slightly clashes with their sect. As for the Magic realm, they can almost control it, but there are too many restrictions. The Light Qi puts the body under heavy tempering and causes a major burden. Light Qi will either shorten their longevity, or increase it many fold. “

“Lastly, regarding the Demonic Qi realm, the cultivation speed is much slower than the Aura Qi and Light Qi, but it possesses a unique feature that other frequencies lack, and that is the strengthening of the body and spirit; demonic Qi increases longevity and makes the physical body much stronger. As a result, demons live much longer than humans and possess a body as strong as steel.”

“As for the Magic realm….” Duan Tian Lang hesitated for a while and made a difficult face.

“I think it is better if you don’t even try to reach it. The Magic realm will affect one’s mind, hindering their critical thinking and judgement. Even the Million Demon Clan, Eighteen Xian Faction and the Western Priory Sect spent vast amounts of resources trying to research the Magic frequency realm. However, no matter how hard they tried, still they couldn’t decipher whether an individual would retain their individualistic thinking, or do they become another creature altogether that retained the original memories of the owner.“

This caused Xu Liao to feel slightly startled. He didn’t expect the Magic frequency realm to be so troublesome.

As time pa.s.sed, both of them chatted as the car inched forward a little by a little. Duan Tian Lang used this chance to further promote the benefits of the Storm Legion contract that he offered to Xu Liao earlier.

With regards to his persistent marketing, Xu Liao actually just wanted to flat out reject the notion of forming a contract. But Xu Liao knew that he was in his car, and in this crammed s.p.a.ce, a hostile atmosphere wouldn’t be ideal; so Xu Liao chose to just sit silently and listen.

At this point of time, Xu Liao didn’t think that money was his number one priority right now. So he didn’t think much of the benefits. But due to being pestered over and over again by Duan Tian Lang, Xu Liao decided that there wasn’t any significant loss even if he signed the contract and gave in. After a few bargains, Xu Liao managed to increase his profits by an extra two percent and change several conditions, only then would he finally sign the contract.

Duan Tian Lang then credited 400000 credits into Xu Liao’s gold demon identification card after Xu Liao signed the contract.

The exchange rate was 1credit:100RMB. The black market even offered a higher rate of 107 to 108 percent! In total, Xu Liao had just been paid over 40million RMB, but Xu Liao’s mind was currently focused on eliminating Sun Bo Fang and the golden bug, and this sum of money couldn’t help him one bit! It didn’t even compare to the feeling when he looted his first 100 credits from the chest in the Void world.
(ED: Raws stated that he had been paid 10 million RMB after conversion. Someone use the calculator and tell me 400,000 * 100 is 10 million!)

Not soon after, Duan Tian Lang dropped Xu Liao at his desired destination. He then bid adieu Xu Liao and sped off into the distance. Xu Liao gave a dry laugh as he realized that the moment after he signed the contract, the traffic jam ‘magically’ lessened considerably.

“d.a.m.n. That sneaky guy! His sales ability is really top-notch. From the start I had been dragged around by him, and even signed the contract in the end! Who knows if there is some hidden terms and conditions that I didn’t know…”

Xu Liao didn’t loiter around any longer because it was getting late. No matter what, he had to reach home first so that his mother wouldn’t worry, and only after she acknowledged that he was home then could he head off for other tasks.

In the end, Xu Liao’s mother reached home later than him as usual. Xu Liao then sat down in the dining room and had dinner together with her before using his usual excuse to return to his room: homework. Once he shut his room door, he whipped out the portal door, paid the credit and entered the Emperor Court.

Sensing the return of its host, the thousand of vines belonging to the Ghost Vine danced around in the air, almost causing a whirlwind.

Xu Liao was slightly happy as he consoled his battle beast and started his battle plan against Sun Bo Fang. The conversation with Duan Tian Lang today had opened his eyes to the reality of the demon world considerably. All the major organizations, the Million Demon Clan, the Storm Legion or any of those, none of them will stretch their hand to a.s.sist Xu Liao. This harsh reality once again bolstered the idea of self-dependence; he can only rely on himself from here on out.

Xu Liao planned meticulously, trying to cover any loophole he could discover. Only then could he put all his might into it and have a chance of defeating Sun Bo Fang and save his mother.

Translated by Gary. Edited by Jason