One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 5


Xu Liao eyes widened: “Zhao Yan Qin! Did you read too many novels? How could you even come up with that kind of logic? The humans and demons theory? Most humans have genes from the demons? Why don’t we add in the International Demon Alliance and Humans Pract.i.tioner Parliament meeting??”

Zhao Yan Qin eyes narrowed and spoke seriously: “Indeed. There is an International Demon Alliance, but our China’s Million Demon Clan will not acknowledge them. Just based on size, the Million Demon Clan is the world biggest demon a.s.sociation. The Humans Pract.i.tioner Parliament doesn’t exist though. Instead there’s a similar organization called the Dark Parliament. They are based in Europe but the size of their organization is simply too small, moreover the abilities of the members are only of average. They like to cause trouble and always ended up getting suppressed by the China’s big demons for decades.”

Xu Liao threw his hands in the air and gave up trying to understand her. But ever since last night’s incident, and the changes on his body, Xu Liao could not help but believe half of Zhao Yan Qin’s words.

“Why don’t we skip discussing about where these two theories came from? Instead, shouldn’t it be the other way around? Why would humans even believe that they had genes from ancient demons to begin with .. and why would demons think that humans got their genes from ancestors?”

Zhao Yan Qin laughed. “These two theories were pa.s.sed down for who knows how long! Anyway, these two theories are merely just creating debates in science. No one knows which is true. However, the fact that everyone has some sort of genetic inheritance from demons is proven to be true. Any normal humans would have a chance of being awakened. Since you have just awakened yourself, surely you don’t need me to prove to you, eh?”

If not for the “changes” on Xu Liao’s body, he would have long disapproved Zhao Yan Qin’s words. Being a person who strongly believes in the theory of normal human evolution, Xu Liao would definitely not accept other theories of how humans came upon. Even if he wanted to refute her statement, he could not find confidence to do so.

Zhao Yan Qin put her hand gently on Xu Liao’s shoulders, and spoke softly: “Although there are many kinds of research that had proven that at least a quarter of humans carry demonic genes, these humans wouldn’t get awakened during their entire lifespan and die of old age as per normal humans. Out of ten thousand humans , only an average of three humans will awaken. The world has seven billion humans and only six hundred thousand demons. Therefore you don’t have to worry about the world being filled with demons. We demons are still really rare.”

Xu Liao sensed that something was somewhat off. “…Don’t demons produce demon offsprings? And what about those demons that trained to immortal ascension? Why is their population so small?”

Zhao Yan Qin let out a small laugh. “The age when demons and humans marriages were common was long long ago. The human genes have already been stained. Except for the pure blooded Big Seven, there aren’t any pure blooded demons left. Even if the parents are demons, the children that they conceive has a ninety percent chance to be human. The children that were born demons were less than twenty per year. It isn’t even worth mentioning.”

Xu Liao looked down and went deep in thought. He couldn’t help but imagine the marriage between humans and demons. A demon carrying a human child and living happily ever after? He couldn’t wrap his head around it.

“What about those immortal demons?” Xu Liao looked up and asked.

“Ever since the fall of the Qing Dynasty, there had never been a way for a demon to ascend to immortality. After all, now demons are already having a hard time giving birth to demons, not to even mention immortality.” Zhao Yan Qin shrugged and explained.

Xu Liao was embarra.s.sed as he did not expect the demonic world to be so different from his own perspective.

“As a north city dweller, since you’ve awakened your blood pulse, we will need you to quickly register your existence and take a test to determine what demon pulse you’ve awakened to. Our northern city registration centre provides benefits for newcomers. I can bring you there!” Zhao Yan Qin patted her chest with pride.

Xu Liao was surprised. “Registration? Benefits? As a demon?!”

Zhao Yan Qin proudly explained: ”Of course! China’s Million Demon Clan is one of the world’s largest organisation. It is also China’s one and only legalised demon political group. All new demons must join the Million Demon Clan! They give high benefits for newcomers and they are ranked as the number one demon a.s.sociation!”

Xu Liao could not absorb so much bizarre information at once. He decided to consider the offer, and slowly digest all information in his head. Unknowingly to both of them, they had almost reached school.

As soon as they reached school, Zhao Yan Qin immediately distanced herself from Xu Liao. Xu Liao was also shy being too close with her as it was never a good thing to go to school with a girl because rumours will fly. As a result, both of them acted as if they didn’t know each other too well and stepped into school one by one, separately.

Zhao Yan Qin slowed down her steps and looked at Xu Liao as he entered the school gate, she couldn’t help but smile lightly and whispered to herself. “I totally didn’t expect that the guy whom was covered in dark aura last night was my cla.s.smate. I almost couldn’t recognise him. But he was just like how Grandma Huai described… Is this my chance? I don’t think he suits me at all.”

Xu Liao increased his pace and entered the cla.s.sroom. He couldn’t help but glance over at Qu Lei’s seat. However, contrary to his expectations, she wasn’t there. He felt his heart sank.

Eventually, all his cla.s.smates entered the cla.s.sroom. The school bell rang, signalling the start of cla.s.s, but Qu Lei was nowhere to be seen. Xu Liao couldn’t sit still and felt really uncomfortable as if insects were crawling around his body.

When first lesson was finally over, Xu Liao approached another female cla.s.smate who was a close friend of Qu Lei and whispered:“Do you know why is Qu Lei not here today?”

The female cla.s.smate replied expressionlessly. “She went for a performance. She had already applied leave with the teacher.”

It was only then when Xu Liao remembered that apart from the cosplay festival yesterday, Qu Lei had to attend another exhibition today. Too many incidents happened last night made him forget that he had actually decided to apply for leave today to accompany Qu Lei and continue with his hard labour like usual.

Xu Liao stood still and frowned. He was considering whether he should resume his previous plans and head down to the exhibition. The female cla.s.smate noticed this and spoke in a low voice: “It’s too late for you to go now. Qu Lei had probably finished her performance and went off with her crew to film outdoor scenes. The places they intended to go are quite far away and they are not easy to reach without a vehicle. The crew rented a vehicle just for the outdoor scene. Though they did not have any specific location to film, they decided that if they spotted anywhere they liked they would stop and film. So.. even if you could make it there on time, you could never find them.”

Xu Liao felt as if a rock had smashed all his hopes. He thanked the female cla.s.smate nonetheless and trudged down the hallway with a heavy heart. However, not long after, he heard someone call his name.

“Xu Liao!”