One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 12

Zhao Yan Qin glanced towards the sky and noticed it was turning dark. She sighed and reluctantly said: “It’s getting late. I will head home first. Let’s go to school together tomorrow, meet me at the Huai Demon Street intersection.” She spun around cheerfully and walked away without waiting for Xu Liao’s reply.

Xu Liao hesitated a little. He did not want to attend school with this little demoness. However, he decided to not say anything. Zhao Yan Qin looked back and gave a smile. Her expression was like a young flower blooming in spring. Her captivating and alluring smile stunned Xu Liao for a moment, and he missed any chance to reject her. Watching Zhao Yan Qin disappear into the shadows, he sighed and muttered to himself: “I did not expect her to be so beautiful.. If she went to school with this appearance, how many men will she actually manage to seduce?”

Xu Liao wandered in the courtyard for a while before slowly taking out the bronze key with reluctance in his eyes. However, the moment when he was about to insert the bronze key into the bamboo door, a loud thunderous roar rang out. The bamboo walls shook and suddenly exploded, leaving a huge hole in the wall. The once peaceful courtyard was now littered with shattered bamboo splinters.

Ever since he had followed Zhao Yan Qin throughout the day, he realized that although the Kyoto Demons’ Affair centre and the Humans’ Government Department was similar in management, the Kyoto Demons’ Affair centre’s efficiency was on another level. Though Commander Xu Fu  was a high ranking official and had unfathomable strength, he can be considered to be kind. Even the whole Huai Demon Street was considered to be relatively peaceful. However, this gave him a misconception that inhabitants of the demon world are mostly friendly, with not much difference from the humans. Hence, Xu Liao just stood with a blank expression, not knowing how to react to the situation.

The man who blew open the wall slowly stepped into the courtyard. He had a nonchalant expression on his face, and did not bother make another attack. When Xu Liao spotted him, his eyes widened in amazement. The man was as tall as Yao Ming, and had bulging muscles on every part of his body, together with a matching pair of dark, ferocious eyes, Xu Liao felt as if he could be a top grade Marvel movie villain even without any special effects or makeup.

Standing behind the tall man, there was another man with a small stature with an insidious look on his face. One could tell that he was an evil man from looks alone. He was dressed in a worn green army uniform from the pioneer batch.

The tall man’s eyes locked onto Xu Liao and gave a wicked laugh. His laugh rang throughout the courtyard and even made Xu Liao flinch slightly. With a slight mocking tone, he said: “Heh! We received news that there was someone who had awakened the Undead Tree blood pulse. We, the Storm Legion, are here to recruit you as our disciple! With your Undead Tree blood pulse, you will be hunted by other great clans. There is a vast world out there, bigger than what you can even imagine. There are unlimited dangers as well as countless of precious treasures! You cannot even begin to imagine the future potential of the Undead Tree blood pulse. Therefore you are not suitable to slowly die off in this lowly place in Huai Demon Street.”

Xu Liao could sense that the man was emitting a very aggressive aura that seethed through his flesh. However, Xu Liao mumbled to himself: “Is the brain of this man rotten or something? Who in the right mind would want to join a person who looked like a villain? Not to even mention the first impression of the shifty looking man behind him. “

Xu Liao had a mixed expression on his face. While he wanted to refuse, he did not want to provoke the dangerous looking duo. He took a deep breath and carefully asked. “So, who are the two of you?”

The tall man let out an arrogant laugh and said: “You have not heard of the Storm Legion? We are one of the Big Four Legions, on par with one of the top tier Human Clan. We are like the support column of the demonic world. Unlike the Million Demon Clan who decided to be a subservient of the humans, we, the Storm Legion are the strongest amongst the Big Four Legions. You should be honoured to join us.”

Xu Liao did not want to continue the conversation with this low IQ man any longer. He put on a false expression, appearing to be considering before replying: “I will not join any clan or a.s.sociations before university. Please leave!”

The tall man merely gave a cold smile and bent his body to the front slightly. The muscles on his body were almost bursting, as if filled with explosive energy.

Although Xu Liao could not tell his exact power level, he immediately knew that this tall man’s strength was way beyond his own. As for his demonic skills… all he could do was his Dark Aura Wall Piercing, which was pathetic. If a battle was to occur, he would definitely be beat into a b.l.o.o.d.y pulp in a second. Xu Liao’s face turned dark and took a step back as he spoke cautiously: “What are you going to do?”

At the same time, the man with the small stature suddenly moved a few steps to the front and spoke in a low, rough voice. “I have read through your data. Only recently you’ve awakened to your Undead Tree blood pulse. You probably have no idea what this means. Those people in the Kyoto Demons’ Affair centre did not reveal anything to you eh?”

Xu Liao nodded slowly. Indeed no one had mentioned to him about such things.

The man with the small stature laughed evilly and said: “Every demon needs their own living area. These living areas are separated from the human world, and they are known as Dimension Tears of this world. In order to activate such Dimension Tears, there has to be a great talisman. Grandma Huai is the talisman of the Huai Demon Street. She had already been sealed for three thousand years. To become a talisman of this world, the real body will be sealed for eternity. Even if you want to leave, it is impossible. You can only slowly suffer and watch over this street until you die of old age. And it is worse if you don’t die. Do you really want to become a demon who lives forever that cannot leave a certain area of this world?”

The tall man gave a snort and interrupted. “Becoming the northern city’s nineteenth living sector, is that the future you desire? As compared to those living sectors that you can look forward to, the so-called benefits that you are receiving now are nothing but trash. The Million Demon Clan is only using this kind of small tactic to reel you in.”

Xu Liao sank deep in thought. Indeed, he had never thought clearly about the truth of this situation. Although he felt that the two intruders were evil, but he could sense that they were telling the truth.

Xu Liao kept silent for a while before replying with determination in his eyes. “No matter what you say, I will not consider joining the Storm Legion, so please leave!”

The tall man laughed menacingly and took a step forward. “Do you think you had a choice to begin with? n.o.body can reject the Storm Legion’s invitation!”

Xu Liao could feel the threatening aura crushing his body. In a moment of fear, he subconsciously released his demonic energy and surrounded himself under the dark aura. The eight strands of dark aura swirled around him, not losing one bit to the aggressive aura emitted by the tall man, even though he only possessed one skill.

Just when both auras were about to clash, suddenly a sharp, archaic voice pierced through the air. “How dare you act rashly in my territory! Have you thought about the consequences? Even both of you added up together are not even three hundred years old, for that, I, Grandma Huai has to say that your guts are quite big!”

The two men’s faces turned ugly. The man with a small stature suddenly spoke in a deep voice: “We are from the Storm Legion. Grandma Huai, although you have the Million Demon Clan supporting you, what can you do to us?”

Grandma Huai just laughed with her sharp, and archaic voice: “Do you think that the Storm Legion will find trouble with me just for the two of you? Since when did the Big Four Legions had the guts to provoke us Million Demon Clan. I am the talisman of the northern city’s eighteen living sector. If the Storm Legion dares to touch a strand of my hair, you had better await the Million Demon Clan’s revenge.”