One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 19 – Fighting Beast

OSI Chapter 19 – Fighting Beast


One of the two solemn lines explained about the attributes of the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon.

The Seven Stars Mantis Demon is a fighting beast that is used specifically for the the Seven Stars Praying Mantis Fist. It supports the user by allowing them to rapidly cultivate this set of immortality boxing skills, removing various bottlenecks thus saving a lot of time needed for practice.

The other line explained about the attributes of the Seven Stars Praying Mantis Fist.

The Praying Mantis Fist is an ancient Xian fighting style. The technique is divided into four realms, “Luan Jie” defines the strength of the arms; “Beng Du” defines the agility and flexibility of body; “Ba Zhou” defines the const.i.tution of the whole body; “Zhai Yao” links all of the realms together, and is the core of the boxing style.

Both instructions were shown on the screen for only a minute before gradually fading away. Then two large ancient seal characters formed on the emerald screen.

“Activation successful.”

(TL: In the raws, it forms the word “Qi Dong” which translates to” Activate”)

Xu Liao was rendered speechless by the technological functionality of this emerald projection. On the side, Sun Bo Fang simply swiped the screen left and right, and as if the projection had a touch sensor, the screen flickered and then lit brightly. After watching Sun Bo Fang closely, Xu Liao then understood that this ‘system’ was navigated by utilizing hand signals.

“Activation sequence ‘Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon’ completed. Commencing procedural Demonic energy transformation… …”

At this moment, the battle system within the fighting beast gathered Xu Liao’s demonic energy and automatically converted it into a purified, unique dark green form that the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon could utilize. On his back, a transparent edge, as sharp as a sword slowly appeared together with a ghostly form of the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon that towered over three meters.

The ghostly form of the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon is made up of a mixture of demonic energy and the profound aura of the fighting beast. A mighty and vicious vibe swirled around the fighting beast, the pair of sickles on each arm giving off a chilly radiance. If the beast stretches its sickles out, it could reach to about five meters long!

As Sun Bo Fang scanned through the data on the emerald projection, his eyes dimmed slightly. He shook his head and muttered to himself:

“What a shame! This demonic energy was worth over five hundred…. “

He then paused for a while before speaking with a firm but low voice:

“Begin adaptation to host!”

Xu Liao’s body then automatically displayed a set of kicks and punches. His movements were smooth and skilful. Even Xu Liao was afraid of himself when he saw what he could actually achieve. Both of his arms danced so gracefully as if he had practiced the skill a million times before. This was the Eight form of “Luan Jie”.

At the same time when Xu Liao was displaying his moves, the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon was simultaneously mimicking his actions; the sickles slashed lightly and released a sword wave, slicing the nearby gra.s.s and even leaving a centimetre deep sword mark on the trunk of a huge tree.

The Seven Stars Praying Mantis Boxing coordination with the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon was extremely profound!

Xu Liao now silently understood why the battle system had stated that this style of kung fu is regarded as an ancient immortal boxing style. With the help of the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon, Xu Liao only required a few moments to grasp the secrets of the Seven Stars Praying Mantis Boxing.

The Eight forms of “Luan Jie” is as follows:

Form one: Jie Shou Quan

Form two: Xian Shou Huan

Form three: Tie Mao Ci

Form four: Ye Chang Hua

Form five: Bi Mian Lei

Form six: Shuang Feng San

Form seven: Jing Chang Hua

Form eight: Ding Yang Chui

When connecting all forms together as a whole, the power multiplies!

Whenever Xu Liao swings his arms, each move slices the wind, producing a loud ripping sound. As he continued to practice, he rapidly gained enlightenment with each move and soon enough, he mastered the boxing style.

With the help of the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon, Xu Liao’s abilities improved outstandingly quickly. But once he reached the tenth cycle of practicing, his improvement speed significantly slowed down. And up till the fifteenth time, there was almost no visible improvements anymore. Xu Liao only managed to cultivate the first realm of “Luan Jie”, and had not reached the level of “Beng Bu”. Not to even mention about “Ba Zhou” and “Zhai Yao” realms that were even harder to cultivate.

Sun Bo Fang finally ended the practice when Xu Liao reached the twentieth cycle. When Xu Liao regained control of his body, he slumped onto the floor, his body drenched in sweat.

The fighting beast is not a tool meant for direct confrontation. It is considered to be sort of an a.s.sistance system that is able to manipulate the host’s spiritual or demonic energy to coordinate with the host’s battle techniques. If Xu Liao did not use the a.s.sistance system, he would require at least ten years to cultivate to his current level. Right now, however, he merely took a few minutes to master it.

A profound immortal boxing style such as the Seven Stars Praying Mantis Boxing is common within the Eighteen Xian Faction. Most of the disciples of the Eighteen Xian Faction think that this boxing style doesn’t require tough cultivation and regarded tough cultivation techniques as a waste of time. With the Fighting Beast, the time taken to cultivate could be shortened by a vast amount.

Xu Liao was elated and he mused to himself:

“I never thought I would manage to master a style within such a short period of time! This Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon is really something! I totally didn’t expect that the Xian Faction’s techniques would be so strong, they could even nurture a demonic bug that could speed up anyone’s battle strength. I thought that the Million Demon Clan’s train station was already impressive enough, and not forgetting about the demon identification card. It is indeed that there will always be a mountain higher than the other! Amazing!”

Xu Liao could somehow manipulate the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon’s controls and changed it into an energy conservation state. The ghostly form on Xu Liao’s back gradually disappeared. In this state, Xu Liao can only make use of 30% of his battle strength, but only consumes 18% of his demonic energy compared to the original state.

Sun Bo Fang silent watched and then laughed.

“Now, I have given you the benefits, Now isn’t it your turn to help me?

Xu Liao stared at Sun Bo Fang, whom reminded him of his black beetles. He couldn’t help but shudder at the thought. Xu Liao dropped any idea of using the Seven Stars Praying Mantis Boxing to deal a sneak attack on Sun Bo Fang. He unwilling sighed.

“Alright then. A deal is a deal. What do you need me to do?”

Sun Bo Fang then turned and looked at the mound with a gentle face. He shook his head lightly and said:

“This area of the Void world has an unusual origin. Even the Million Demon Clan could not explore it entirely and they blindly developed ….”

His voice trailed off slowly, but he shook his head once again.

“Never mind. I won’t tell you about these matters. I will need you to go inside and retrieve something. Besides, I don’t require it that soon. I only have this once chance, if you somehow perish inside, I don’t have any other alternatives left. From tomorrow onwards, I will help train you every day until you are able to release the true potential of the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon.”

Xu Liao relaxed slightly after Sun Bo Fang mentioned that he didn’t have to leave immediately. Although he did not totally understand what kind of training he had to face, but it was already a hundred times better than entering a totally strange place and fight for his life.

Sun Bo Fang suddenly felt depressed. He tossed the bronze key over to Xu Liao and entered the bamboo house. As if it appeared out of thin air, a jar appeared in his hands and poured himself a drink. He then tapped lightly on the window of the bamboo house and shouted:

“There is nothing more for you today. From tomorrow onwards, remember to come over after school. If I don’t see you here, I will kill your whole family, all your teachers and your cla.s.smates. Whatever happens depends on you.”

Xu Liao felt a chill down his back. Sun Bo Fang said that casually, as if he was joking. But Xu Liao witnessed how Sun Bo Fang killed the Storm Legion while smiling. This disciple of the Longevity Sect is ruthless. Killing someone can be as simple as breathing. Xu Liao felt that if he did not appear for training, Sun Bo Fang would really kill his family, teachers and cla.s.smates.

Xu Liao thought to himself angrily:

“d.a.m.n! One of these days I will become stronger and beat this a.s.shole up!”

Of course, Xu Liao could only imagine about it while he made his way towards his home.

Upon reaching home, Xu Liao finished his dinner and sat in silence. After a long consideration, he made up his mind.

Translated by Gary. Edited by Jason.