One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 21 – Turning The Tides

Chapter 21 – Turning The Tides


When Xu Liao saw the monstrous figure, his face paled. He didn’t think twice and started running. However, when he tried to pa.s.s the formation of stones, an unknown force repelled him back. The formation of stones formed an invisible wall that was also resilient to attacks. Xu Liao tried to break the formation forcefully but gave up after a few times. It was then he understood how profound this circle created by Sun Bo Fang was.

Sun Bo Fang waved his hand casually and the hole in the mound disappeared. Then he said in a relaxed tone:

“This red haired monster originated from the isolated Void World. Your special mission today is to – Kill it!!”

Before Xu Liao could reply, the red haired monster suddenly charged at him. Xu Liao tried his best to dodge by leaping to the side and barely escaped the furious slashes by the monster. With the circle formation active, Xu Liao didn’t have any chance of escaping, and could only run within the formation. Similarly, the monster could not step out of the formation either, and so it continued to chase after Xu Liao. The monster seemed to ignore Sun Bo Fang who was inside the formation as well.

“WHAT? Kill it? Are you out of your mind!? How on earth am I supposed to kill it!” Xu Liao shouted at the top of his voice.

Sun Bo Fang just laughed and said:

“I even gave you the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon as a gift, and if you can’t even manage to kill this red haired monster, you can forget about lasting even a minute within the Void world and might as well die here. If you were to perish inside, those ferocious monsters would not even leave your body intact. “

At this moment, he immediately activated the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon to its maximum output. The red haired monster continuously slashed at him but with the power of the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon, Xu Liao managed to dodge and deal a counterattack.

Blade waves that are larger by at least half a meter than before ripped through the air, leaving a visible wound on the body of the monster. However, the monster merely flinched slightly and continued charging towards Xu Liao. Xu Liao was innately shocked; he didn’t realize that his strength had increased by almost five times!

Xu Liao had made a few leaps in power from cultivating the Heavenly Demon Purgatory Skill. His demonic power level increased to 2700, and the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon amplified the demonic energy to increase the power by another twenty to thirty percent! This made Xu Liao’s combat ability unmatched.

Xu Liao felt like something was stange due to his sudden spike in power, but had not realized that he actually was five times stronger.


The blade wave sliced the red haired monster, but this time, there was just a nick on the monster’s skin. Xu Liao started to panic slightly because he didn’t know how to even injure this monster and ended up nearly being bitten. In this state, even with the help of the fighting beast, he could not display the Seven Stars Praying Mantis Boxing.

Sun Bo Fang shook his head while watching and sighed.

“All demonic monsters have thick skin and flesh. You need to locate their weak spot, then you can kill them.”

Xu Liao listened to Sun Bo Fangs tip while dodging the monster. He was somewhat doubtful because he didn’t trust him fully yet.

“The blade waves are like killer maces, and one can only use it at the critical moment. If everyone uses it the way you do, how long do you think their demonic energy can last? Maybe after three times you will start to realize that you’re losing your battle strength. Do not think that you can constantly release blade waves as strong as yesterday continuously. It is because the demonic energy in your body that was stored for a long time was suddenly being released. “

Sun Bo Fang had realized that Xu Liao’s demonic energy was much stronger than yesterday. But in his mind he thought that Xu Liao was giving his full potential because he was placed in a deadly situation and did not suspect one bit that Xu Liao had cultivated the Heavenly Demon Purgatory Skill.

Xu Liao found it strange that Sun Bo Fang warned him that his powers might wane if he uses it too many times, but instead, he found them growing stronger and felt that even releasing ten more blade waves wouldn’t be an issue. On the exterior, Xu Liao just acted as if he didn’t hear anything.

Sun Bo Fang thought that Xu Liao would be losing his demonic energy very soon. But in this dire situation, not only did Xu Liao not run out of demonic energy, but he was even more active in dodging and attacking.

At this point, Xu Liao had already released twenty to thirty blade waves. He started to realize a pattern in the red haired monster’s defences. Whenever the blade wave was about to hit the body, the monster did not bother to block, but when Xu Liao aimed for the back of the neck, the monster would use both of its claws to guard.

“The back of the neck must be its weakness, I should strike from there.” Xu Liao mused to himself.

Although Xu Liao had finally found the weak spot, he knew that the monster also realized that its weak spot was discovered. Thus, it became even more careful and not giving Xu Liao a chance to attack. There was even a few times when the monster tried to use its weak spot as a bait to try and kill Xu Liao.

At the side, Sun Bo Fang had been watching intently. He then sighed and shook his head because Xu Liao had wasted so many chances. Xu Liao had been using his demonic energy continuously carelessly and thought that Xu Liao lost the chance to turn the tables around.

“…This brat’s battle experience is near zero. His ability to adapt is too weak… Looks like he will need a stronger and higher intensity of training. I can’t linger too long at the Huai Demon Street, the chances of revealing my ident.i.ty is higher. I can’t waste any more time.”

However, just as Sun Bo Fang concluded that Xu Liao would lose this battle, Xu Liao gathered the emerald demonic energy and spread it throughout his whole body. His whole body became shrouded in darkness, and then he jumped towards the monster.

This was the first time Xu Liao went face to face with the red haired monster!

With a face full of confidence, Xu Liao gave a high speed punch to the monster, and because of the demonic energy, the punch sank into the monster’s brain without any resistance. The monster roared in anger and countered by slashing at Xu Liao’s body with its claw. But due to the dark shroud encompa.s.sing Xu Liao, he wasn’t hurt at all.

Xu Liao had an relaxed expression on his face, and he even gave a victory sign to Sun Bo Fang.

He red haired monster collapsed onto the ground, twisting and writhing around in pain. It howled and glared at Xu Liao as if it could kill with its gaze. However, soon, its brain suddenly bulged and expanded before exploding into a b.l.o.o.d.y mess all over.

Xu Liao used all of his remaining energy in his last exchange with the monster. He lay panting on the floor, not even wanting to move his fingers. But he didn’t bother covering the proud smile he had on his face. He had fought with the red haired monster in a life and death situation and won! To a newbie, this was a terrifying experience. His thighs and arms couldn’t stop shaking, but it wasn’t due to fatigue, but rather it was due to fright.

Witnessing the scene, Sun Bo Fang was shocked till he didn’t know what to say. He had already concluded that Xu Liao could not turn the tables, yet Xu Liao had defeated the red haired monster in a single blow. Of course Sun Bo Fang would not keep this question in his heart, after calming down, he asked Xu Liao:

“How did you kill the red haired monster in a single blow?”

Xu Liao cheekily laughed: “It’s a trade secret!”

“If you don’t tell me, I will summon another monster. Then I will be sure to find out your secret.”