One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 22 – Sealing The Demonic Power Source

Chapter 22 – Sealing The Demonic Power Source

“Why must you be so inhumane? All right! I will just say it!” Xu Liao broke out in a sweat and replied hastily.

Despite being somewhat forced, he still proudly explained his abilities to Sun Bo Fang.

“My blood pulse ability allows me to manipulate an object with my demonic energy and make it intangible. The punch just now wasn’t strong, I just merely held a stone in my hand and left it in the head of the monster. After that, I pulled my hand out… and then you saw what happened next. Its brain went ‘Boom!’”

Sun Bo Fang knew that Xu Liao awakened to the Undead Tree blood pulse, but he didn’t expect that he would use the demonic energy on himself, killing the red haired monster with such an unexpected trick.

Sun Bo Fang couldn’t help but laugh. This kind of trick was totally new to him. The disciple of the Longevity Sect gave a thumbs up.

“You could even think of this trick, I have to say that you are quite smart!”

Xu Liao smiled cheekily like a little boy, but his expression darkened when he heard Sun Bo Fang’s next sentence.

Sun Bo Fang waved his hand towards Xu Liao and commanded:

“Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon! Seal the demonic energy source of the host!”

An emerald ring shaped projection once again formed in front of Xu Liao. The Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon obeyed Sun Bo Fang’s command and changed the sealed Xu Liao’s source of demonic energy by altering the manipulation of demonic energy in his body.

Xu Liao tried to force the dark demonic energy to shroud himself but to no avail. Even though he could control the dark demonic energy within his body, he could no longer release them out of his body. Whatever energy that tries to leave the body were converted into a greenish emerald energy stream. Xu Liao gritted his teeth in anger, he also felt a little fear because the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon within him could be controlled by Sun Bo Fang.

What made Xu Liao wary wasn’t because Sun Bo Fang could command the fighting beast, in fact he would be surprised if Sun Bo Fang had no control over the beast at all. But what Xu Liao feared was that the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon could seal his demonic energy, this made him even more wary about the beast even though he did not fully trust it in the beginning.

Xu Liao furrowed his brow asked in a low tone.

“..What is the meaning of this?”

Sun Bo Fang just laughed.

“This is for your own good. The Undead Tree blood pulse natural abilities that allow you to pa.s.s through all matter will get you into trouble if you ever meet a monster that could disrupt your energy source. For example, a singled eyed ghost. If you used the same trick you used against the red haired monster, you’ll be killed.”

Xu Liao was slightly shocked. He knew that his dark demonic energy could not possibly pa.s.s through everything out there, just like when he tried to phase into the ground before. However, he did not know that there was a monster that could read his ability to pa.s.s through matter. He would be in deep trouble if he were to meet that monster.

But what Sun Bo Fang did was not entirely out of good will. It was to dampen Xu Liao’s spirit and make Xu Liao fear him.

The Undead Tree blood pulse is very special. The number of demonic monsters that could control the Undead Tree blood pulse isn’t many. Thus, Xu Liao would probably have no chance to meet a demonic monster that could overcome his blood pulse abilities.

After the battle, the demonic energy within Xu Liao’s body seemed to be increasingly active. The battle had used up at most ten to twenty percent of his demonic power. Xu Liao closed his eyes, sat down and slowly circulated the dark demonic energy within his body through the extraordinary eight pulses. Soon, he recovered most of his demonic energy, and his physical strength also recovered by a lot. His hands and legs were no longer tired. His muscles stopped shaking. In just a mere half an hour, he replenished all of the lost energy.

Sun Bo Fang patiently waited for Xu Liao to recover his power, then plainly said:

“You used a trick for the battle just now so the battle for today wasn’t counted. You still have to defeat one more demonic monster.”


Xu Liao’s eyes snapped open and jumped up almost immediately.

“Did you know that I almost died!? If I was not smart enough to use the Undead Tree blood pulse abilities to recover my powers, I would have panted to death. Moreover, my demonic power source have been sealed by you, so you want me to fight another monster now? How is it possible for me to defeat another demonic monster?” Xu Liao yelled in displeasure.

Sun Bo Fang did not say anything and proceeded to chant. Soon enough, the mound burst open once again and within ten minutes, another demonic monster slowly crawled out from the dark hole.

The second monster is covered with coa.r.s.e jet black hair, with two protruding horns on its head. It’s body shape was similar to a bear, yet it is as huge as an elephant. It also had a ferocity greater than the red haired monster.

Xu Liao was so furious that he used all the ugly words that he knew. His previous strategy would not work now because his ability had been sealed. Of course, this made his confidence level drop, but since there was no point complaining in a life or death situation, he just gritted his teeth and braced himself for battle.

Sun Bo Fang wasn’t angry at all. He just laughed and said:

“Since you have the strength to curse, why not you use it to think of how to battle!”

When the second battle began, a similar scene played out on the field. Xu Liao was being chased by the black haired monster all around the circle once again.

“d.a.m.n it!! This Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon is totally useless now, even the Seven Stars Praying Mantis Boxing is so weak…. How do I even defeat this monster?”

Xu Liao’s “strongest” killing technique – ‘Blade Waves’ was totally useless on the black haired monster. At least when he used it on the red haired monster, visible cut marks could still be seen, but now, the attack seemed to just bounce off the skin of the black haired monster. Xu Liao silently cursed his luck today.

Sun Bo Fang laughed as he looked at Xu Liao ‘energetically’ running for his life. He silently thought to himself:

“This brat doesn’t have any talent for battles, however, he can be considered to have potential. Even after experiencing one terrifying battle, and not obtaining much experience from it, he seems to not be afraid of the second battle.”

Xu Liao tried to activate his dark demonic energy for a few times, but every time the demonic energy surfaced from his body, they turned into greenish emerald light stream. He could only give up on this idea.

In this desperate situation, he once again thought of using the Nine Mysterious Strengthening Skill!

He had cultivated the Heavenly Demon Purgatory Skill happily yesterday, without the intention of cultivating the Nine Mysterious Strengthening Skill.  But the Nine Mysterious Strengthening Skill had swallowed the dark demonic energy greedily without a care in the world, so Xu Liao guessed that the ability must have grown by a lot.

At this desperate moment, the Nine Mysterious Strengthening Skill indeed did not disappoint. The demonic energy started flowing faster into the bladder and spleen meridians, enhancing his physical strength by thirty percent!

The Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon only could seal the dark demonic energy, so the demonic energy from the Nine Mysterious Strengthening Skill was totally unaffected.

Xu Liao suppressed the demonic energy from the Nine Mysterious Strengthening Skill and hid it under the greenish emerald energy emitted from his body. He pushed the energy and condensed it into his palm as he rushed to the side of the demonic monster.

Since the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon blade waves could not even scratch the black haired monster, Xu Liao didn’t have a choice but to risk revealing his Nine Mysterious Strengthening Skill and use all of his hidden cards.

Once Xu Liao was in melee range, using the black hair monster to block Sun Bo Fang’s view, he released the condensed demonic energy stored in his palm and smashed towards the black haired monster’s eye….