One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 32 – Portal

OSI Chapter 32 – Portal



Xu Liao didn’t delay as he accepted the credits and hurriedly grabbed the ancient oval shaped mirror.

– – Would you like to accept the Portal Door?

Along with the notification came a line of explanation.

Portal Door: A tool that connects the Emperor Court and the real world. Credits are needed to activate the portal. One Credit per usage.

A look of excitement flashed across his face.

“This mirror is actually a portal? And it could be used to leave this Void world? Then what am I still worried about? Even without Sun Bo Fang, I can still leave this place!  Currently, I have 2300 credits.. and even if I enter and leave once every day, I can still do it for three or four years… But still, this isolated Void world was actually named Emperor Court? It seems rather ominous…” Xu Liao thought in his heart.

Though Xu Liao felt that the Void world was getting increasing interesting, but he didn’t want to linger any longer. Before he was forcefully transported into the Void world, he had spent quite a lot of time for the special training with Sun Bo Fang. Additionally, he had already spent a few hours inside this Void world. He didn’t know how would time progress in the real world compared to the Void world. If he didn’t get back in time, his mother would be worried sick.

Xu Liao then turned his gaze to the slot on the side of the Portal Door. Whipping out his golden demon identification card, he tried to slot it into the Portal Door. As Xu Liao expected, it fit perfectly and a notification appeared asking if Xu Liao was willing to deduct one credit.

Xu agreed with a slight hesitation in his voice.

“… I simply don’t have enough time today. When the next occasion requires me to be here once again, I must have my fun then!”

The Portal Door then proceeded on to deduct one credit and immediately projected a two meter tall golden circle of light in front of Xu Liao.

Before heading into the portal, Xu Liao casually stretched his limbs to relax, then he lifted his right leg and stepped into the portal. With just one step, he exited the Portal Door and arrived somewhere on the other end of the Huai Demon Street. Sunlight bathed his body and caused his to eyes narrow as he stared up towards the sky. Apparently the strong rays of sunlight indicated that it was still in the afternoon!

“…. So time stops when I’m in the Void world..?” Xu Liao murmured softly to himself as he walked down the street towards the bamboo house.

His bronze key was long gone. Whether Sun Bo Fang took it or it was swallowed by the Stars Devouring Formula, he didn’t know. But luckily he didn’t require it anymore. By enveloping himself with dark demonic energy, he could enter the yard by himself.

Within the bamboo house, Sun Bo Fang was nowhere to be found. As Xu Liao searched the entire house, he spotted the Bluetooth speaker that was still on the window ledge, and the coffee that Sun Bo Fang always drank was still at the same position, as if the owner was still nearby.


Xu Liao let out a sigh of relief. He didn’t understand why Sun Bo Fang said that he would wait for him for twenty four hours, but wasn’t around now. Xu Liao ability had improved, and while he wasn’t afraid of facing Sun Bo Fang once again, it would be the best case scenario if he didn’t meet Sun Bo Fang at all.

Xu Liao didn’t wander around the bamboo house for too long, and immediately headed home. After all, considering the time spent in the Void world, he indeed had been out for a long time today. When he reached home, he found out that his mother wasn’t back yet. Only after thirty minutes later then did his mother come home. As she stepped through the door, Xu Liao saw her haggard face and thought that her overtime at work was taking its toll on her. Other than feeling slightly saddened, he was rather relieved because he knew that he wouldn’t be nagged at. Quietly, Xu Liao turned around and went to his room to finish his homework.

Some time had pa.s.sed and he finished his homework. He then sat down for dinner with his mother before heading back to his room once again and collapsed sleepily onto his bed. Thinking back, his whole day had been rather eventful, but it wasn’t the life that he wanted.

All he wants is to have a peaceful life!

Xu Liao put both of his arms over his eyes and murmured to himself.

“Maybe… maybe this stimulating life would be gone tomorrow… From tomorrow on, everything will be back to normal…”

… … … … … …

Xu Liao looked as if he was in a daze.

But in truth, he was staring at the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon’s control panel, a.n.a.lysing data. It wasn’t until when someone tapped his shoulder then he quickly snapped back into reality and hurriedly kept the projection.

A sweet girl’s voice entered his ears.

“Xu Liao!! Miss Li is calling for you!! … are you okay?”

Xu Liao gave her a quick smile and replied. “I’m alright.”

“By the way, did you see what was in front of me?”

He slightly hesitated before asking curiously.

The girl who tapped on Xu Liao’s shoulder was Yu Qiang Wei. She was his cla.s.smate and the one whom was best friends with Qu Lei. She didn’t talk with Xu Liao often, just acquaintances. But recently, she had turned rather cold and started to judge him.

Yu Qiang Wei was slightly puzzled.

“Something in front of you?”

Although Xu Liao knew that the projection could not be seen by any normal human being, but he just wanted to make sure by asking. Only after his experiment was concluded then was he able to rest a.s.sured.

“Nevermind.” Xu Liao said casually and smiled lightly.

He then swung his bag over his shoulders and walked towards the teacher’s office. Yu Qiang Wei felt a little hesitant, but she couldn’t form her words, so she just kept silent and followed behind him.

Throughout the journey, Xu Liao didn’t turn his head back at all. All he was thinking about now was about the Void world.

Ever since that day, Sun Bo Fang had completely disappeared. Xu Liao’s had slowly restored back to its peaceful days. He even partic.i.p.ated in two basketball compet.i.tions. Both compet.i.tions were friendly matches against two other junior high school basketball teams. Xu Liao performed terrifyingly well in both matches due to his inhuman reaction speeds and his innate bodily quality. Even if he wasn’t even using his full power, he was simply unstoppable.

Despite regaining his peaceful life once again, in the corner of his mind there was always a nagging thought that reminded him of the Void world in the Huai Demon Street. However, he didn’t step in it again.

When he finally reached the teacher’s office, Xu Liao couldn’t help but wonder why his form teacher would ask Yu Qiang Wei to find him. As he opened the door, he spotted a fuming expression on Miss Li’s face.

Miss Li was only a little over thirty, dressed rather conservatively and wore a pair of dark framed spectacles. This made her look much older than her actual age.

She stared at Xu Liao angrily and said: “You are already a third year student! How many times must I tell you to put studies as your first priority? Why do you get yourself into such situations? And even photographed by someone?”

Xu Liao was puzzled at her claim. But at that moment, she slammed a stack of photographs on the table and continued: “Explain to me. Now. Why are both of you always together?”

Glancing over the photos on the table, Xu Liao realized that all of it is only of him and Zhao Yan Qin.

But rather than thinking of why did someone snap photos of them, instead he was wondering … “Was I this close to Zhao Yan Qin? Even the school has traces of both of us?”

Then within Xu Liao’s mind appeared Zhao Yan Qin’s true looks.

Elegant as a fairy, this little demon maiden chattering as if alive in his memories – her features and voice refreshingly clear.

This caused Xu Liao to feel slightly proud; to be walking together with a beauty like her would be the envy of even a thousand men.

Translated by Gary. Edited by Jason