One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 37 – Red Fur Ape

Chapter 37 – Red Fur Ape


In an instant, two beasts that were nearer to Xu Liao were sliced cleanly into half. The high frequency blade waves shot out further for another ten meters, slicing another beast into oblivion. All the huge fang beasts that were near him were dead!

Apparently, the red fur ape was still able to keep up the fight with the remaining fanged beasts. However, once they felt the tremors caused by Xu Liao’s blade waves, they immediately stopped fighting.

Xu Liao turned to the beasts and snorted. “It doesn’t mean that when you beasts stop fighting, I must stop too. Since all of you wanted to drag me into this battle, then I will let you know which kind of enemy you cannot afford to offend!”

As he said this, Xu Liao clenched both of his fists into a ball and slashed in the direction of two beasts. The blade wave shot at a tremendous speed, killing the beasts instantly without a chance to even dodge.

Witnessing the scene of Xu Liao easily slaughtering their kin, the remaining fanged beasts started to retreat and run away. Even the red ape didn’t appear to have any more lingering sentiments to stay behind after receiving a huge blow from Xu Liao.

Xu Liao ignored the fanged beasts because he had killed plenty before and wasn’t interested in them at all. Instead, he followed the red fur ape.

Despite having inferior speed to the red fur ape, when Xu Liao employed the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon, he could cause the high frequency blade waves to travel over ten meters, which was more than enough to cause the red fur ape to stop and defend itself. Moreover, Xu Liao’s initial lance attack had wounded the red fur ape considerably.

Xu Liao couldn’t help but feel elated every time he witnessed a breakthrough in his skills. He could now command the blade waves to vibrate with just a thought. In the past, fighting with just five huge fanged beasts almost caused Xu Liao to lose his life, but now, even if there were ten or more fanged beasts, he wouldn’t have any trouble wiping them from existence. Even the red fur ape that was stronger than the combined strength of the fanged beasts was afraid of him. This rate of improvement was basically unheard of!

“… Who knows who would win if I were to fight Sun Bo Fang right now?” Xu Liao mused to himself.


Three high frequency blade waves slashed onto the back of the red fur ape. Due to having a natural high defence because of its thick fur, the slashes left deep wounds instead of slicing the body into half. However, even if the high frequency blade waves didn’t kill the red fur ape instantly, it made the ape roll on the ground in pain as Xu Liao moved swiftly and caught up to the ape.

Battling with a demonic beast in melee range is considered to be proving one’s strength. Not only do they have an extremely durable body, but at this distance of a few meters, within a mere blinking of an eye, the beast can easily leap over and kill!

The red fur ape suddenly opened its arms wide and punched the ground with all its might, causing the ground to crack as it used the force to launch itself into the air for over ten meters.

Xu Liao was a startled slightly as he didn’t think that the ape would employ such a tactic to escape. If it wasn’t for his near-death experiences, realizing that every situation might have an unexpected outcome, he would definitely been at a loss.

“Hmph!” Xu Liao snorted.

Naturally, it wasn’t so easy to route him. Swinging his arm in front of him in an arc, dozens of dark golden lances materialized as they filled the sky, hovering and waiting for a command. With a snap of his finger, all the dark golden lances shot towards the red fur ape.

A myriad of dark light afterimages blotted the sky while they pierced into the red fur ape that was in the air. The red fur ape turned into a pin cushion as it smashed into the ground, forcing even more lances deeper into its body.

However, towards these kinds of demonic beasts, of course Xu Liao wouldn’t talk about “mercy”!

He pointed two fingers at the head of red fur ape and clenched his fists abruptly. This command caused the remaining dark golden lances to shoot towards the head of the ape. Fortunately, the ape managed to draw its strength to push itself away from the trajectory and many lances struck the ground. However, Xu Liao merely materialized seven or eight more lances and struck the ape.

The red fur ape howled in anger and pain as it tried to stand up.

Suddenly, Xu Liao appeared right beside the red fur ape, holding a dark golden lance in his left hand. He was starting to feel a little bored, so Xu Liao decided to end the hunt personally. The beast let out its final wail as Xu Liao pierced the lance into its brain.

After killing the ape, Xu Liao nodded to himself as he confirmed that his strength had indeed risen immensely. As he mused to himself, he started to walk away, not minding the beast he just killed. But at that moment, the red ape’s body suddenly beamed with light. The corpse then disappeared into fragments and a scroll was left on the spot the where the ape had disappeared.

Xu Liao had heard from both Sun Bo Fang and Zhao Yan Qin that this Void World was designed to be like a realistic version of a game. Even though Xu Liao experienced it first-hand when he opened a treasure chest, his logical mindset was in denial of it. It was only when this scroll dropped after the death of the red fur ape was when he erased all notion of doubts and finally believed that this Void World is like an online game.

“So… killing beasts actually drop loots? Hmm.. but why didn’t I gain any experience points? Could it be that the game that the Million Demon Clan and the Eighteen Xian Faction created is still incomplete? Or maybe.. this feature is only open for paying customers? Only after paying Credits then can one open this feature?” Xu Liao silently thought to himself as he ruled out the possibilities.

Xu Liao casually flicked the scroll with the Shadowless Whip and dropped it into Xu Liao’s hands. When he opened the scroll, his mouth gapped in surprise. It actually wasn’t a skill scroll that he had predicted, but rather, it was a quest scroll!

Chain Quest: Search For The Seal Station!

Following the clues of this continuous quest, the Void World has a total of eighteen seal stations, and every seal has a tremendously strong demonic beast guarding it. Open this seal station and defeat the sealed beast.

Reward: Battle beast

Rewards are of top-quality, but not without high risks.

The quest scroll also came with a map, revealing the whole territory of the Void world, and also introducing some related history about the world.

Xu Liao carefully examined the quest scroll and realized that the Void World was known as a piece of fragment of the Emperor Court that had dropped onto the world. The Emperor Court is the garden of the Emperor, and even though it was only a fragment of a garden, it already has boundless mysteries within. The Million Demon Clan found this place by accident and researched for years but still couldn’t find anything of value. Thus, they proceeded to transform this place into a settlement and also designed a portion of it as a training area. This was the reason why this place was named the Emperor Court Training Area.

On the map, the geography of the Void World only showed plain lands; only at the ends of the map then could some hills be seen. The boundary was around two or three hundred square kilometres. It didn’t appear to have any lakes of streams. In other words, this place doesn’t have a water source at all.

Other than the desolated village, there were two ruins that Xu Liao had explored. Both of the ruins were rather grand; not of a normal village, but rather, a leftover from a broken palace.

Xu Liao didn’t have much interest with the legends behind the Emperor Court. After all, he had seen the heavenly monument at the Yun Xi Palace, these kind of secrets were not on the level for a newly born demon like himself. Rather than trying to solve the mysteries of the Emperor Court, he’d rather save his brain cells and focus on the other areas such as the continuous quests.

After studying the map for a while, Xu Liao realized that the 7th seal station coincidentally sealed a Ghost vine!

The Ghost Vine that he thought to be extremely hard to find is actually within reach!

“I’d never expected that it would be this easy to locate the Ghost Vine! Could it be that it has been too long since anyone came… so the system automatically adjusted the drop rate?”