One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 40 – Duan Tian Lang

Chapter 40 – Duan Tian Lang


Xu Liao was absolutely furious.

“WHAT!? Why didn’t you mention about the time limit before!”

Sun Bo Fang made an innocent face as he spread out both of his hands.

“You didn’t ask! d.a.m.n kids nowadays always wanted their parents to be dead… I thought you are one of them too!”

Without warning, Xu Liao threw a punch towards Sun Bo Fang, taking him off guard. Sun Bo Fang staggered a few steps back with a bloodied nose.

While he didn’t reveal the shock he had on his face, inside his heart, he was astonished how much power that punch contained!

As Sun Bo Fang wiped the blood with his sleeve, he gave a smirk towards Xu Liao.

“Your mother can only endure for another ten days. Afterwards, she would have lost too much of her blood essence and the damage she suffered will become irreparable. Even if I withdraw the Golden Bug at that point, her life span would be greatly reduced, at least ten to twenty years of her life would be taken away from her…. So you better speed up! All I need is the Ghost Vine.”

Xu Liao was frightened. He was afraid to lose his mother.

After listening to Sun Bo Fang’s threat, he turned around and left the bamboo house without saying a word.

Only after he left the Huai Demon Street could he then let out a sigh of relief. He did not detect any “Qi” from Sun Bo Fang so he could feel slightly more relaxed.

“Being able to discern how strong the enemy is… is this a sign that I’ve grown stronger..?”

Initially, the first time Xu Liao met Sun Bo Fang, he felt that Sun Bo Fang strength was unfathomable and was fearful of him. However, when Xu Liao’s strength grew, he still knew that Sun Bo Fang was very strong, but isn’t afraid of him any longer. Now, Xu Liao finally realized how powerful Sun Bo Fang was and that he was still far from Sun Bo Fang’s level.

Under the scorching sun, he could still feel his body turning cold and his body started shaking on its own. Xu Liao then closed his eyes and clench his fists as he said to himself softly: “There is no room for mistakes… I cannot make a mistake!!”

In the deepest part of the Huai Demon Street was another bamboo house. Within the house was an ugly old granny staring silently at Sun Bo Fang. They stared at each other for roughly ten minutes before Sun Bo Fang broke the silence out of impatience.

“Grandma Huai! Long time no see! You still look hale and hearty!”

Grandma Huai sighed.

“Little Fang… …”

Sun Bo Fang eyebrows twitched and he interrupted: “Don’t call me Little Fang!”

“Little Fang… are you still thinking of finding it?” Grandma Huai ignored him and continued.

Sun Bo Fang became absolutely furious and smashed the window lattice with his fist.

“You darn old thing! I told you to stop calling me by my nickname! Do you believe that I will kill!?” Sun Bo Fang yelled.

He always had a calm and composed personality, but just these few words from Grandma Huai p.i.s.sed him right off the bat.

Grandma Huai sighed again, but this time she didn’t call him by his nickname.

“Xu Liao… is a good kid. The Million Demon Clan have intentions to nurture him into the next Void World blockade… You better not hurt him!”

As if a flick of a switch, Sun Bo Fang facial expression changed 180 degrees. He regained his calm, composed appearance and smiled slightly.

“It’s not like I would kill him.. the Million Demon Clan is a formidable a.s.sociation. I can’t afford to mess with them!”

Grandma Huai shook her head.

“… Not only this, I hope you would stop threatening him with his mother.”

Sun Bo Fang smiled evilly as he replied: “The Million Demon Clan cannot intervene with normal human affairs. Do you need me to recite the regulations for you? Only we, the Eighteen Xian Faction can intervene. This condition has already been set in stone a long time ago.”

Grandma Huai’s face changed, looking slightly downcast.
“But…. It isn’t right for you to do this..”

Sun Bo Fang gave a cold laugh and stared icily into Grandma Huai’s eyes. “Isn’t right? What’s right and what’s wrong? Don’t the humans die sooner or later anyway? Even if I don’t kill his mother, he would experience the loss of his family as they die of old age. Hmph! When my parents and siblings died this way, isn’t this what the others told me? Since they are going to die sooner or later, how they die doesn’t matter.”

Grandma Huai stood speechless for a second and then gave a sigh. She said no more as she dissipated into the wind and flew away.


Xu Liao stood at a secluded alley. Initially, he wanted to open the portal door and re-enter the Emperor Court as soon as possible, but he had a weird feeling that someone was watching him, so he stood still as he scanned his surroundings.

“If I was seen using the portal door, things will be terrible. I should be patient for now. But other than Sun Bo Fang, who else would monitor me?” Xu Liao said to himself as he continued to look for the mysterious watcher.

After some time, Xu Liao still could not figure out who was observing him and decided to leave the area. At this moment, a lazy voice rang from behind: “So you are Xu Liao? I am Duan Tian Lang. Shall we have a chat?”

Xu Liao furrowed his eyebrows and spun around as he spoke loudly: “Where are you?”

The voice spoke with a hint of laughter.

“I am the descendant of the Six Eyed Tian Lang. I can clearly see things from 150km away like it were right in front of me, and nothing can block my sight! Come to the PanGu 7-Stars Hotel, I will be waiting for you on the third floor at the buffet restaurant.”

Xu Liao was startled as he remembered that the PanGu 7-Stars Hotel was roughly at least 30km away from his location. Although he didn’t know that this Duan Tian Lang is speaking the truth, but if he was lying, it still was quite impressive.

“Who are you! Why are you looking for me!” Xu Liao pretended to ignore what Duan Tian Lang had said.

Duan Tian Lang laughed.

“Let’s talk face to face. Although I am used to conversing like this, but it must be really uncomfortable for you!”

After that sentence, no matter how loud Xu Liao shouted, Duan Tian Lang didn’t respond any longer. Xu Liao paced up and down the alley anxiously a few times before dashing to the main road to hail a cab for the hotel.

The PanGu 7-Stars Hotel is considered to be a landmark of the northern city. Although Xu Liao had not been there before, but it is easy to locate.

He alighted outside of the hotel and hastily made his way up the lift towards the buffet restaurant. As soon he exited the lift, a charming young man to the side bowed to him slightly before politely asking: “You must be Mr Xu Liao? My master is waiting for your arrival.”

This young man should be one of Duan Tian Lang’s personal aides. With no signs of demonic Qi, he seemed just like any other normal human. He ushered Xu Liao to the table and the end of the restaurant and then left quietly. All of his movements seemed very professional.

Xu Liao then sat down without asking and started sizing up the young man at the opposite end of the table.

Duan Tian Lang didn’t look like he was much older than him, but he definitely had a rich man’s aura. Dressed in a modern luxurious set of clothing, the professional smile of his face maintained as he saw how Xu Liao was behaving. This made it hard for Xu Liao to read his true thoughts.

Translated by Gary. Edited by Jason.