One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 45 – Nothing To Lose

Chapter 45 – Nothing To Lose

Sun Bo Fang nodded silently, signalling Xu Liao to enter the black hole.

However, unexpectedly, Xu Liao did not turn into the dark light right away. Rather, had a pained look on his face as he took a few steps back towards Sun Bo Fang. As he neared Sun Bo Fang, Xu Liao’s face changed to a somewhat hesitant look and said: “Actually.. yesterday I found a trace of the Ghost Vine… but when I went to grab it, I failed miserably.”

Sun Bo Fang didn’t look shocked and just merely put on a smile.

“So in other words, you are requesting for my help?”

Xu Liao’s hands fumbled as he hastily handed over the quest scroll while gritting his teeth. “I can’t conquer this Ghost Vine at all. The Lightning Bodhi Beads you gave me… only after I threw everything away then could I escape with my life.”

Sun Bo Fang wasn’t surprised and snorted slightly. He grabbed the quest scroll and scanned the contents intently. He didn’t bother even when Xu Liao came very close to him. After confirming the contents, he laughed: “The Drunken Concoction isn’t easy to make. Maybe I would even spend one day to prepare a bunch!”

At this moment, Sun Bo Fang suddenly felt an intense premonition of danger. His gaze then shot to his wrist only to find some sort of slimy substance leaking down his hands. When he tried to use all his might to remove the substance, he was shocked that it wouldn’t even budge.

After Xu Liao saw that Sun Bo Fang was being distracted, he hastily squeezed a bottle on his hand and threw it towards Sun Bo Fang, as if scared to make contact with even a single drop of the Drunken Concoction.

Sun Bo Fang wanted resist, but Xu Liao’s reflexes were one step ahead of him. In less than a second, he pushed the smashed bottle towards Xu Liao’s chest by manipulating his energy. However, bits and pieces of the smashed bottle had already invaded his internal organs, causing him to feel an intense sharp pain with every breath.

Sun Bo Fang spat out blood from his mouth. He looked at Xu Liao with a hideous look and laughed coldly. “This method is useless against me!”


Sun Bo Fang once again swirled his internal energy to force out all of the gla.s.s shards from his body. It was obvious that his breath was weakened, but he still had enough energy to maintain his battle mode.

He knew that Xu Liao had some sort of dark demonic energy, but he wasn’t sure what technique he used to devour the black beetles. So instead of using the beetles, he pushed out a strong palm towards Xu Liao. It was a set of palm Xian martial arts

Xu Liao snorted and quickly moved a few s.p.a.ces back by more than ten meters.  He didn’t need to contend with Sun Bo Fang in close combat. With that, his both hands flickered and lashed two demonic Qi whips towards Sun Bo Fang and managing to restrain both of Sun Bo Fang’s arms.

Sun Bo Fang’s face changed slightly and then spoke mockingly, “Hmph. I didn’t expect you to receive the Shadowless Whip Technique in the Emperor Court. But did you know that the Shadowless Whip Technique was from the Longevity Sect? And this set of martial arts is actually my best set of martial arts!”

The moment he ended, he snapped his fingers and sent a beam of white light into the sky. In the air, it folded and turned and not only it immediately broke Xu Liao’s demonic Qi whips, but as if as fast as lightning, it wrapped around Xu Liao and constricted him.

Sun Bo Fang laughed coldly, “This binding whip of mine – hmph! I’m sure you haven’t seen it before! How does it taste? Although I don’t know what made you lose your mind and decide to oppose me, but aren’t you afraid that your mother will be slowly tortured to death?”

However, Xu Liao stayed silent throughout Sun Bo Fang’s mockery. The Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon appeared behind his back and made two high frequency blade waves that slashed towards Sun Bo Fang’s aura Qi whip … and dealt no damage at all!

Innately, Xu Liao was slightly trembling. Now he knew how profound and scary Sun Bo Fang’s real strength is.

Sun Bo Fang then lightly clenched his fist which caused the aura Qi whips to tighten, squeezing Xu Liao and causing excruciating pain. Xu Liao had tried countless times to use his dark demonic energy to escape, but Sun Bo Fang’s aura Qi whips seemed to have some sort of detaining power somehow restricting him from transforming.

“I told you before to not think that your Undead Tree Blood Pulse is invincible against anything. There are many ways to crack your abilities. My binding whip can forbid changes in vitality, and even if your blood pulse was mature, you still wouldn’t be able to escape!” Sun Bo Fang sneered at Xu Liao as he saw him trying to transform.

Just at that moment when Sun Bo Fang decided to tighten the whip again, he suddenly felt a dizzy spell smashing into his consciousness. Due to the lack of concentration at that moment, the aura Qi whip disintegrated and released Xu Liao.

Immediately, Xu Liao activated his Stars Devouring Formula and devoured the remaining aura Qi that remained. He then raised both of his arms and slashed down, causing another two high frequency blade waves to rip towards Sun Bo Fang.

Without any time to react, Sun Bo Fang raised one arm to defend himself, but since he couldn’t bring up any spiritual power, Xu Liao’s high frequency blade waves sliced his arm clean off.

Xu Liao’s plan was successful thus far. Of course he knew that the drunken concoction had already taken effect, but he didn’t know how long it would last against this disciple of the Longevity Sect because he wasn’t some random demonic beast. As such, Xu Liao didn’t dare let his guard down and wanted to make full use of this opportunity to kill Sun Bo Fang.

Xu Liao was right. After all, Sun Bo Fang wasn’t a demonic beast. He managed to gather a final bit of his powers to suppress the drunken concoction and managed to defend himself while countering. Both of them exchanged several blows, and came to a standstill. Xu Liao’s face changed. He had already taken out one of Sun Bo Fang’s arms; moreover, Sun Bo Fang was under the effect of the drunken concoction. But he was still unable to deal the decisive blow.

“..Looks like I have to use my last resort. Since I will die if I don’t win, I have nothing to lose here!” Xu Liao’s gaze sharpened as he steeled his resolve.

Xu Liao took a deep breath and let out a stream of demonic Qi.

“It’s just a mere demonic Qi whip? Did your brain grow from your b.u.t.t? Did you think that I will be defeated by that?” Sun Bo Fang’s gaze flickered with confidence as he mocked Xu Liao.

Sun Bo Fang then followed up by snapping his fingers and sent out another aura Qi whip. It twisted and turned, swirling around the demonic Qi emitted by Xu Liao without any resistance. Sun Bo Fang got slightly shocked by how weak Xu Liao’s move was – to the extent that it couldn’t even withstand a weak counter attack.

Just when the aura Qi disintegrated the demonic Qi, suddenly an emerald green vine shot out of the disintegrating shroud. It casually roamed in the air, and when it touched Sun Bo Fang’s aura Qi, it destroyed the aura Qi in an instant. Finally, it latched onto his neck, strangling Sun Bo Fang.

Although the might of Xu Liao’s demonic Qi is strong, but after all, he didn’t have much time to cultivate as compared to other mature demons. His demonic Qi had superb quality, but lacked st.u.r.diness. But the vines from the Ghost Vine are vastly different. This demonic being is a demonic king cla.s.s. The vines are as strong as steel. If Sun Bo Fang was in his top-form, perhaps he could defeat the Ghost Vine. But now he was under the effects of the drunken concoction, so he didn’t stand a chance against it.

The Ghost Vine strangled Sun Bo Fang. Xu Liao channelled all his energy into an enormous demonic Qi whip and further strangled Sun Bo Fang till the point where there were sounds of bones cracking.

Sun Bo Fang’s face turned red. It was unsure whether it was because he lacked air or because he was angry with himself to fall prey to a newbie such as Xu Liao.

However, in Xu Liao’s mind there was only a single thought. To KILL Sun Bo Fang!