One Sword to Immortality

Chapter 48 – Unbreakable Alloy

Chapter 48 – Unbreakable Alloy


Quite some time ago, when Xu Liao first visited the Emperor Court, he had risked his life for a measly 2300 credits. If he was “that him” previously, this “huge sum” of credits would definitely cause Xu Liao to celebrate. But not too long ago, he signed a contract with the Storm Legion and received a deposit of 400k credits which was many times more than what Sun Bo Fang had dropped. So, naturally Xu Liao didn’t feel much when he collected the credits from Sun Bo Fang’s corpse.

Rather, Xu Liao felt conflicted.

Although he had obtained several items that were moderately valuable, these items also carried plenty of problems along with it. He wouldn’t be surprised if he runs into trouble a few days later. It would be strange if he didn’t.

Sun Bo Fang was a disciple of the Longevity Sect after all.  No matter what he did to Xu Liao in the past, the fact that Xu Liao killed this disciple would mean that the animosity between the sect and him would be irreconcilable.

Xu Liao might only be a third-year student in Junior High, but he went through enough experiences to realize that no matter what he said to defend himself, the Longevity Sect would just choose to ignore the explanation and blame him for Sun Bo Fang’s death. Therefore he decided to just keep quiet about it as he felt that there was no point in mentioning it to anyone.

In case anyone asked, he would just imply that Sun Bo Fang took the Ghost Vine and went missing after that. Maybe this excuse would be enough to hide for a while, as for how long he can continue the pretence, he didn’t want to worry about it.

Since the matter had already blown out of his control, he did not try to stop it.

After contemplating for a while, Xu Liao decided to bury Sun Bo Fang’s corpse in the Emperor Court despite his hatred for him. Initially he wanted to command the black beetles to consume Sun Bo Fang his morals refused him to desecrate the dead, therefore he decided to send him away properly.

In Xu Liao’s mind, Sun Bo Fang’s figure was like an enigmatic being that was constantly observing him. On a whim, Sun Bo Fang could easily devour him and cause his entire family to perish. He totally ignored Xu Liao’s dignity and life and was despicable enough to use Xu Liao’s mother to threaten him.

All these scars that were embedded in Xu Liao’s heart suddenly fluttered away the moment Sun Bo Fang died. His spirits were lifted and felt much better as if a huge burden was lifted from his shoulders.

After burying Sun Bo Fang, Xu Liao stored all of Sun Bo Fang’s belongings in the bamboo house.

Sun Bo Fang seemed to regard good lifestyle as one of his top priorities. Thus, many items he owned were lifestyle-enhancing items.

Xu Liao thought that if he buried all these items together with Sun Bo Fang in the Emperor Court, it might cause people to suspect him of hiding evidences. Some of the bigger household utilities such as the refrigerator, the oven, television, gaming consoles, a full set of stereo speakers and carpets were just left behind.

After slowly dealing with the household utilities and furniture, Xu Liao pulled the tab of a can of soda and flung his body onto the floor without a care in the world. His chest inflated and deflated as he lay down motionlessly, only periodically taking sips from the can of soda. The battle he had with Sun Bo Fang had drained all his energy. Although he had recovered at least half of it, he was still mentally tired.

“As long I can get rid of the Golden Bug’s venom in mother then this matter can be considered to be done. Finally I can almost return back to my normal life! If I knew that becoming a demon would be so troublesome and dangerous, even if you gave me super powers I wouldn’t even want it.” Xu Liao sighed in his mind.

From the moment when Xu Liao awakened his blood pulse till now, he didn’t enjoy his life. Although he received benefits such as credits and demonic powers, the danger that he faced made him feel like it wasn’t worth it. But after all, the deepest part of his mind knew that no matter how much he rejected being a demon, the blood pulse awakening could never be reversed. Even if he went back to school, it will never be the same as before. He can never become a true human mortal again.

Xu Liao finished his soda quietly. A wave of loneliness swept pa.s.sed him.

He was originally just a junior high school student. He had secrets like him having a crush on Qu Lei. But now he had gone through so many changes, he had so much bottled up but no one to confide in. He couldn’t even share it with his closest kin.

The young man then softly squeezed the soda can as it easily turned into a metal ball. His strength was something no normal human can achieve.

He casually threw the metal ball into the trashcan and sighed to himself. “I’ll just stop thinking about the troublesome matters. Better to focus about the National League that is starting next week! Recently, I skipped a few training sessions due to Sun Bo Fang and coach seemed to be furious.”

As his mind began to focus on the National League, the sides of his mouth slowly crept up, forming into a smile.  It wasn’t that he was looking forward to the basketball compet.i.tion, but instead it was what the coach had promised. As long as the basketball school team gets in the top ten, he will secure a place into the Northern Affiliated High School. And because of this, he will be able to study in the same school as Qu Lei!

Qu Lei promised that if he managed to enrol into the Northern Affiliated High School, she will allow him to continue chasing her. Although she still didn’t allow him to date her, but at least… this still gave him hope!

Xu Liao sat and thought for a while. He knew that it would be some time before he entered the Emperor Court again, so he retrieved the three battle beasts that were left behind by Sun Bo Fang. Although these three beasts may bring him future problems, but Xu Liao decided to use them as his own!

Luck or trouble? Only time will tell.

Even if he didn’t do anything, trouble would visit him anyway!

So he decided to just do it!

The One Hundred Myriads Golden Bug wasn’t a battle beast that uses venom; it was totally unrelated to the Golden Bug. The One Hundred Myriads Golden Bug is a gold type demonic bug. Before it activated its full battle mode, it was just a palm sized golden demon bug. Although it might be small, but its pincers and carapace made it look ferocious and evil.

The demonic bug within Xu Liao’s palm squirmed. It kept raising its head as though looking for its owner. Although it was previously smashed by the golden skeleton and had various damaged spots on its carapace, but this demonic bug’s lifeforce was very strong. It was rapidly recovering.

Xu Liao used this opportunity to activate his Stars Devouring Formula. A spherical surge of dark energy swirled around the One Hundred Myriads Golden Bug within his palm. As for the reason why Xu Liao dared to keep the remaining three battle beasts, it was because he possessed the Stars Devouring Formula that could a.s.similate.

The One Hundred Myriads Golden Bug that was already heavily damaged stood no chance against the Stars Devouring Formula. Surrounded by dark energy, the golden attribute of the demonic bug seeped out continuously out of its body. The bug made sharp, sad cries as it tried to wriggle and escape, but to no avail as it was a.s.similated bit by bit. Eventually after ten minutes, its whole body turned dull gold as its life also dimmed.

The One Hundred Myriads Golden bug was finally a.s.similated. It then received the nutrition from the dark demonic energy which boosted its self-recovery speed by several fold. In almost an instant, it recovered fully.

The gold attribute demonic bug is stronger than the Jasper Seven Stars Mantis Demon by several levels. Xu Liao made a few gestures and the One Hundred Myriads Golden Bug split into thirty six parts. Each part connecting with his body which formed a set of gold attribute body armor. At the same time, a virtual screen appeared in front of Xu Liao.