Online Game: Evil Dragon Against The Heaven

Chapter 28

Evil Dragon Against The Heaven 27

#27: Lei Feng, your lollipop fell

That dark pitch muzzle made the eyes of Ye Tian Xie narrow suddenly, his smiling face actually shining brighter, he steps forward and says " You"d better put down the gun obediently, i dislike when guns are pointed at me, or else you won"t be able to face the consequences.

"Well, we got an idiot" The black man who was pointing the gun seem to have heard a joke. The Boss leader said " Nonsense, take care of it".

Bang !

In the 23rd century, the pistol m.u.f.fler effect has become increasingly flawless, a bullet flying out of the chamber, but with the slightest sound of collision.

Ten steps was the distance between the black man and Ye Tian Xie, the moment the sound of gunfire was heard, the bullet was already at the center of Ye Tian Xie forehead, his footsteps also came to a stop.

"Sob Sob" the girl desperately closed her eyes, afraid to see the man"s blood gushing out of his forehead, but her ears heard a biting noise, like chewing, that was what produced a falling metal sound as it landed on the hard ground.

The surrounding, suddenly it gets quit as a Mythical Ghost. The wind blows slightly, a hot night of Summer, this occurrence makes the 4 dressed in black shiver, all the way down do their bone marrow, like a cold wind from h.e.l.l.

The bullet did not bring even a drop of blood, the 4 black dressed group stared so hard, the bullet that was fired at Ye Tian Xie forehead, fell on the ground, almost causing the heart of the 4 to stop.

What was that!?

Is this an illusion? Or is our eyes the problem

The young girl finally mustered her courage and opened her eyes, Ye Tian Xie"s body was without a single scratch, she couldn"t believe what her eyes were seeing.

Ye Tian Xie reached his hand out, pressing gently against where the bullet hit, his mouth reveals a sinister smile, the black man eyes looks at the Malicious Ghost laughing at him, even though the bullet might"ve not injured him, it might"ve hurt a bit. Under his recollection, he doesn"t remember that the person who he previously pointed his gun had died.

"Bang" the silver pistol fell on the ground, that man dressed in black, his hands severely shaking as if they were pendulums, so close, the person in front has stopped the bullet with his body unexpectedly, moreover he kept his head, that visual impact and huge fear as if watching a ghost, his psychological defense line crashed directly.

"Esper" screamed the black dressed man, everyone in that group retreated a few steps back subconsciously, Esper, the footsteps of those don"t have the qualifications to retreat any further, a cloudy and cold windy shadow rush in front of him, along with it, was a severe pain transmitted from his heart, before his consciousness extinguished at that moment, near his ear someone said, " Sorry but i"m not an Esper"

The four men dressed in black drop dead almost at the same time, the time difference was less than a second. Even if under the curtain of the night they will not see clearly why their lower part of their body was cut. Ye Tian Xie clapped his hand, saying a prayer out of pity " I originally intended to let you 4 idiots live, but since you wanted me death, i shall save some effort before the future"

Ye Tian Xie raised his eyebrows, looking with a dull gaze to the young girl who rush to him, helping her remove the tape on her arms and legs, and removing the gag she had in her mouth.Taking advantage of her luminous beautiful cheeks, her long hair is smooth but disorderly, all the way to her back, with a exquisite refined face that could charm a man mindlessly. But her complexion is unable to conceal the truth that she isn"t from a normal ordinary family, but rather a n.o.ble family.

"Well, you can head home now." Ye Tian Xie said while holding her leaning body, but some little time later without waiting for her reply, her eyes are tearing intermittently alike to drops of dew water, she opened and closed her mouth, Bei Chiyao flowery lips, her nose shivering, her weak respiratory breathing. She"s still far from being fine after her shock.

The frame of the young girl is slender and delicate, but a head shorter than Ye Tian Xie. Leaning closely, a man"s aroma went into her nostrils, she blur out of her situation, not noticing she was leaning against his arm, staring into the dark night, a desperate beautiful young girl, a few villainous bad guys, dropped from the clouds, regardless of the value, charm and military force, getting rid of the bad guys, saving the helpless young girl.

I had a realization, why does this bridge seems so familiar?

But such a rotten vulgar looking bridge section, is actually the beautiful dream of almost all young girls. Looking at the Charming Prince near her, the girl was feeling like she was in fantasy dreamland

A heavy unbridle hand touch came more and more from her waist, a big burning hand across her clothes in close contact, the girl"s face flushed with a red blush, a pure white neck has a tinge of pink like a piece of jade, she awakens suddenly as if she was receiving an electric shock putting aside her body, giving a panic look at him.

Ye Tian Xie has turned around, saying in a cool way " Goodbye Beautiful young girl, pay more attention to your safety, it"s best not to go out so late."

She was almost kidnapped, and then someone appeared like superman, stopping bullets with his body, then all the bad guys were defeated instantly, dropping down like flies, she finally sort out her chaotic mental state, Ye Tian Xie was already a long far distance away.


"Wait a minute, you haven"t told me your name?" yelling at him because the young girl was frightened to death that she forgot to ask.


Ye Tian Xie footsteps haven"t stopped, but lightly answered " Lei Feng."


"Lei Feng? hey Lei Feng, your lollipop fell." The young girl picked up the lollipop that fell from Ye Tian Xie pocket, shouting in a very strange tone.


Ye Tian Xie feet staggered, as if there was a sewer cover around, he will not hesitate to jump inside. His footsteps speed up, running swiftly it doesn"t resemble that of a magnificent hero who rescued the young girl, the lollipop destroyed her illusion of him being a majestic hero like prince image she had in her mind.


"Hey! Stop, don"t go" the girl shouted loudly, but didn"t get Ye Tian Xie to give her a response or stop. Looking at him running away swiftly, the girl"s eyes in a trance like, looking at his back.