Origin System

Chapter 4

10 days later, a man was seen leaving a forest while holding a bag that was made out of the demonic beast skin. That man is Jiang Chen who had just broken through to Body-Tempering Stage 3. His clothing was in pieces from continuous fighting with demonic beasts. His hair looked hideous from fighting demonic beasts all the time. However, his face still seemed to carry the same handsome look. The bag that Jiang Chen was holding was filled with pieces of the demonic beast that he killed over the 10 days that he was in the forest. Jiang Chen made with way to Tang City and approached the gate.


Someone shouted as Jiang Chen was about to walk through the gate. When he looked back, he saw the same exact guard that blocked him the first time coming up to him.

"You need to pay the fee to go through the gate!"

"Do you not recognize me?"

"Should I?"

"How about taking a good look at my face?"

The guard panicked and went on his knees.

"I failed to recognize Mount Tai. Please spare me, young master. I have a family with 2 children to feed. My wife just got pregnant and I was just greedy for money to support my family."

"Alright, you can leave."

Jiang Chen shooed the guard away and walk toward the gate.

"Thank you, young master."

When he got back to the Inn, he was met by the maid. His entire body was indistinguishable from the days in the wild.

"Mr. Chen, Is that you?"

"Yeah, It is. I may need a bath soon. Do you know where I can take a bath."

"There is a bath right outside over there."

The girl pointed at a door and Jiang Chen and paid for one more night and hurried up to his room to drop all his stuff down.

"Ahhh, that was the best bath I ever had in my life."

He went out of the Inn and saw a poster for recruiting for the Divine Sect. A notification popped up in his mind.

[New Mission - Join The Divine Sect (Reward: Movement Skill - Traversing The Heaven]

Jiang Chen made up his mind on joining and followed the posters toward the Divine Sect. As he was making his way to the sect, many disciples of different sects were posting up flyers or shouting. Jiang Chen moved toward the stand that said Divine Sect. A disciple who wore a red robe sat a the stand asked Jiang Chen...

"Are you here to apply for the Divine Sect?"



"Jiang Chen."



"Cultivation level?"

"Body-Tempering Stage 3."

"Here is your tag. Please wait over at the recruitment arena for further notice."

Jiang Chen took the tag that had the number 5017 on it. He sat under a tree that was close to the arena and started to cultivate. A while pa.s.sed before a booming sound echoed across the field.

"Welcome to the annual divine recruitment! I am the 24th headmaster of the Divine Sect! We shall commence the recruitment shortly!"

A bearded old man was standing at the front of the platform. He extended his hand and pointed at the crowd of people under him.

"Out of 50000 people here right now, the majority of you will be used to nurture the strong. With that said, let"s get on with the recruitment!"

Then, he walked off the platform and walked away.

"This seems like a good sect...Kill off the weak and cultivate the strong."

Jiang Chen slowly walked over from the tree.

"Alright, I will be conducting this recruitment. We will be conducting a total of 3 tests, strength, speed, and cultivation. Please come up when I call your number and punch the pillar to get a score on your strength. You will have to have at least 2 punches that exceed 100 pounds to pa.s.s."

"Number 1, 111, 103, 120. Pa.s.s."

"Number 2, 93, 101, 96. Fail."

"Number 3..."

"Number 5017!"

Jiang Chen walked up the stairs and stood in front of the pillar. He swung his fist at the pillar and did this three times.

"100, 97, 102. Pa.s.s."

Being new to cultivation, Jiang Chen never really tempered his body and was just focused on cultivation. It was a miracle that he was able to pull off 100 pounds of force in his punch.

"Please proceed to the next area."

Jiang Chen walked down from the arena and made his way to the second test. A woman in her middle ages wearing a teachers robe stood at the center.

"In this test, you will be tested on your speed. You will first hand me your badge and start at this line over here. You will run to the tree over there and run back. The pa.s.sing score is 30 seconds. After you pa.s.sed, you will walk down this road to the next instructor"

"Number 1… 32 seconds. Fail."

"Number 2..."

"Number 5017, 15.3 seconds. Pa.s.s."

Jiang Chen has a light body from birth but was unable to show off because of his weak heart. Being transported here caused Jiang Chen to feel what is like to run to his heart"s extent. Jiang Chen walked down the road and came to the front gate of Divine Sect. There was an old man standing at the front of the steps.

"For the last and final test, you will have to walk up these 3 steps. Each step will correspond to 1 cultivation stage. If you do not have the necessary stage you will be suppressed and thrown off. Once you pa.s.s, there will be a building to the left where you can obtain your sect badge and robe. All starting sect member will start off as an outer disciple. I suggest if you are not at Body-Tempering Stage 3, it"s better for you to just leave and try again later."

Jiang Chen walked up the first step and felt no resistance so he walked through the next 2 step with ease. As he was walking to the building, he saw a young man being thrown off the steps and into the forest below. He walked into the building and walked over to the counters.

"Here is your disciple badge and robe."

A girl wearing an outer disciple robe slid the content over the counter. Jiang Chen took the robe and threw it on. When he did that he received a notification of the quest completion.

[Completed Mission - Join The Divine Sect (Reward: Movement Skill - Traversing The Heaven (Unranked)]

[Movement Skill Deposited Into Inventory]

"Your house will correspond with the number that you had in the recruitment. I wish you the best of luck, junior brother."

The girl"s voice reminded him that he was holding up the line by standing there and quickly left. Jiang Chen strolled toward a house with the plate that said 5017. The entire house consists of a cultivation room and a living room. The cultivation room consisted of a floor mat at the center and the living room had a table with 2 chairs.

"Pretty nice living conditions."

Jiang Chen went into the cultivation room and sat down.

"Withdraw Movement Skill"

[Withdrawing Movement Skill: Traversing The Heaven...Withdrawn]

Memories and information began to flow into Jiang Chen as he began cultivating the first stage of Traversing The Heaven. Legs are the fundamentals of martial arts. Many skills require the legs such as running, kicking, swimming, etc etc. The legs are about 3x stronger than the human arm which can make them deadly. A cultivators speed can be determined by his leg"s strength that is being exerted the other way. The movement skill, Traversing The Heaven, was a skill that slowly made his legs stronger as Jiang Chen cultivated this skill. The first stage required Jiang Chen to temper his legs to the utmost condition in preparation for the second stage. Time slowly pa.s.sed with Jiang Chen in the cultivation room.