Ossan (36) Ga Idol Ni Naru Hanashi

Chapter 16

16. Miroku(Maitreya) Seems Cool

(Small Note here, Miroku is always written in katakana, whereas in the t.i.tle , it’s written in kanji that means Maitreya(a Bodhisatva))

I have created a patreon… Will use the money (if I get it) to buy Kin no kuni, Mizu no kuni (and others too coz i wanna read it badly). Can translate it if you want. So please do donate if you can. Plus, the next chapter is there for only $1. I’ll post it here next week.

It’s. Daily?

「Good Morning!」

When Miroku entered the office, endeavouring in a 『Cheerful Greeting』, Yoichi, who was wrapped in a minty fragrance, listlessly raised his hand from the desk. It seems that the muscle pains from the week before were still persisting.

「Morning Miroku-kun, sorry for not coming to pick you up today」

「No, it’s fine. Because Shiju-san told me to move about as mischief as possible. I can move around more in a train as compared to a car」

While the two were talking, a few other models entered the office, so Miroku exchanged greetings with them.

To begin with, he was a talented person that suited Yoichi’s judgement, if they had only a chance to sell him, the rest would be fast. They were very grateful to Miroku.
Miroku, who learnt the know-how of Model・Talent from them, was blessed with (a year younger) Senpais, and was growing day after day.

「It’s strange for Fuming to be absent, did she catch a cold?」

「No, she’s in the midst of training. She’s gone to a company that conducts business with us」

「I see…… 」

After the performance got over the other day, the people and staff of the sports gym got together and decided to do a closing party, but Fumi wasn’t present. When he felt curious and asked, Yoichi answered, saying 「She had matters to attend to, so she went home」.
Coming to know of the fact that it was training, Miroku who was relieved, thinking if she’s healthy, then it’s all good, Yoichi timidly asked a question.

「By the way, Miroku-kun, that thing in the end……in that performance……was it some kind of service1?」

「That thing in the end? Is it?」

「Didn’t you do it? Something like facing the audience and giving a flying kiss」

「That was……Once it got over, the audience seats became bright, and I could see Fumi-chan’s figure……」


「And then I remembered Fumi-chan who told me to 『Showoff the cool Miroku-san』」


「I don’t understand what you mean by cool, but in the job of a model, one is requested to give a flying kiss, and if you get carried away and do it, you’ll be popular so……」

「At that place at that time, did’t we reach home quite late?」

「Aah, that’s right. It’s about that time when by chance there was an audience member, when that person had a nosebleed」

「Miroku-kun, you’re banned from giving flying kisses」

「Ehhhh!? 」

The other models who were watching the exchange with Yoichi, said various things like 「The flirtatious sidelong glance too!」 「The surprise attack smile too! 」. Miroku complained, saying he didn’t do such things. It was natural for Miroku to feel dissatisfied. He was only giving a glance and smiling. It was impolite to say so.

「Oi!! Yoichi the ossan!! 」

「Shiju, I told you to call me Director here…… 」

「Where can I not call you that! What does this mean! 」

In the hands of Shiju, who came in rushing and was short of breath, a men’s magazine called GAINA could be seen. In that three men wearing suits…….

「That’s right. They were saying that compared to the photo of Miroku alone, this was better. I was embarra.s.sed though, so my face too is slightly concealed, so I was wondering if it was all right」

「Wasn’t my photo taken as it is! Because I didn’t know it, didn’t it spit out the coffee in the cafe there!! The coffee that costs 700 yen a cup!! What a waste!! 」

「Well, there it is」

「Wow, it turned out to be the front cover! Sugoi! The both of you look cool!」

「It turned out to be a good memory」

Shiju glared reproachfully at the two who were conversing pleasantly. It couldn’t be helped now that it was published, but he wondered why they hadn’t been informed beforehand.

「I told you. On phone though」

「Eh? Did you?」

「Because it was decided so abruptly, I gave you call, but it seemed as if you were having a hard time over a hangover, so I sent a mail just in case though」

「Ah, I haven’t seen the mail」

「Even though Shiju-san is so particular about trivial things, you’re quite lackadaisical about these matters」

Miroku, who nodded as if in admiration, looked at the schedule chart that Shiju made, and once again nods saying uh-huh.
Miroku, who’s shooting for a magazine, leaves behind an office that is still noisy with chatter. Miroku liked the office that had a cozy atmosphere. There was a time when he was a shut-in too, but the full and enriching daily life he lived as if to regain that lost part, Miroku who thought he was truly lucky turned and walked towards the station with light steps.

「So, have you calmed down?」

「…………Yes, I’m sorry」

「Can you stay away from him for a long time?」

「I’m fine. I can do my job!」

「I see」

Fumi, who was crouching under Yoichi’s desk as if to hide,was firing herself up. He was surprised by Fumi who hid as if she’d disappeared the moment Miroku came, but they had heard from Mihachi about the situation at the performance the other day, so he was aware of the circ.u.mstance. The difference between Miroku, who did not seem to notice Fumi, who said she couldn’t face him because it was too embarra.s.sing was something clearly noticeable, but well, there’s no choice but to take it slowly.

「A natural airhead seducer……Well, it seems as if he’s slightly self-aware, but there’s still a long way to go」

Yoichi takes a long and deep breath, and with a nervous look, gives a call somewhere. Whether it goes well or not, he had no choice other than this, but he believed in him that it would work out.
In the midst of firing himself up, the song that was playing from the computer was the anime song that Miroku sang, was Yoichi, who felt that the song was slightly sloppy.

1. As in fanservice.