Other World Assassin Life of a Man who was a Shut-in

Chapter 19 – Gatekeeper

a.s.sa.s.sin Chapter 19 – Gatekeeper

Has an hour pa.s.ses since the battle with the thieves, I am walking peacefully while eating papugos for MP recovery and slight hunger.

“Fua~, I still haven’t come out of the forest, seems I was a little optimistic thinking I could leave immediately since the papugos supposedly are found close to the entrance. Well it can’t be helped, it’ll be fine if the forest can be left before the sun sets. If it does come to sleeping outdoors then it should be alright since this forest doesn’t seem so dangerous at present.”

This forest has almost no monsters, the only monster I’ve come across these several days inside the forest is rabitts, are there no other monsters inhabiting here or will there be stronger monsters if I go more into the depths…

Walking while thinking of such a thing, something which looks like an exit was faintly seen.

“Oh! The exit at last…”

Walking for a few minutes I succeeded in leaving the forest,

“Fuu~~, it’s finally farewell to this forest.”

A gra.s.sy plain spread before my eyes when the forest was come out from.

“Wow, there’s more walking… well I can faintly see a village so I’ll reach it in a few tens of minutes.”

Walking from there, I was able to safely arrive at the village.

“Oooh, is this the village the thieves spoke of. I thought it would be smaller, it’s unexpectedly huge.”

Two gatekeepers are standing at the entrance, both their faces are quite tense.

“So those persons are gatekeepers, they’re extremely menacing. Well, it’s reasonable from the story. According to the thieves’ story, this village should have just been attacked by those guys, the have reason to be vigilant.”

Should I talk for the time being, at the time of thinking so.

“You with the strange clothes, stop there. Who are you? What business do you have with this village?”

It’s suddenly an aggressive att.i.tude, but strange clothes…
Well, these clothes are from before I came to this world, there’s no doubt they’re strange clothes for those from this world.
But my reason for coming to this village, it absolutely won’t be believed that after transferring to another world this village was the closest one, well it’s inevitable.

“Nice to meet you, I’m named Satou Yuuma. I came to the forest for the purpose of subjugating demons for about two days, this morning I had finished defeating enough and when leaving the forest I came across this village. The reason for coming to this village is I’m looking for an inn since sleeping outside is painful.”

I guess it’s alright with this explanation, I’m not good at lying…

The vigilance on the gatekeeper’s face softened a bit with relief from that explanation.

“I see, it’s admirable to be subjugating monsters when so young! You did well youngster! My name is Gant, my best regards.”

His hand is stretched out when saying so.
I also do so in the same way and shake hands.

“Yes, please treat me well Gant-san!”

It seems to be alright with this.

“By the way youngster, you said you were subjugating monsters in Faris Forest?”

“Yes, what wrong with it?”

“A bit before this village was attacked by thieves, they were a five-man group but an adventurer killed two of them, the remaining three ran in the direction of the forest. I thought perhaps you’d caught sight of those guys.”

Aah, it’s that three thief group. I completely forgot.

“Is it a man with a tough looking and scarred face with two thin men?”

Gant-san is a little upraised when that is said.

“Ooh, no mistake that’s them! Youngster! Do you know where they went?! We can’t let them go since they might attack the village again.”

Gant-san’s face has almost become frightening.

“It’s alright Gant-san, there’s no need to know where those guys were going, I don’t think they’ll be coming to this village a second time.”

Gant-san seems to be curious,

“Could you say why it’s like that?”

I answered while smiling.

“Because I already killed those three.”

With my speech, Gant-san abruptly made a dumbfounded face.
But after a few seconds, Gant-san’s scream resounded.

