Other World Assassin Life of a Man who was a Shut-in

Chapter 22- Thank you

Chapter 22- Thank you

Thanks to gantt-san shock i went back over to my room in daze
but gantt-san called me out

“Hey yuma! do you have any plans for tomorrow!?”(gantt)

Gantt-san asked me that suddenly
your joking right i just came to this village,theres no way i can have plans for tomorrow

“No,i don’t have anything to do particulary,did you have an errand for me?”(yuma)

so i said back to gantt-san

“NO! The village head would like to meet and thank you regarding the thief problem with etiquette!
If you don’t mind would you go with me to meet the village head tomorrow?!”(gantt-san)

oh i see,i certainly did speak to gantt-san about the thieves
but why does the village head want to see me
well no matter what,ill look forward to what happens

“Okay, but gantt-san doesn’t have work as a gatekeeper tomorrow ?”(yuma)

“a~  thanks to you catching the thieves the gatekeepers can go back to 1-shift a day thats
why i am on leave tomorrow but i still have to work later on!”(gantt-san)

ah i see so thats the gatekeepers work alone

“I understand shall we go in the morning after we wake up”(yuma)


“Yeah thats good! alright you go ahead ill be waiting for you here tomorrow so don’t sleep in!.
If you do so ill beat you up in your sleep!”(gantt)

Fumu~ i can’t afford to oversleep this time
That was a little bit impolite,dont’cha think,also being woken up from a old jiji(old man)-no i can’t let that happen…

“Well then,please excuse me”(yuma)

As such i walked up the stairs and returned to my room
(TL:The effort writers put in to explain the scenery -(i.i)-

Back on the first floor

“otto-san!(father) Is it true that yuma-san defeated the thiefs! ?”(loli mary)

“umu~ its true ,i confirmed it myself ,it was wonderfull , a little too wonderful if i might say!…”(gantt)

“Sugo~i(Amazin~g).He looks so weak and young and might break easily but he is actually so stron~g .
You can’t judge people by how they look !”(loli mary)

She can really speak rudely considering her apperance,but eeh…(shoulder shrug)
I returned to my Room
And i laid down on the bed

“ha~a .Do i really look that weak?. I was expecting this but ma~a i was a NEET afterall .
It’s impossible to look strong as of now.
As for meeting the village mayor tomorrow.
Its probably just because the village head wants me to hand over the bodies from the item box but where do i
hand it over to him at the house or the ceremony?”(yuma)

Anyways im gonna sleep-in for today
If i oversleep i’m probably gonna be woken by gant-san jiji,it will be unbearable

and then i closed my eyes and went to sleep

The next Day morning

“Fu ~u. I somehow woke up before gantt-san came over to wake me up.That was a little bit relieveing.
well then on today’s schedule to go the the village head’s house”(yuma)

and so i headed towards the first floor where gantt-san is waiting
on the 1st floor gantt-san was waiting for my arrival.

“Yo,yuma! .You were able to get up safely,thats good! .
If you were gonna be a little later then i would’ve come over!”(gantt)

Somehow i was able to avoid that dangerous situation

“So.sorry. I was able to sleep comfortably after a long time so i was a little late”(yuma)

The beauty-san(bijin-san) i.e the wife of gantt-san came out from the door

“Ara~ara looks like i came at a nice timing. Isn’t this the dana-san(master-ish kinda) who exterminated the thieves.
Please come and have some breakfast its our treat”(beauty-san)

with that i was brought soup and Bread(PAN)
Thank you so much. Truthfully i was a little hungry.

“Thank you so much. truthfully i was a little hungry when i woke up in the morning! Thank you for the food!”(yuma)

All the food on the table was able to be put into my stomach in only a few minutes
As usual it was delicious as ever

“Thank you so much. It was really delicious!”(yuma)

“No~no. You are leaving for the village head’s house right. Have a nice day!”(beauty-san)

A~h such a caring person this beauty is….How was gantt-san able to pair up with this beauty.Im so envious of gantt-san

“Alright Yuma. I already had my breakfast. lets go to the village heads house at once.
The village head’s house is pretty eye-catching but don’t get lost in thoughts ok!.”(gantt-san)

Yup! gantt-san is also a good person
Well they match each other pretty nicely.

“Understood. Let’s go”(yuma)

In that way, Me and gantt-san began to walk towards the Village head’s house

Was it my imagination? Yesterday people were looking at me as if i was suspicious and tried to check me too.There’s no such thing Today.
Rather people were looking at me with gratefullness and thankfullness.It isn’t beacause of that right?

Looks like we have arrived at the village head’s house while i was reminiscing about such things
Certainly it’s really big.

“Alright we have arrived . All right you seem to be fine but don’t act suspiciously over here .I beg you please”(gantt-san)


We went into the village head’s house.
There are lots of rooms in the house.
And we arrived at room where the village head was at.

“Village head. I brought him. This was the person who knocked down the thieves yuma”(gantt)

That means that this old guy is the village head i.e the head of this village.
Somehow only the village head seems to present in this room.
There is a huge door at the end of the room.

“Nice to meet you. My name is saito yuma . Please call me yuma”(yuma)

The village head opened his mouth to speak.

“Its good that you have come. My humble name is Zonga.
Yuma as you already know this village was attacked by thieves.
The town was unable to avoid this.Also i heard from gantt’s report that you knocked down the thieves we were unable to catch.
Im really greatfull for what you have done”(zonga-san)

I was generously thanked.
but still i do not why but im really curious about whats up with the huge door at the back.
I don’t know why i felt some eyes gaze at me and that i looked at something that i shouldn’t have looked at.
how do you ask a question decisively??

“No. I did something that should be done naturally. By the way zonga-san. I feel really weird from the gaze i am getting from the
huge door at the back.Am i having an illusion?”(yuma)

The village head who heard my response smiled hugely for a moment and then came back to his usual smile
and then

“Hey graze. You seem to have been noticed!  why don’t you come over!”(zonga)

The next moment a huge tall man who had a huge sword at his back emerged from the huge door.
The tall man seems to much harder to defeat compared to the thieves is the kinda feeling i am getting from him.

The tall man called graze opened his mouth to speak.
“I didn’t expect to be caught. My name is graze. I was sure that i erased my presence earlier. Not bad kid!”(graze)

Not bad… indeed kid?

“umm…My name is yuma~des.And im 25 years old and im not a little kid”(yuma)
(TL:graze called yuma shounen i.e little kid , kid ,boy etc)

That seemed to surprize graze-san a little bit

“WHAT! With that face your telling me your 25 years old! I truly cannot believe it! But im really sorry if that is true.
Alright ill call you yuma form now on”(graze)

He apologized obediently. Umu your forgiven.

“No NO its ok,im used to this happening.But after that is the main subject WHO are you really ?”(yuma)

So i put up the question and the answer came out prettly quicky too.
“a~ My name is graze. I am a B rank Adventurer who is currently protecting this Village/Town”(graze)


Chapter 22 END