Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Chapter 1009: Ghost Ah…

Chapter 1009: Ghost Ah…

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“Jun Mo Xie 1 … Mo Jun Ye… Also Evil Monarch 2 …” Zhan Qing Feng chuckled coldly. “I don’t care if you whether you are the Evil Monarch, or ‘Also Evil Monarch’; since you have come into the Misty Illusory Manor, then you can forget about getting out alive! Yu Shu, we must retreat right now and find the elders to notify them of this matter. This matter is of great importance to both the Zhan Family and the Misty Illusory Manor, so there must be no delays…”

Zhan Yu Shu excitedly responded, his voice even trembling.

There was no doubt, if this matter was true; it counted as a great accomplishment!

What motive did the Evil Monarch have in coming to the Misty Illusory Manor? Whatever it was, he must have some sort of intent! As long as this was exposed, these two brothers would definitely be elevated within the Misty Illusory Manor! And have some good come out of this setback!

And they could even make use of this opportunity to get rid of Cao Guo Feng and the rest. And most importantly, Miao Xiao Miao would definitely be implicated by this matter! And if something happens to Miao Xiao Miao, then it naturally would be the responsibility of the Miao Family…

If they continued to infer in this logical manner… then wouldn’t the both of them become the greatest contributor in the Zhan Family becoming the Lord of Misty Illusory Manor? What sort of glory and honor this was!

While these two brothers begin to fall into their l.u.s.tful thoughts, they completely forget about the fear and were extremely gleeful. Suddenly, this unusually dark pa.s.sageway suddenly turned bright.

This place was the place of the Nine Nethers Refining Soul that was specially designed by the Zhan Family for training talents. They had always banned lighting of fires. Since its establishment, there had never been a single flame or light that had appeared in this place! Of course, with the exception of the phosph.o.r.escence skeletons!

But right now, there was a flame that popped out of nowhere, hovering midair, silently burning. Just a single ball of fire, but it lit the entire place completely! Zhan Yu Shu only noticed now that he had been leaning on a skeleton… He couldn’t help but get a big fright!

Then, all their attention was drawn to this mysterious ball of fire that appeared out of nowhere.

This ball of fire just floated in the air, continuing to burn, slowly and steadily… Not only did it not extinguish, it did not descend—it just remained hovering!

The two brothers of the Zhan Family’s eyes were about to pop out of their sockets! What was happening here? This peculiar sight before their eyes had gone beyond their comprehension!

In this originally, sinister, dark pa.s.sageway full of b.o.o.by traps, this one magical flame suddenly appeared. Although it lit up the entire place and allowed them to see, it instead made them feel frightened!

This was the same fear that humans had towards the unknown. There were not many exceptions, and with the temperament of these two brothers of the Zhan Family, they were the same!

At this moment, a gust of cold air blew into Zhan Yu Shu’s ear from his back. Zhan Yu Shu’s brain was ringing; he only felt all the hair on his body standing on end and he shrieked in shock.

Then, from the void, a sound of a door opening could be heard. As if the doors of the Nine Nethers had been suddenly opened! This sound was very distinct, like it was ringing out from the deepest part of their souls…

Both brothers had the same thought. A door has been opened, and some sort of terrifying monster, demon, devil, creature is able to walk out of it… but, the scariest thing is, that door… only exists in the void…

Zhan Qing Feng who was slightly more calm was trembling all over. A look of extreme fear in his eyes.

It was remarkable that these two brothers could still remain standing when met with such a horrific sudden turn of events. Right now, both their sights were locked in the same direction: on the stone wall that was seemingly near, another ball of flame suddenly lit up. There was no way to determine the distance between the flame and themselves. But this flame was like the sharpest needle, popping out of nowhere, then gradually drifting closer, gradually expanding in their eyes…

And on the stone wall behind it, there was a weird figure, donned in white robes. It seemed to be ‘plucking’ itself out of the stone wall. From a single hand to the body, then with a strong ‘tug’, he finally yanked his entire body out of the stone wall!

And the most peculiar thing was that the stone wall did not have a single crack on it! As if this person had appeared out of thin air…

Zhan Qing Feng and Zhan Yu Shu turned cold watching this bizarre situation before them. Their eyes and mouths were wide open, but they could not even make a single sentence…

The bizarre spectacle has yet to end. That white figure’s feet did not touch on the ground. It just drifted over—in slow motion. The two ball of flames in front and behind them lit up the entire pa.s.sageway, but these two brothers just couldn’t see the face of that ghastly white figure no matter how hard they tried!

As if in this void, a ghost had just appeared from nowhere!

Right now, an eerie and creepy feeling had filled the hearts of Zhan Qing Feng and Zhan Qing Feng… Their teeth were chattering… They had a thought that made them fearful the more they thought about it. Could it be that in this world… there are really ghosts?

The white figure came closer and closer, Zhan Qing Feng and Zhan Yu Shu were more and more frightened!

The two of them couldn’t help but lean against each other as they trembled in fear. They were hoping to get lucky and find some sort of support and encouragement from the other brother, but right now, all they could feel from each other was their s.h.i.+vering. Which only increased their fear and terror…

“… Who? Who are you… To be pretending to be a ghost here?” Zhan Qing Feng interrogated, pretending to be calm. His face was completely pale, his teeth chattering, his eyes wide open, and there was no blood in his face. All these were more than enough to betray him and the panic in his heart…

“Hehehehehe….” An eerie cackle came out of the mouth of that white figure. It was still alright if he had not laughed. He only resembled a ghost. But with this inhuman cackle, it completely affirmed his ident.i.ty as a ghost, practically sending the brothers Zhan Qing Feng and Zhan Yu Shu on the verge of fainting…

As the white figure drew closer and closer, that blurry face that they could not discern finally began to clear up. Aside from another bout of eerie cackle, a handsome face appeared in the light. Sharp brows, starry-eyed, thin lips, black hair, well-built, and wearing a cold smile.

“It has been hard on the two of you!” This youth who had suddenly appeared smiled carefreely. His black hair fluttered in the light. In a sing-song tone, he said, “How enjoyable it is to go through samsara? Who knew that the paths of life are so far? Since you have entered the lands of h.e.l.l, it is difficult to return back to the human realm! Two sirs, your time is up. I have come forth specially to welcome you to be on your way!”

“No! No no no!…” Zhan Yu Shu screamed hysterically, his snot and tears running down his face. Suddenly, his pants began to feel warm. A gush of fluid leaked out. His entire body fell onto the ground limply. He could no longer exert any strength and didn’t know what he should say. He didn’t even know how to beg for mercy. He only knew how to keep saying ‘No no’ nonstop, and drool was already coming out from his mouth…

Suddenly, he shrieked hysterically. “Ghost~~~ Ahhhhh!!!!…”

Zhan Qing Feng was trembling, but much calmer in comparison. He looked at this unworldly handsome face and asked, “May I ask who are you?”

“This seat is the Soul Reaver. You are more unperturbed than him, and this seat admires people with guts. However…” This white robed youth smiled gently. Suddenly, his entire head went missing. Before the two brothers, only a headless body remained hovering in the air… but there was still a voice. “Admiring is one matter, things still have to be done. The two of you brothers have committed many sins and evil, so today, your time is up. h.e.l.l has ordered me to come and arrest the both of you… To the eighteen levels of h.e.l.l, subjected to all sorts of torture to redeem for all the wrongdoings you have made in this life..”

He was just talking when his head went missing… but the head was missing yet he was still talking… which organ was the one speaking right now?!

Zhan Yu Shu’s eyes were about to pop out from staring so hard in horror… Aside from this action, he couldn’t do anything else…

Zhan Qing Feng’s legs and stomach was cramping from the horror of this sudden change. His eyes were practically about to pop out of their sockets. His brain was ordering him to stop staring, but he just couldn’t move his gaze away…

He suddenly felt all the gooseb.u.mps on his body standing as his body turned cold…

This white figure… when he was talking, both his legs suddenly disappeared… then his waist as also gone… only leaving two broken parts of the body, drifting and hovering in the air, and the ghastly cries begin to ring out again!

How could Zhan Yu Shu endure such a horrific sight? He moaned as his eyes rolled to the back and he fainted. White foam was spewing out of his mouth as his body twitched uncontrollably…

Zhan Qing Feng wanted to stand up again and yell, using the ‘Yang’ energy to chase this ‘ghost’ away, but both his legs were completely jelly. He could not even stretch his leg at this point in time. Even if he did managed to get himself back up, he had no Yang energy…

The both of them had definitely confirmed that this unworldly handsome young man was really a ghost… and was the soul reaver that was here to catch both of them… they could not believe it ah… the sight before them was too inhuman, too terrifying…

“How useless… fainting just like this…” The white figure let out a condescending sigh. Then, Zhan Qing Feng saw with his own eyes that two legs ‘grew’ back with a whoosh…

Whoosh. The waist also ‘grew’ back. Then finally, the head… This fellow seemed to be really displeased, stretching out both his hands to fix his head, as if he had regrown it in a bad angle. Since it is the wrong angle, it had to be fixed, otherwise, it didn’t look pretty anymore…

It seems that this ghost is also very vain?!