Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Chapter 887: Three Intentions

Chapter 887: Three Intentions

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

“By logic, there is no chance of surviving this sword the moment it goes through the heart. Xia Dong Ting would only be able to let out a soft sigh or noise, and definitely not that powerful cry just now!”

Zhan Mu Bai said, “I dare say, if we cut open the wound to take a closer look, the sword wound is definitely odd!”

Hai Wu Ya frowned and considered for a while, before lifting the sword in his hand and cutting open Xia Dong Ting’s body from the center.

Zhan Mu Bai squatted down and carefully opened it. “Brother Hai, come and look.”

Without needing him to say anything, Hai Wu Ya also widened his eyes in shock.

The answer was right before their eyes. The tip of the sword had accurately aimed at the vital part of the chest of the heart, but it was also intentionally slanted by a centimeter, not entering the heart directly but wounding the side of the heart.

This sword obviously could go straight into the heart, making this a perfect a.s.sa.s.sination, and even avoid that loud cry, but the a.s.sa.s.sin did not do so, instead, intentionally allowing everyone to know the news of Xia Dong Ting’s death instantly!

“This sword, despite intentionally missing in its aim, still doomed Xia Dong Ting either way. That person used their Xuan Qi to gush through the heart and destroy the dantian. The only use of this was for the victim to let out a loud, pitiful cry immediately! But after that, the person would also stop breathing and die.”

Zhan Mu Bai stood up with a serious expression. “The person we are up against is a lunatic! He purposely let Xia Dong Ting make this cry!” He said slowly.

“His intention is definitely to give us a warning, or rather to say, to provoke us!” He Zhi Qiu interrupted, standing behind him. “He is notifying us that he has begun to take action so that we can be prepared and be on our guard! So that this battle will be even more exciting!”

Everyone got strangely agitated by this sentence! It was unacceptable!

A cold killing intent appeared on Hai Wu Ya’s face. “What an arrogant b*stard!” He said through gritted teeth.

As a Saint Emperor, being looked down on by people, how could he not feel infuriated?

He Zhi Qiu also had a dark look, and his tone was also lower than usual. “The clenched fist is the strongest argument. Power determines everything, and this is a fact that we all acknowledge! And from the looks of this a.s.sa.s.sination, the other party has all the rights to be talking big! This sort of a.s.sa.s.sination capability is beyond any one of us! The enemy this time is not only powerful, he is even more scheming than any schemers or the most cunning of men!

He let out a long sigh. “Facing an enemy like this is not necessarily less dangerous than facing the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master! Not only must we view this person with great caution, we must be extra careful. From the way this person is showing his might through this a.s.sa.s.sination attempt, when dealing with him one-on-one, we may not have confidence in a complete victory!”

“The more despicable thing is, such a powerful person, when facing an opponent who is weaker than himself, actually used… a.s.sa.s.sination!”

He Zhi Qiu had said the last sentence gritting his teeth tightly. The muscles in his jaw were trembling, clearly, and he was extremely furious!

The moment this was said, everyone felt the same.

The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master was a lunatic, but he was a mad man, crazy and maniacal in the way he did things. But he would not do anything this sneaky like a.s.sa.s.sinating. Or rather, he would be feel of disdain to do it. If the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master wanted to fight, he would make it a large scale one! He would definitely not attack behind someone’s back!

But the person in the dark they were dealing with was clearly a top a.s.sa.s.sin that was willing to resort to unscrupulous methods!

An enemy like this was one that really gave a headache!

He was definitely harder to deal with than the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master!

“Brother Zhan, this may not sound good, but I think that this a.s.sa.s.sin is the result of the trouble you had created. The other party’s aim may just be you alone!” He Zhi Qiu turned around to face Zhan Mu Bai, smiling awkwardly.

“Me? How could it be me? Where is this coming from? Do enlighten me!” Zhan Mu Bai was confused.

“To be honest, I really hope that I am wrong in my judgment! No one in this whole world has this sort of a.s.sa.s.sination ability, even in the pugilistic world. Only today and now, it suddenly appears. The moment it appears, it kills a Saint!” He Zhi Qiu’s eyes were cold as he said slowly. “In my prediction, it seems that only one person is capable of this.”

“Who?” Hai Wu Ya and Zhan Mu Bai asked simultaneously.

He Zhi Qiu let out a deep sigh and said, “It is the mysterious master of Jun Mo Xie! Brother Zhan had sneak attacked his disciple, so he is using the same method to deal with us! This was the only explanation I could come up with.”

“Indeed! It must be the case.” Hai Wu Ya and Zhan Mu Bai both came to realization. The three Holy Lands no longer had any enemies in the world today after ten thousands of years, what more, a powerful enemy like this. Aside from this slightly more reasonable explanation, there were really no other possibilities.

“But, Guardian Senior Qiao had clearly said before that Jun Mo Xie did not die. She even saw Jun Mo Xie appear in Chrysanthemum City with her own eyes.” Hai Wu Ya mumbled. “Since Jun Mo Xie did not really die… Why would his master be dealing with us like this in such a crazy manner?”

“That little thief suffered a blow from me at full strength; with those pathetic powers of his, how could he not die! Whereas… she has never seen Jun Mo Xie before and doesn’t even know how Jun Mo Xie looks like. Don’t tell me it is true just because she said it is? I never believed this matter!” Zhan Mu Bai scoffed and said, displeased.

The ‘she’ that Zhan Mu Bai was referring to was naturally referring to Qiao Ying. Clearly, Qiao Ying caused this great Saint Emperor Zhan to be strongly displeased with her due to her reaction in the way he handled things last time.

“Senior Qiao is a person of good virtue and is a prudent person; that news may not be false.” Hai Wu Ya said hesitantly.

“One must not believe in the words of a woman!” Zhan Mu Bai’s face was black as he rolled his eyes. “Unless that little thief Jun Mo Xie really appears before my eyes, well and alive, I’ll never believe that she is!”

Everyone exchanged looks, but did not say a word.

After a long while, Hai Wu Ya said, “Handle Brother Xia’s body appropriately; get someone skilled to sew up his body, and we’ll bury him when he return back. Everyone else be on your guards; do not be careless. The opponent we are facing this time is not to be belittled.”

“Yes, Sir!” Everyone responded.

It was dark at night, and the winds seemed to be blowing even closer.

It seemed like there was an invisible pressure enveloping the boundless night sky, causing the atmosphere to be desolate and miserable!


“This is a vicious battle that has nothing to do with justice. It is a battle that has no right or wrong! The reason why I did this was not for any n.o.ble reason; it was only for the sake of allowing my family and me to be able to survive! This is the only reason I fight! That is all!”

Jun Mo Xie said in a low voice, standing in the lush crown of a huge tree several hundred zhang from the Chen Manor.

“There is no battle cry or so-called great logic for this battle, only life and death. So we must not be soft hearted. Regardless of if we are dealing with a ruffian or a saint, as long as they want us dead, then the only correct thing for us to do is to make sure they die before us. Regardless if he is a hero or a saint, the moment he makes us his enemy, he is our enemy. That is all…”

“This logic I understood at least a few hundred years before you! Can you stop saying it so repeatedly?!” Mei Xue Yan frowned, seemingly on the verge of going mad.

Jun Mo Xie had been trying to reform her thinking like this for numerous days. Saying almost the same thing for dozens of times everyday… Right now, Jun Mo Xie only had to say the first couple of words and Mei Xue Yan would be able to say everything else he was going to say without missing a single word!

“I just want to tell you that…”

“You only want to tell me that, regardless if they were doing it for the sake of the War for Seizing the Heavens, or really for the sake of the world, but they want us to die, then we absolutely must not be soft hearted. If we need to kill, be despicable and be sneaky if necessary….” Mei Xue Yan said this paragraph through gritted teeth.

“So clever; actually that was what I mean. You finally understand it. I feel heartened.” Jun Mo Xie clapped and said with a smile.

Mei Xue Yan was speechless…

Can I not be clever? I heard this almost a thousand times within these couple of days… I am almost on the verge of going crazy from being tormented with this paragraph. If I can’t memorize it, then it’ll really make no sense. Don’t even talk about remembering it, even if you want me to say it backwards, it is also not an issue…

“Mo Xie, I only don’t understand how you were able to kill that Xia Dong Ting silently with a single strike and make this a.s.sa.s.sination perfect, but still purposely make him cry out?”

Mei Xue Yan frowned and said, “I am not against killing them, but I do not support torturous killing! A person dying is like a flame going out; no matter how big their crimes, a single strike through their heart and killing them would be enough. Why must you make it so cruel?”

“No no no, you’ve misunderstood.” Jun Mo Xie chuckled. “First, you need to understand that what I did this time was definitely not torturous killing. You have yet to see real torturing to death. Next, time if there is time and we have the circ.u.mstances, I’ll show it to you bit by bit. I guarantee that it’ll let you, Lord of the Beasts, get so flabbergasted that you feel completely weak…”

“And second?” Mei Xue Yan gritted her teeth and controlled her temper.

“Clever! To know that I had a second intention.” Jun Mo Xie’s sentence almost made Mei Xue Yan faint. Rolling her eyes, she forced herself to control her anger. You already said ‘First’; if I do not know that there is a ‘Second’, ‘Third’ or whatever… then I must be ridiculously dumb?

“Second, my aim is to let him notify the people of the three Holy Lands that I have arrived. The game of revenge has officially begun… Everyone must slowly enjoy the fun of this game…”

Jun Mo Xie smiled gleefully. “You must know that enemies like us who are invisible and hidden can give our opponents the greatest pressure. The moment it is nightfall, everyone will be fearful and jittery… Even when the two of us are sleeping and snoring away, they will still be on their highest guard, not even daring to relax the slightest… Overtime like this… hehe, this is the highest realm of torturing people.”

“Is there a third?” Mei Xue Yan scoffed and asked. Her heart was scolding:That’s really sinister!

“Naturally, there is a third.” Jun Mo Xie scratched his head and chuckled. “The third intention is my most important intention. That is to us, this cry to tell another person that Big Brother me is here, and Big Brother here has already started his actions. Take good note of the timing and cooperate; or if he is late, by the time I’m done, he won’t make it in time for even a tiny part of the action…”

“Inform someone? Who is it? Oh… it’s the Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master?” Mei Xue Yan understood the moment she had asked the question.

Jun Mo Xie comfortably changed his position and said, “Of course. We may be a lot stronger now, but… if we have a free hired thug for us, why not? I wouldn’t find it too many to have free hired thugs like this. How great would it be to have eight or ten of them?”

“Free hired thug, and eight or ten of them, what are you hoping for?? You… this person…” Mei Xue Yan was angry and amused. The Nine Nether Fourteenth Young Master that shocked the world with his name was a free hired thug in his mouth?

“Say, it’s better for everyone to be happy together than be happy alone.” Jun Mo Xie yawned and turned his body around. “Don’t move, let me snooze for a while; I’m really sleepy.” Then, he laid his head down and used Mei Xue Yan’s supple thighs as his pillow and closed his eyes comfortably.

This lecher!

Mei Xue Yan glared for a long time, but ultimately couldn’t bear to fling this scoundrel down the tree.

There was no other reason. Young Master Jun was really drained and exhausted this couple of days.

Mei Xue Yan felt soft hearted thinking of this, feeling an unexplainable heartache.

Only she really knew what Jun Mo Xie had been doing these couple of days. He had practically no time to close his eyes, being so busy. He was busy while she was sleeping, when she woke up, he was still busy…

He was really too exhausted…

I’ll allow him to be willful today, this one time, and let him get a good sleep.

Mei Xue Yan looked tenderly at Jun Mo Xie whose eyes were closed, laying on her lap. His face was filled with relief, seemingly at peace. She couldn’t help but feel a burst of sweetness in her heart. It is only in my embrace that he can be this relaxed for a while…

At this time, Jun Mo Xie, who seemed to have fallen asleep, mumbled, “Say, this woman’s thighs are really smooth… I really wish to touch it after stripping it naked…”

This sentence alone instantly shattered all the tender affection that was surging in Mei Xue Yan’s heart! It had also tossed the tempting idea of her secretly kissing this man out of the window…

Mei Xue Yan was fuming…