Otherworldly Evil Monarch

Chapter 345: Extremely Vile!

Chapter 345: Extremely Vile!

Translator: Novel Saga Editor: Novel Saga

Jun Mo Xie clicked his tongue, "I don’t know how you got this injury, little thing. Tch, it’s very harsh. Your meridians are like a hundred-year-old bark; they’re brittle, and full of cracks. They’ll break the moment you make any movements… but you’re lucky that you met me… Anyone else’s hands would’ve been bound even if they had wished to help you. However, I seldom turn down the chance to do a good deed."

He slowly let out the dense and pure aura he had ama.s.sed in his palm while he talked.

The refres.h.i.+ng and innate pure aura flowed into the little creature like a bubbling stream. It then went into its meridians. That innate pure aura increased its spirits. And then, the unspeakable pain that it felt was reduced considerably as the aura continued to flow into the meridians. It instead felt incomparably comfortable; in fact, it even wanted to let out a groan…

The aura slowly mended the nearly broken meridians. It was akin to a supreme healing medicine at the time. The injuries healed slowly, and got a little better. Soon, the meridians were fixed-enough to have no cracks left in them.

"So, how did you suffer such a Devil’s bite? It’s a high-level devil’s bite. In fact, its devil’s bite only a person with a Qi Level of a Great Master can suffer. Only someone with a huge amount of Qi could make this happen. How could a little thing like you make such a big ruckus? Is my guess wrong? Are you the root of these problems? Wouldn’t you be some big shot of Tian Fa if that were the case… perhaps even the Lord?" Jun Mo Xie laughed. It seemed funny even as he spoke it. And so, he burst out laughing.

The little creature turned to look at him, and its eyes revealed an expression of disdain.

"You’re not convinced, little thing? Wouldn’t I be the Ultra-Super Master if you were the Supreme Lord of Tian Fa? I can kill you as I speak since you’re in my hand. But, I will obviously never harm such an adorable little thing like you." Jun Mo Xie looked at it, and his expression changed very drastically. He couldn’t help but smile as he moved his hand, and lightly scratched the little thing’s tender nose.

A light noise came from the creature’s throat, and a look of embarra.s.sment appeared in his eyes.

The Young Master continued to tease the little beast while he healed it. It was unknown how long it continued for. Maybe it was for a short period… or perhaps it continued for a long time.

"Oh? You’re feeling embarra.s.sed, little thing?" Jun Mo Xie used the pure aura from the Hong Jun PaG.o.da, and eventually mended the entirety of the little creature’s damaged meridians. He let out a relaxed sigh as he spoke that ridiculous tease of a line. And then, he lightly patted the little thing’s tender posterior.

The little thing s.h.i.+vered after getting spanked. It was like it had been struck by lightning. It tried to struggle, but Jun Mo Xie held it down rather vigorously.

"The Injury is fine now. But, it’ll be best if you don’t tamper with it. It might go back to the original injured condition if you do." Jun Mo Xie spoke as he kneaded the little thing’s posterior. He then slapped it lightly… only to find that it was extremely soft and supple. It felt as if it had no bone in it. It felt very good to him, and he couldn’t help but continue to knead it.

"Anyway, you can’t understand a word I’m saying…" A rare and innocent smile surfaced on Jun Mo Xie’s face. He smiled, and his eyebrows shot up. He didn’t notice that the eyes of the little creature were full of embarra.s.sment until they had drooped down with shame.

"Oh?" Jun Mo Xie was too focused at rubbing the little thing since he was enjoying it a bit too much. Suddenly, a thought crossed his mind, "Ah, you seem so embarra.s.sed. You"re not a female, are you?"

The little creature started to tremble violently. Its eyes opened wide into a circle with disbelief. The little thing then turned as red as blood. Its short and white hair had turned red as well. Then, its body became very stiff; it’s didn’t move at all…

"A female... you are a female, and I’m a big man. But, I won’t rape you. So, what are you afraid of?" Jun Mo Xie was rather ‘engrossed’. So, he reached out and teased it further.

The little creature then let out a strange scream. It hadn’t returned to its state of previous supremacy since it’d need more time to heal completely. But, that vile and nasty human before its eyes was making it sick from head to toe. It twitched and shuddered… almost as if it was suffering from malaria. Then, it stretched and opened its eyes wide… to the greatest extent they could’ve been stretched to. It then slanted its head at a crooked angle, and fainted…

"d.a.m.n! You couldn"t endure even that much? I had just touched you lightly, and yet there was such a strong reaction… Was that your weak spot?" Jun Mo Xie spoke in a puzzled manner as he caught hold of the creature"s head to inspect it with bewildered expression on his face.

And, at this time...

Jun Mo Xie suddenly felt like he was. .h.i.t by something lofty, powerful and sharp. He was left to shudder due to the icy feeling, and the hair at the back of his neck stood up. He had reacted as such due to a murderous aura that had suddenly overtaken the vicinity. And, that murderous aura was extremely formidable. It was the strongest he had felt in both of his lives. He was called the "King of Evil" in his previous life, but his murderous aura was dwarfed by this cold and murderous one. He had been reduced to a mere ‘n.o.body’ expert in front of this aura. In fact, he felt the same way a short gra.s.s would in front of a large tree. There was absolutely no comparison between the owners of these two auras.

This was a very destructive murderous aura.

He didn"t even have enough time to pin-point where the cold murderous aura had come from in that split second. But, he felt that he had been enclosed inside it! As if he had fallen into a cold cave…!

He felt that he couldn’t escape it… no matter what he did.

Jun Mo Xie was covered with cold sweat for a time. That aura was so sharp, huge, and frightening that it could penetrate into an individual’s body, and could leave the said-individual’s thoughts to become sluggish. So much so… that even their very soul would become stiff and sluggish.

A person’s eyes would see no hope to reprieve themselves from the clutches of death once this murderous aura had shrouded their body…

Their eyes would reek of the antic.i.p.ation of their end!

[There’s such a terrifying and formidable strength in the depths of this forest!] Jun Mo Xie instantly became regretful. [I’ve been too careless this time.]

Jun Mo Xie had seen and faced many experts since the time he had come to this world. However, even a Spirit Xuan expert’s murderous aura would be considered nothing compared to what he was facing at this moment. Even the Great Master Li Jue Tian wouldn’t be able to compare with this…

That murderous aura was strong and terrifying enough to have surpa.s.sed the Young Master’s imagination!

[Perhaps this makes sense. This place had so many heavenly herbs! So, it would be illogical to leave these heavenly herbs lying around without a powerful guardian to protect them…]

Jun Mo Xie’s subconscious screamed for him to escape into the Hong Jun PaG.o.da, and take refuge against that frightful aura. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to deal with something so frightening and powerful. He wouldn’t have been able to escape this aura even if he was at the peak stage of his previous life. So, it was even more useless to talk about his present condition. Jun Mo Xie couldn’t even think of a means to deal with this powerful aura if its owner were to unleash it upon him. [What kind of earth-shattering murderous aura is this person emanating? I can neither contend with it… nor avoid it!]

However, the frightening aura disappeared just when Jun Mo Xie had started to think of making an escape. In fact, that aura had disappeared without a trace… or any prior signs of doing so. Its disappearance was an unfathomable mystery…

It had disappeared as suddenly as it had arrived. The heavens and earth had now reinstated to their original state.

"That was close!" Jun Mo Xie gasped for air. But, he still had some lingering fear. So, he linked his spiritual sense to the Hong Jun PaG.o.da in order to connect to everything. Then, a mixture of the aura from the Hong Jun PaG.o.da, and his own spirit sense, spread out far and wide. He looked everywhere, but didn’t discover anything unusual.

"This is very strange!" Jun Mo Xie frowned as he held the little creature. It should be mentioned that Jun Mo Xie’s innate spiritual sense was quite formidable even if his strength wasn’t. In fact, it was in no way weaker than that of a Spirit Xuan expert. Moreover, the aura from Hong Jun PaG.o.da and his innate spiritual sense had formed a formidable combination. And, this had increased the effective power by many times. But, the creature in his embrace was a supreme being. It was extremely strong. In fact, it was the strongest the Young Master Jun had faced since he had come to this world. And, it was the owner of that murderous aura. Jun Mo Xie’s spiritual sense was powerful, but it was incapable of detecting the opposite party’s aura if they had chosen to hide it. Jun Mo Xie had risked a chance, and had started to search for the ident.i.ty of that mysterious master. But, it was a pity that his spiritual sense had come up with nothing. His spiritual sense flowed out again. But, he found the area to be deserted once again; there was no one around.

He hadn’t even noticed that the little thing in his arms had woken up. Its big and beautiful eyes were wide open. But, they had a complicated expression in them. The expression in its eyes looked unpredictable in make, but revealed a faint yet fiercely ominous glint.

The expressions in its eyes were a blurry mix. It was sometimes indignant, sometimes embarra.s.sed. A murderous look would occasionally arise in them. And, it looked puzzled at times… The little thing had revealed many complicated expressions in its eyes. Any man would find this strange. But, Jun Mo Xie hadn’t paid any attention to this because of the appearance and disappearance of that unimaginable murderous aura.

The Young Master Jun had searched every place… except for his own arms. That little creature looked like a harmless animal. However, the dark light that shone in its eyes was of a persona Jun Mo Xie should’ve feared the most…

The undisputed and strongest master!

"Ha ha! You woke up, you little thing! You woke up, but you didn’t even move to let me know about it! You should be spanked for that! Hey, are you hungry?" Jun Mo Xie figured that the master with the murderous aura had disappeared, and wasn’t a threat to him for the time being. So, he relaxed. Then, he became lively, and lowered his head to look at the tiny thing. It was then that he noticed that the little creature had opened his eyes, and was looking at him. The Young Master Jun couldn’t help but laugh and lightly rebuke as he saw this.

The little creature closed its eyes tightly once again.

"You’re still in a bad mood? You’re acting like this even though I haven’t touched your b.u.t.t yet?"

Jun Mo Xie spoke that sentence with disdain, and then curled his lips. Then, "Pop! Pop!" he hit that little posterior with the palm of his hand. Then, he started to knead it, and a look of enjoyment came over his face. "This feeling… I really can’t get over it! Gee, you come with me… alright little thing? I will give you tasty food every day. The others can’t get the same treatment. I won’t even ask for anything. I’ll just rub your little b.u.t.tocks every day."

The little creature looked at him with resentment and shame. This man had helped heal its meridians during its frailest of times. It would’ve swallowed this shameless guy whole if it weren’t for that.

[What’s so valuable about eating and playing with you? What’s so special about being with you? What good will you rubbing my b.u.t.t everyday bring? Your words are pure and utter nonsense! It’s not untrue that you’ve helped me today. But, you have hit my body and added to my shame as well, you brat! If I don’t get back at you a hundred times over… then, I won’t be called…]

[You just wait for it! Humph!]

"You still don’t want to? How dare you! Humph! I’ve been so kind to you, and you still don’t want to come with me?" Jun Mo Xie continued to knead. Then, he suddenly thought of something and said, "You’re a female, right? That means that you will have to breastfeed when you have children, yes? But, I can’t see the equipment. Is it because they are too small? You think my eyes aren’t sharp enough? Why haven’t I found anything?"

The little creature quickly understood what was being said. It quickly opened its eyes wide to look at the hateful brat as it turned its slender body around. Then, it re-positioned it body with its slender stomach facing upwards… as if it was showing something…

"Tch, what you have is so small. It’s as big as a ‘mung bean’. Your children will have to endure terrible hunger." Jun Mo Xie smiled wickedly as he located his next target. He then extended his finger, and pinched it. He then rubbed, and pinched it again.

The tiny creature’s legs suddenly paddled and kicked. Then, it went red all over, and started to glare. After that, it let out a weeping groan in a strange voice. Then, it tilted its head, and fainted once again…

It had been made to faint out of anger and embarra.s.sment… twice by now. That other person was too big a bully…

The tiny creature found itself being carried in the man’s hand by the time it woke up; in fact, it was being swung rather awkwardly in midair…

Jun Mo Xie was in a rush at the moment since he felt the onset of a urinary urgency. However, he didn’t wish to put the little thing down since holding it felt extremely comfortable and wonderful. Moreover, that little things might slip away if he put in down. So, he carried the little thing, and went out to look for a corner to ease his bladder…

The young man raised his gown, undid the trousers, and let them slip a bit. He lowered his underpants down to his feet, and revealed two somewhat hairy thighs. After that, the genitalia came out… coincidentally… in front of the little creature’s eyes. He didn’t have any scruples doing it in front of the little creature anyway. Don’t people urinate in front of their pet dogs as well? Therefore, Jun Mo Xie didn’t think much about it. Then, the bright and s.h.i.+ny line of water burst out with a cras.h.i.+ng sound. It burst out joyously, and noisily. And, the young man felt extremely relaxed as a result of this…

The little creature being carried in this youngster’s hand could never have imagined that this man would shamelessly undo his trousers. The creature gave an embarra.s.sed whimper, and covered its beautiful big eyes with its paws.

Jun Mo Xie saw that reaction, and laughed in a savage manner. He finished his business, and shook his thing. But, he didn’t tighten his belt. He started acting in an even viler manner thereafter, and he pulled apart the little thing’s paws with his hands. The little thing’s eyes were forced open, and that huge thing appeared in front of it once again. In fact, that thing was so close to it that it nearly came close enough to touch it. The little creature screeched like a bird as its entire body turned red, and it shut its eyes close. Its two paws stretched forward despite everything. And, they moved forward with the intent to tear the Young Master’s thing to shreds…

Jun Mo Xie shouted, and quickly raised the little creature upwards with a whoos.h.i.+ng sound. Then, he again brought his thing close to its head in mischief once it had opened its eyes, and spoke with a sense of disdain in his tone, "See this? Feeling inferior? He he he…"

The tiny thing had grief and indignation written all over its face. It looked at Jun Mo Xie with shame in its eyes. And, tears had started to stream down from its eyes. It was in so much pain that it didn’t wish to live anymore. It was felt horrible, and it felt like its mind had gone blank. [This is so shameful… boo hoo… please let me die... I don’t want to live anymore…]

The Young Master had acted in a very tyrannical manner. He hummed, and pulled-up his trousers. But, the little creature continued to struggle in his hands. So, he threatened, "Stop this, or I’ll stuff you down my trousers!"

[Stuff me down the trousers?] The little thing instantaneously became rigid as it heard him. It didn’t even dare to move. [I might commit suicide out of shame if he stuffs me down his trousers… but I would still be regarded as a joke for ten thousand years to come!]

[Just look at this guy; he has acted so shamelessly! What else won’t he do at this point?]

[This is the most humiliating day of my entire life! This little brat is vile to an unspeakable degree. He’s extremely evil and shameless…]

Jun Mo Xie put the little creature on a rock in the stone chamber, and scolded the wide-eyed victim, "You stay here ok? I’ll be going out to get some herbs, but I will be back to take you. Then, we’ll leave." He turned around after he had said this, and walked towards the cave’s mouth. But then, he returned the next moment with a whoos.h.i.+ng sound, and grabbed the little creature. He then rubbed and spanked its b.u.t.ts a few more times as he laughed, "This is really nice! I’m addicted to it! Don’t run, now!" Then, he turned and left.

[Don’t run? You’ll ravage me when you get back!] The little creature glared at Jun Mo Xie’s back with pure hatred as he walked out. [Shameless b.a.s.t.a.r.d! I’m sure that you’re the one who stole my Tian Fa’s Sacred Fruit. And, now you’ve come here to humiliate me! Humph! This b.a.s.t.a.r.d’s help was great for me. But, I… I will never let you off in any way!]

[I will make you weep a tearless cry one day… just like I did today! And then, you won’t wish to live anymore! You’d want to die, but I won’t let you! First, I’ll fry your thing. And then, I’m going to sever it for scaring me like that!]

The little thing cried many wronged tears. It then turned around, and returned to the stone room. Then, it activated some unknown mechanism that was concealed inside the room, and disappeared.

[It has been hundreds of years since I’ve been born… and I had forgotten what it felt like to cry. But, I’ve cried so many tears of humiliation today… I just can’t bear this!]

[It won’t take me more than a day to make a full recovery. This speed of recovery has been made possible because of this brat’s help… but… but… I must take revenge!]

[I remember your smell! I remember your face! Don’t worry, I’ll find you! I’ll rat you out no matter where you run to inside this continent! A person who can escape my wrath hasn’t appeared in this continent in hundreds of years! Humph!]

[You repulsive brat! You shameless piece of sh*t! Remember me, b.a.s.t.a.r.d!]

Jun Mo Xie eventually finished collecting enough ingredients. In fact, he had nearly wiped the area clean. He was in a happy and satisfied mood… like he was returning from a rewarding journey. He was extremely content with his achievements, and felt relaxed. But, he was then suddenly blindsided the moment he returned to the stone chamber.

The black gown was still there inside the stone chamber. But, the adorable little creature wasn’t. It had disappeared without a trace.

"c.r.a.p! Where has that little thing run off to? How come it has run away when I told it not to?" Jun Mo Xie felt a rare sense of indignation, "I had cured your injuries, and had given you so much fun! Yet, you forgot what you owed me, and escaped! You’re a thankless thing!"

The Young Master Jun was unwilling to give up. He carefully searched inside a circ.u.mference to see where that ungrateful creature had run off to…

"I’ll see that I never knead your tiny a.s.s again once I find you!" Jun Mo Xie took a hateful pledge. He was feeling very indignant. He wanted to take that little back with him… so he could tease it regularly. Moreover, he wanted to take that incredibly tiny and adorable creature to his house so that it might also keep Guan Qing Han happy.

However, those back-and-forth thoughts were of a man who had counted his chickens before they had hatched. This had turned into a fruitless endeavor.

[Don’t get too c.o.c.ky! Just you wait! You’ll be wiping my a.s.s the next time we meet. I’ll teach you a lesson! Humph!]

Jun Mo Xie cursed inside. But, he also thought of the Hong Jun PaG.o.da. He thought of an entire layer filled with the legendary treasures he had collected. This made him very happy. This trip to Tian Fa had been an enriching and profitable endeavor. In fact, the profits had far surpa.s.sed his imagination. It had been a b.u.mper harvest!

Jun Mo Xie was satisfied. He sighed, and his body suddenly got up into the air before he vanished. He had already initiated the Yin Yang Escape, and was moving unseen through the forest towards his destination — the Southern Heaven City.

[Only one important ingredient is left… the Level Nine Xuan Root!]

Grandpa Jun’s cultivation would be advanced to Spirit Xuan realm once the Level Nine Xuan Root had been acquired. In fact, it would go beyond the mere Spirit Xuan realm! He would be at Spirit Xuan’s second level’s peak in one enthralling step!

[Grandpa’s cultivation is lacking in relation to the world at large. But, it’s one of the top ones in Tian Xiang City… perhaps even the whole of the Empire. Tian Xiang’s Emperor could think of dealing with the Jun Family despite its military prowess, but he wouldn’t think about messing with a Spirit Xuan expert without fearing of the consequences!]

[No one can bear such consequences with ease. Even the Emperor of a country is no exception! A Spirit Xuan expert as an enemy can tantamount an ocean of corpses and blood!]

Then, Jun Mo Xie settled his heart, and concentrated on dealing with his Third Uncle’s situation.

The Silver Blizzard City… he couldn’t take out the entire Xiao Family for the time being. But, he still had to make his uncle and Han Yan Yao meet. This was the greatest worry that had plagued his uncle’s heart. This was also Han Yan Yao’s greatest hope. And, Jun Mo Xie had taken it upon himself to help the two.

Jun Mo Xie returned to the Southern Heaven City the next day. But, it was already night time. In other words, he had already spent a full day and night in the forest.

"Where had you gone to, you brat? What took you so long to return?" Jun Mo Xie ran into Jun Wu Yi’s question the moment he returned. His three Spirit Xuan maternal uncles were staring at him. And, one could tell from their eyes that were ready to give him a beating.

The three men had their hair turn white with worry for their precious nephew since the youngster had gone missing for a day and night. Moreover, this was the Xue Hun Manor’s territory. So, Jun Wu Yi and the three Dongfang brothers would’ve rushed to either Xue Hun Manor… or the Silver Blizzard City to look for Jun Mo Xie if he hadn’t returned in some time…

"Well… I had just gone for a casual stroll. And, I hadn’t gone very far." Jun Mo Xie turned his gaze from his four uncles, slipped-away into the shadows, and disappeared without a trace.

[I can only tell you that I went for a stroll into the forest yesterday. What a joke! I had a very cheerful and friendly chat with seven Xuan Beast King. And, I’ve come to a mutual agreement with them. We have unanimously reached a mutually beneficial agreement to cooperate…]

The four men looked at each other. [You went for a stroll? You brat, this is your first time in this city! You’re a stranger here! So, where did you go for a stroll? And, can one go for a stroll that lasts for a day and a night?]

[You didn’t go far? You could’ve gone far enough to visit Tian Xiang City by now! You brat, don’t you know that we four brothers were worried to death?] However, Jun Mo Xie had returned, and didn’t wish to discuss his whereabouts. In any case, he had returned safe and sound. So, the four elder men were in no mood to inquire further. Moreover, Jun Wu Yi was aware that his nephew possessed special powers, and not only in name at that. They were presently in Southern Heaven City. But, he wouldn’t have been too worried if his nephew had gone missing for two to three days in Tian Xiang City.