Otoko Darake no Isekai Trip ~BL wa Okotowari~

Chapter 7☆R◯pists should be Castrated

The R18 continues☆

You’re a fairy on your next life☆Adventure Arc: Chapter 7☆R◯pists should be Castrated

Egocentric DefenseE G O N I S T  was actually an ero skill! I have always thought that ×10 sensitivity was such a weird compensation but it turns out that it was really a skill that is used for erotic purposes!

I was deceived! I was deceived! I’ve come from another world so I thought it was just natural to have a cheat skill! Well, in a sense it IS a cheat! I REALLY GOT CHEATED¹!

Uuuu, I had to go through a bitter experience because of it. A man did this and that to mー、hey! Why aren’t you stopping yet. We’re still in the forest where the goblins had sp.a.w.ned. Wait, Grey! Stop touching me in weird places, d.a.m.n itー!

“Hey, stop bulls.h.i.tting me, where do you think you’re touching me. Let go of me!”

“Why? Won’t you be the one in pain if we don’t let this out?”

“Why is the ero development still ongoing! Usually for this kind of ero development, the knight in shining armor appears and saves the victim and he would realize that, the victim has already pa.s.sed out. The knight in shining armor carries him back to the bed without doing anything and then won’t it end just like that?! Why the heck are you continuing like it’s normal!!?

“Haa? What are you talking about? After coming this far, isn’t it just normal to do it till the end?”

Apparently the ero development is still going to continue. Don’t f.u.c.k with meeee!! Only girls are allowed to do ero stuff to me! When the h.e.l.l did I demand for gay s.e.x! No way! I don’t need it!

Grey gropes my a.s.s in the meantime. Ueeeghhh, gross!

“..Hiii.. Aaah.. don’t touch me in that kind of place…”

“You want me to ram it in that badly? It will hurt for me too if I insert it forcefully so shut up for a bit.”

“L-like h.e.l.l…….Aaaah! Stop…putting more fingers in..!”

The fingers inside me increased from 1 to 2.

The a.n.u.s is supposed to be connected to the internal organ so I thought it would hurt if it was opened up forcefully, but I don’t know if it’s because of Egocentric DefenseE G O N I S T , but it doesn’t hurt at all.

Quite the contrary, it actually feels so good that I want to die. Egocentric DefenseE G O N I S T -san is working too hard. It’s about time for you to rest. My body won’t hold up.

“….Nooo! …stop…! Nnngh… kuu ..Aaaaahhh!”

“You keep on saying stop or no for quite a while now but aren’t you a secret agent? Aren’t you used to this? If so, just flatter me and let me have some fun. If you do, I don’t mind letting you go afterwards.”

“Y-you must be kidding! I’m not used to this! I’ve never done this kind of ero stuff in my whole life, not even once! And I’m not a spyー!!!”

Like h.e.l.l I’ve experienced something abnormal like getting my a.s.s screwed before! On the contrary, I have never had s.e.x before! Don’t look down on virgins!

An Eh? slipped pasted Grey’s lips and the fingers stopped moving. The pressure subsided and I managed to breathe.

I was saved, I can finally breathe. If only the fingers that were inside me were pulled out too then that would be the best.

“Y-You’re a virgin? Now that you say it, it feels tight despite the fact that you look accustomed to it.”

“Now that you know then pull out already! It’s been feeling disgusting for a while now!

Grey slowly pulled his fingers out as I complained.

Just when I thought, Thank G.o.d it ended, something bigger than the finger was pushed inside me. As soon as I thought Eh?, pleasure pierced through my body. I screamed unthinkingly.

“Hyaaaaaaaaaaa……!? Aaaah…!! ….nnnghn ! …what!?”

“s.h.i.t, like h.e.l.l I can endure it when I’m told something like that!”

I can hear the wet sounds of Grey thrusting his hips on me and it made me realize that Grey and me are currently connected. BASTAAAAAAARDー!! What are you doing!? Are you doing me²!?

That’s the red line that must not be crossed!!! Even though I’m still a virgin, I already lost my chast.i.ty³!! I can’t cry enough!

“Aaaannghh… Aaah.. ..No…pull..out… Pull out….”

“Stop lying. This is reacting so much, it feels unbearably good, doesn’t it?  Is this really your first time? So erotic…”

“…Hii.. nnghh…! Don’t..touch my d.i.c.k…!”

Just as Grey said, I feel so good that I can’t help it. Even though it wouldn’t be weird if it felt like your insides were tearing up because you’re being penetrated by such a huge thing but all I can actually feel is a pleasure which melts my brain.

But, that’s just the pleasure inside me. It’s a feeling that makes my body tremble but it’s not a direct feeling. But it’s a different story when he touches my son. It’s a pleasure that makes me lose my mind immediately.

Grey rubbed my son up and down and I don’t know anything anymore because of all the pleasure so I clung to the thing in front of me. Something warm… It was Grey’s back. I dug my nails into his back with all my strength as a form of revenge.

“Nnnghhh.. aaah… AAAH! Aaaaaaaahー!”

“Kuh, don’t just tighten up suddenly. I almost got carried away.”

“Noooo!  Hyaaa..! I’m coming.. Aaaahh! Nooo, aaahh.. AAAH, I’m comingーー!!”

“Yeah, I’m going to let you come!”

Grey said as he grabbed my hips and rammed forcefully into me. It feels unbearably good when it’s being done hard. My brain is already melting. I can see sparks at the back of my head.

“Noooooooo! AAAH! I’m….coming! I’m coming! Hyaaa, aaahh! Aaaaaaaaaaah… ngh~~!!”

“….good… ugh… !!!”

My mind went blank and my consciousness was fading.

I felt something hot shoot inside of me as I fainted.


Just when I thought about that, something felt wrong with my b.u.t.t. Right… Of course… It wasn’t a dream…. Haha… G.o.d is dead.
UWAAAAHー!  I WANNA DIEーーー!! I rolled around on the bed as I thought of this. I know it’s probably a nuisance to the people on the floor below but I don’t care.I mean, it’s a man! Of all people, A MAN!  It was my first time, y’know?!! I wanted my first time to be with either an Onee-sama who will kindly guide me or sweet vanilla s.e.x with my cute girlfriend! It’s not supposed to be like this!

No, wait. Having s.e.x with the same s.e.x usually doesn’t count, right? Like, how kisses between guys or between girls don’t count? Then I can just treat this one like that, right? Right?

Ahh, thank G.o.d. That means I’m still the same old, No Girlfriend Since Birth⁴. I’m still a virgin who belongs to the reserve army of fairies⁵! Hmm? I wonder why my vision is blurry?

Let’s leave that aside for now. What happened to being suspected to be a spy? Am I still being suspected? Hmm.. I don’t want to but I need to meet Grey. If I’m still being suspected, we need to talk it out calmly. Like, I’m going to charge you for rape, or something.

My heart was pumping as I went downstairs but Grey wasn’t there. Where did he go? If he’s not here, we won’t be able to talk and that would be troublesome. Though I’m not really against not meeting him either way. I do not want to meet him ever again.

For now let’s go to where Michel-san is. If I was brought to the guild then that means, Michel-san might know something. I went towards the counter where Michel-san was.

“Excuse me, Michel-san.”

“Ah, Shiromu-kun. That’s great, you’ve woken up. How’s your body?”

Michel-san asked worriedly as I sat at the counter. Wait a minute. You know what happened, Michel-san!? You knew that this and that were done to me? OI, GREYYYYYYY! Don’t you know about privacy! Are you stupid? Do you want to die? Die already!⁶

My pride, which was the size of a water flea, is even pulverized now! You’re good since you’re the one who did me, but think about me, the one who got DONE! I can’t forgive you! That’s it! Watch your back at night!

“No… Uhm… Ahaha… It’s… okay… Uhm.. Do you know where Grey-san is?”

In my heart, I have decided to take revenge on Grey as I ask Michel-san for Grey’s whereabouts. After I ask, first, we should sneak in an attack. Mainly focus on aiming for the lower body part. I hope you become impotent!

“If it’s Grey-san, he went to the capital.”

“Eh, is that so?”

Either way, it seems that I won’t be able to meet him too soon. It’s not like I want to meet him that much but it doesn’t sound quite right to me. At least apologize to me before you go. Not that I would forgive you!

Michel-san said, smiling. ….I wonder why… I felt a chill just now. Michel-san is smiling but somehow I’m feeling cold.

Grey-san dislikes going to the capital. And yet suddenly, he goes there. Don’t tell meー

“It will be great if only Grey-san doesn’t come back here again.”

As Michel-san laughed blithely, I was convinced. Michel-san sent Grey-san to the capital. Michel-san is actually a black belly⁷ character.

Well, I don’t really know what kind of troublesome things there are in the capital but I can only say one thing,

HAHAHA! Serves you right! lol lol Don’t ever come back hereー!!

¹チートって"騙す"って意味だから. “Cheat tte “damasu” tte imi dakara. Literally: Cheat actually means “to deceive”. It’s a pun. The first cheat is the cheat from cheat skill while second is literal meaning.

²何してくれてんの?ナニしちゃってるの!? “Nani s.h.i.te kuretenno? NANI shichatteryu no!?” Second pun XD The first Nani(何) is What. The second Nani(ナニ) pertains to s.e.x or masturbating.

³There are different terms for guys and girls w/ virginity. Guys: doutei Girls: shojo. He said doutei first then he said shojo second. I wanted to translate it first as “Even though I still haven’t f.u.c.ked anyone yet, I already got f.u.c.ked!” but too much cuss XD

⁴He originally said Age equals to (years of having) No Girlfriend lol

⁵Originally 妖精予備軍所属: Yousei yobigun shozoku. In j.a.pan, there’s a saying that when a guy reaches 30 still a virgin, he’d turn into a fairy lol. So he’s saying, he’s still a member of to-be-fairies-in-the-future army lol. There’s a similar term in intl which is wizard lol.

⁶馬鹿なの?死ぬの?死ねよ! I translated literally. This is a 2ch meme. Zero no Tsukaima used this before. I can’t find a sample video;;

⁷Haraguro/Black belly. If you read chinese/j.a.panese novels then you probably already know but haraguro charas are sweet and kind outside but is actually sly/cunning/evil

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