Overlord In Cultivation

Chapter 157

Su Yan smiled happily. He had suffered miserably for the past twenty days.

Now his body was restoring vitality, nourished by mild energy of Essence Stones like thermal spring.

Cultivators who survived Alkaid’s pressure would increase their potential, because Alkaid had a set of magnificent and complete Rules. And now Su Yan’s damaged body had linked up to it.

His body s.h.i.+ned brilliantly!

His blood began to revive slowly. His damaged body was rea.s.sembling and nourished by taking away divine power of Rules hidden in this world!

Su Yan’s Qi got stronger day by day. His body recovered quickly and was full of power after reparation.

“I’m running out of Essence Stones!”

Su Yan wore a sad face. He spent many Essence Stones while making the Formation of Starry Sky and only left with a few thousand Essence Stones. He didn’t know that the repairing his damaged body cost so much!

Normally, outstanding talents from superpowers received good training resources once they returned to a super primordial life planet, and Essence Stones were the weakest of all.

They needed great tonics to make up for physical defects. When they had successfully transformed, they would be unbelievably strong.

“I still can’t open my Taoist door.”

Su Yan sighed in his heart. He checked inside and was astonished to find that his body and power equal to that of his best time.

But Su Yan’s wounds hadn’t fully healed yet!

“This is the advantage of superior life.”

“I have a body of Taoist Door Realm, so I have to refine divine power of Rules to nourish my body. Power of Rules on the earth is incomparable to those on Alkaid.”

“If I can fully recover, my combat skills could go to a higher level!”

Su Yan’s body glowed. At the moment, he could feel the might of Alkaid. Back on the earth, Su Yan could smash a mountain easily.

But he couldn’t do it here!

The land of Alkaid was so hard that it wouldn’t be shaken easily. Su Yan was astonished. What would the strongest primordial life planet look like?

“Even if I go to the ancient city and find the medicine, I can’t afford it!”

Su Yan frowned a little. He only had two years. Time was ticking.

But then Su Yan smiled again. Dragon Totem could lead him to rare treasures, even medicines in such a top primordial life planet.

“Since I’m here, I will do this step by step!”

“A hundred years ago, it was impossible to step into the universe, not to mention finding life on another planet.”

Su Yan waited eagerly. He rested and thought about getting out of here when strong elites left this area.

The days went by.

On a night after three days, wisps of scary power spread out and the wild mountain forests seemed to roar and shake, pushed by the power.

It was so tyrannical that all the stars roared, and the milky way fell along.

“Some big-name from Big Dipper Domain is coming!”

In the wild mountain forests, cultivators from various powers and clans of Alkaid converged.

They all looked shocked. A milky way fell from extraterritorial sky and turned into a silver boulevard!

Many glimmering stars shone within the boulevard.

The most attracting part was that seven s.h.i.+ning stars were drifting along!

It was the Big Dipper Boxing for sure!

Only big-names from Northern Dipper could cultivate the Big Dipper Boxing.

Northern Dipper was the strongest power in Big Dipper Domain.

It controlled seven dippers and Alkaid also belonged to it!

Northern Dipper was the chief of Bigger Dipper Domain and ruled the whole domain.

People who cultivated the Big Dipper Boxing were the inheritors of Northern Dipper.

All forces felt a heavy power of galaxy, as if a Taoist saint landed in the world!

“It’s the Lord of Northern Dipper!”

Some young people screamed, “Look! Fairy of Northern Dipper!”

Su Yan in Zhang Cun nearly jumped in excitement.

Because he saw an acquaintance, Zhu Yue!

Zhu Yue walked along the milky boulevard with unparalleled beauty and elegance.

The corners of her dress fluttered. She was so breathtaking that even the sky and stars paled.

The arrival of Lord of Northern Dipper shook the whole Alkaid!

Because this woman was the Lord of Northern Dipper, the most horrible existence in Big Dipper Domain, and she was also the prettiest woman in the domain.

G.o.ddess, Fairy and now Lord of Northern Dipper!

“Why is she here?”

Lord of Alkaid in the distant Alkaid city was gloomy. Zhu Yue was Lord of Northern Dipper, the highest power in Big Dipper Domain.

But she was also a woman. Therefore, they refused to obey her!

Besides, Zhu Yue only cultivated for a few hundred years, and she rose up to this high position. None of the seven lords could beat her!

Northern Dipper was the most powerful force of the eight palaces in Big Dipper Domain. Once elected Lord of Northern Dipper, one was, beyond all doubt, the supreme power of the domain.

Zhu Yue came to the wild mountain forests. Her eyes, emitting silver divine beams, looked at the dark planet graveyard and saw an unimaginable primordial life planet buried.

Northern Dipper, the strongest primordial life planet, sunk and fell here. It called itself the forbidden area of life, and people named it the planet graveyard.

“Zhu Yue. Hahaha. It’s Zhu Yue!”

Su Yan was delighted. He left Zhang Cun and ran towards Zhu Yue’s location. He hoped that he could catch up with her.

Not long after Zhu Yue’s arrival, the edge of the wild mountain forests rose and fell, sending out waves of power.


A loud noise pa.s.sed through, carrying people away. Su Yan could feel an extremely horrible power sweeping the wild territory.

For a while, the heaven and the earth roared. Mountains and valleys were collapsing.


Countless divine beams rose above the horizon, blinding people’s eyes, like swords out of sheaths split the firmament.

Another booming sound crushed this world, shaking mountains and rocking the earth.

One after another vicious sea wyrms showed up upon the horizon, pulling an ancient chariot of chaos.

“Nine sea wyrms are pulling a chariot!”

Villagers of the wild mountain forests were shocked. What a horrifying sight!

Sea wyrms were rare beasts with terrible power. They could hardly find an equal opponent in the same realm.

But now, vicious sea wyrms were pulling a chariot!

Su Yan was surprised. Any of them could beat him easily!

“In our domain, who else dares to go out like a G.o.d than Xue Guan?”

People looked up with reverence. Each sea wyrm was very strong and vicious, and they could turn the wild mountains and valleys upside down at will.

It was nine such wyrms that pulled an ancient chariot of chaos towards the planet graveyard.

Various powers were stoked. The chariot hazy like a chaotic universe, was formidable.

Among the chaos sat a blurred figure.

When the chariot pulled over, people nearby felt suffocated and almost shattered under the pressure of the chariot of chaos.

It was said that such chariots were the rides of mighty powers!

Since Xue Guan had a chariot, he probably had a great opportunity.

At the moment, chaos split, and an outstanding figure walked out into the world.

He was upright with s.h.i.+ning light. He looked like the son of a G.o.d, bathing golden divine beams. Inside his body was a sense of great magic.

“How horrible!”

“I can sense multiple kinds of great magic!”

People were scared to see a giant door that suppressed the starry sky was shown in his body, surrounded by divine beams. Cultivators of Taoist Door Realm almost collapsed on the ground.

“Secret door of magic!”

Su Yan saw it clearly and was shocked because secret door of magic was way too formidable!

Incipient Realm, Destiny Spring Realm (Implement Constructing Realm), Taoist Door Realm, and then it was Divine Magic Realm!

Destiny Spring Realm and Implement Constructing Realm was the same realm. Su Yan was in the third stage of Taoist Door Realm, and the next realm was Divine Magic Realm!

In Xue Guan’s secret door of magic was a astounding scene!

In the scared door, an indistinct hand was catching demons, including even an unmatchable supreme dragon.

More horrible scenes revealed themselves. People couldn’t get a clear view, but the sense of great magic made their blood frozen.

“Nine scared doors became one and turned into the strongest secret door of magic. It was not a hearsay as I saw it today.”

“Xue Guan the Supreme opened nine scared doors when he was in Taoist Door. I saw five beams in his secret door of magic. He has cultivated five magic crafts, and at least three great ones. How strong!”

“He is. Even Fairy of Northern Dipper only has two great magic crafts in her secret door of magic, but Xu Guan grasps at least three!”

Su Yan stared at Xue Guan’s secret door of magic. He scratched his head and thought that if one could get all nine great magics, that person would become invincible!

Combat elevel of secret door of magic was extraordinary. Laws of magic were engraved in the secret door and once initiated, magic crafts would explode one after another. The power was immense!

The realm was called Divine Magic Realm and its power was formidable!

“I suspect that Xue Guan has cultivated an unmatchable magical occult after combining nine sacred doors into one.”

“With the influence of the Big Dipper Supreme, we can surely contend for hegemony in the name of Big Dipper Domain and become invincible of all domains in the future.”

People discussed enthusiastically. Some call him Xue Guan the Supreme, while others call him Big Dipper Supreme.

The fact that Xue Guan was named the Big Dipper Supreme meant that he was deeply honored and respected!

“Fairy of Northern Dipper, long time no see. You look even more stunning. I heard that you were injured some time ago. I came by some star potion. Hopefully it will help you!”

Xue Guan looked magnificent and powerful. He smilingly walked over to Fairy of Northern Dipper whose real name he really wanted to know. Everyone called her Lord or Fairy of Northern Dipper.

Some girls were jealous, because everyone knew that the Big Dipper Supreme was pursuing Fairy Zhu Yue. She may be very talented, but she was still incomparable to Xue Guan when they were the same age.

There could only be one young supreme in each domain.

If another young supreme appeared, a fierce fight was inevitable!

Xue Guan cultivated for hundreds of years. He was invincible all along and every challenger lost to him. Now he was respected as the Big Dipper Supreme.

Lord of Alkaid also came. He looked enthusiastic because he hoped that Xue Guan and Zhu Yue could become a married so Zhu Yue would lose her qualification as Lord of Northern Dipper. After all, Xue Guan belonged to the Xue family.

He wondered what kind of Life Magic Xue Guan had cultivated after combing nine Taoist doors into secret door of magic.

Everyone knew that the combination of nine Taoist doors could bring a chance to breed an extremely strong magical occult.

It was also related to scripture of cultivation!


Many people was attracted by the pot of star potion that Xue Guan handed out. The moment the cover was opened, auspicious colors and many glimmerings golden stars appeared in the sky, emitting immense life essence!

Lord of Alkaid was astonished, because the potion was so rare. It was automatically bred by starry sky and it took at least hundreds of thousands of years.

“It’s too generous. He’s worthy of the name of the Big Dipper Supreme!”

“The Big Dipper Supreme and Fairy of Northern Dipper, what a good match! If they get together, it would shock the whole universe!”

People nearby were taken aback with surprise. To hand out star potion like that meant that Xue Guan was very rich.