Overlord In Cultivation

Chapter 146

Su Yan, like a furious human-dragon, was diving downward!

His whole body glowed glamorously, s.h.i.+ning the world stained with blood.

After seeing the scene, the running cultivators all gnashed and someone shouted, “Warlord Su Yan has made his way out. Brothers, we shouldn’t run away. If we leave, who will protect the common people behind us!”

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“We fight till death!”

“I won’t be conquered people!”

The fury and courage inside some were provoked and they growled like a beast. The cultivators all became furious as they were well-aware that if these demons entered all Huaxia Alliance’s bases, the awaiting end of Huaxia Alliance would be slavery!

Su Yan dived in, his black long hair dancing in disorder and his eyes full of coldness and killing determination.

“Good. Looks like I’m lucky to meet with two fierce aboriginals.”

Zu Guanyu stared at the diving Su Yan with a cold smile. His move was simple but bossy, one arm stretching out and the palm suddenly enlarging. It seemed to crack the world!

As a master in Taoist Door Realm peak, Zu Guanyu was powerful, much stronger than Zu Yan. His palm covering the sky within one square mile, suppressed the direction of Su Yan cruelly.

“Watch out, brother!”

Su Bingshuang tightened her hands firmly with eyes opened widely. She was worried about Su Yan very much, but Su Yan surprised her by a sudden rise of vigor.

At the moment, Su Yan’s spirit was different. His black hair danced in disorder and his body became the carrier of rules, causing the world to roar!

A bit of scary awing divinity was leaked when his body reached the extreme.

“Haha, two kings! Lucky! Sell you as war servants, and I’ll make a fortune!”

Zu Guanyu looked delighted instead of astonished. His palm flamed again, pouring out nine Taoist Doors’ power. His hand, s.h.i.+ning brightly, almost became the hand of rules, shrouding and suppressing Su Yan!

“You are the second alien I kill!”

Su Yan’s angry voice exploded in the air, which inspired nearby cultivators who fought with their lives while watching the scene that made their blood boil!

From the moment on, the zenith was roaring, awakened by Su Yan’s Qi.

Su Yan’s palm formed a fist and a few hundred miles followed its waves, scary enough to turn the world upside down. By the burst of Su Yan’s boxing, a vast expanse of open ground began to roar, mountains were shaking, and everything seemed to collapse!


Su Yan’s angry boxing paled the sky and the ground. It crushed Zu Guanyu’s palm and seemed that it even punched the firmament through!

How invincibly fierce!

Zu Guanyu’s whole palm was heavily damaged and almost broken into pieces. No power of any rules could bear Su Yan’s boxing!


Zu Guanyu looked ferocious in appearance with his palm broken and almost blown by Su Yan’s boxing.

“Warlord Su Yan!”

Countless voices from citizens in the whole Huaxia Alliance thundered over the sky.

The mist of despair and everyone’s hopelessness were driven away by Su Yan’s punch.

“b.a.s.t.a.r.d, how dare you hurt me!”

Zu Guanyu was furious. He unsealed the nine Taoist Doors running around him and a sea of patterns of rules ran through his body!

He became stronger and headed upward like a flash. His Qi made the whole area collapse!

“I’m gonna kill you!”

Su Yan pushed forward with big steps. His eyes were dazzling like thunderbolts. Unstoppable!

He shouted to the air and the sky seemed darkened. His body was so powerful to employ prehistorical powers to extreme, blotting out the sun and moon because he had opened Scared Door and savvied the most horrible rule power.


He threw a punch, making the world tremble and a vast expanse of open ground shake. The vigor and energy brought by his punch could tear the sky and split the sea. A dragon of vital blood was shown in his punch, turbulently penetrating the vast sky.

With all eyes fixed on him, the mighty Zu Guanyu and his nine Taoist Doors were suffocated by Su Yan’s formidable power!


When magical storm pressed on, Zu Guanyu trembled, and his nine Taoist Doors flickered to the extent of collapsing.

He was coughing with blood on corners of his mouth as if he were heavily struck by thunder. He retreated at a few steps and nearly fell on the ground!

“Warlord Su Yan!”

Roars and shouts from Huaxia Alliance echoed throughout the boundless wilderness!

Su Yan, the warlord with fierce stare, stood towering like a giant. His black hair was shoulder-length. His murderous look was as sharp as a heavenly sword.

“Zu Guanyu, you are such a loser. You can’t even beat an aboriginal!” said a powerful young man who held a chain threading a few dozens of human bodies and walked towards Su Yan, like a demon from h.e.l.l.

“This aboriginal is strong. If we refine his flesh, we can make an oven of precious liquid!”

Another powerful young man with a furnace arrived. He stared at Su Yan and sensed his vigorous essence and blood, thus commented satisfactorily.

“I’m looking forward to fighting him. After all, he has the const.i.tution of king body!”

Another powerful man came carrying a pike. He was full of vicious breath. His pike was s.h.i.+ning, causing a tremor of soul!

The whole area turned silent. One after another powerful man pushed towards Su Yan. All six powerful men stood around Su Yan!

They looked at Su Yan cruelly and ferociously as if he were their prey.

People were terrified to find out that they intended to besiege Su Yan!

“You poor things!” Su Yan stared at them coldly and ridiculed, “Finding your sense of presence here? In the prosperous cultivation world, you are n.o.bodies!”

The six powerful men looked sullen on hearing Su Yan’s words. Even though they were strong in cultivation, Su Yan was right about the fact that they were n.o.bodies and they could only bend and tremble in front of invincible talents from superior-life ancient stars!

“I see you have a death wish.”

Zu Guanyu said emotionlessly, “Don’t you meddle in. He is my prey, and n.o.body can take my credit!”

“Zu Guanyu, are you breaking the rules?” the young man with fire sneered, “He is a king body, so you can’t occupy him all by yourself!”

“Two kings could trade in many Essence Stones. I suggest selling them both,” someone  offered a solution about preys’ distribution.

They even started to argue about how to distribute the harvest!

Cultivators in Huaxia Alliance were furious about how these aliens allocated earth’s resources even before they conquered earth!

As to Zu Hong, he was not here, instead he went to Mount Qomolangma. He was trembling with excitement. Who’d thought that the heavenly coffin did exist and was located right on this life planet!

“Are you done with discussion?”

Su Yan said with coldness, “I have a suggestion for you. You six kneel and kowtow to the dead for three times. Then I can make you die easier.”


Zu Guanyu burst into anger. He rushed up and shouted, “I’ll teach you a lesson, otherwise you don’t know who you are!”


Zu Guanyu’s Qi became horrible again. His body pa.s.sed a voice of scripture-chanting and exploded divine brightness that illuminated the whole sky!

The magic began running and a strong sense of magic burst out. The moment his fist rose up, it released dazzling flames that made people unable to open eyes!

His fist enlarged quickly, like a huge red sun, filling the sky and the earth. It bombarded Su Yan!

The other five young powerful men did not intervene, because they wanted to see how strong Su Yan was!

But what happened next astonished them all. Su Yan’s fist spewed out heavenly light that penetrated the firmament and even extraterritorial sky!

It was the boxing light, also a terrible true meaning, that caused the extraterritorial sky to tremble with essence of stars falling, which then all revived to the extreme along with Su Yan’s fist!


Su Yan lifted his fist. Gold clouds burst out with destruction power, like a planet’s power of stars. When he launched the blow, the sky crumbled, the ground collapsed, and divine voices exploded.

The magic Zu Guanyu evolved, the sun-like magic, was blast by Su Yan’s punch!

“Wake up from your fantasy! THIS is reality!”

Su Yan roared with such a formidable momentum that mountains swayed, rivers trembled, the sky shook and the ground collapsed!

His body running like a bright planet, rose straight from the ground and unleashed the strongest storm!


The sky and the ground were cracked and heavily damaged. Even the void was shaken by Su Yan’s shouts.

Zu Guanyu whose body was almost shattered coughed a mouthful of blood. He was blown away like a dead dog and fell on the ground trembling.

“Big Dipper Boxing!”

“It’s the secret art from Big Dipper Domain. Only the inheritors of Big Dipper Domain are qualified to learn it.”

“This aboriginal grasps Big Dipper Boxing. Gosh, it’s a priceless treasure!”

The five powerful men were trembling with excitement. Great magics’ value was horrible, especially Big Dipper Boxing as it bore special significance to Big Dipper Domain, an almost invincible great magic!

Great magic martial arts didn’t normally appear even in super auctions for a thousand year, let alone Big Dipper Boxing was the first among the greatest 72 martial arts. Thus, its value cannot be estimated by common sense.

“Let’s take him down and get Big Dipper Boxing!”

The five powerful men rushed up like a flash. They, with fanatical eyes, saw Su Yan as a mobile treasury.

“Try me!”

Su Yan, now with matchless power released, was like a bright star that shone the starry sky!

When the Sacred Door inside Su Yan was opened, a chaotic sea seemed to surge out, with thousands of ancient phenomena intertwined, and endless horror unleashed that swept the vast mountain forest.

Suddenly the world collapsed, and terrifying cries were everywhere.

“Kill you all!”

Inside Su Yan’s eyes were killing determination, as if an angry dragon were unleashed. The Qi he sent out nearly crushed the sky and collapsed the ground