Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting

Chapter 14

_Arc Welding Machines._--A consideration of the function and purpose of the various types of arc welding machines shows that the only reason for the use of any machine is either for conversion of the current from alternating to direct, or, if the current is already direct, then the saving in the application of this current in the arc.

It is practically out of the question to apply an alternating current arc to welding for the reason that in any arc practically all the heat is liberated at the positive electrode, which means that, in alternating current, half the heat is liberated at each electrode as the current changes its direction of flow or alternates. Another disadvantage of the alternating arc is that it is difficult of control and application.

In all arc welding by the use of the carbon arc, the positive electrode is made the piece to be welded, while in welding with metallic electrodes this may be either the piece to be welded of the rod that is used as a filler.

The voltage across the arc is a variable quant.i.ty, depending on the length of the flame, its temperature and the gases liberated in the arc. With a carbon electrode the voltage will vary from zero to forty-five volts. With the metallic electrode the voltage will vary from zero to thirty volts. It is, therefore, necessary for the welding machine to be able to furnish to the arc the requisite amount of current, this amount being varied, and furnish it at all times at the voltage required.

The simplest welding apparatus is a resistance in series with the arc. This is entirely satisfactory in every way except in cost of current. By the use of resistance in series with the arc and using 220 volts as the supply, from eighty to ninety per cent of the current is lost in heat at the resistance. Another disadvantage is the fact that most materials change their resistance as their temperature changes, thus making the amount of current for the arc a variable quant.i.ty, depending on the temperature of the resistance.

There have been various methods originated for saving the power mentioned and a good many machines have been put on the market for this purpose. All of them save some power over what a plain resistance would use. Practically all arc welding machines at the present time are motor generator sets, the motor of which is arranged for the supply voltage and current, this motor being direct connected to a compound wound generator delivering approximately seventy-five volts direct current. Then by the use of a resistance, this seventy-five volt supply is applied to the arc. Since the voltage across the arc will vary from zero to fifty volts, this machine will save from zero up to seventy per cent of the power that the machine delivers. The rest of the power, of course, has to be dissipated in the resistance used in series with the arc.

A motor generator set which can be purchased from any electrical company, with a long piece of fence wire wound around a piece of asbestos, gives results equally as good and at a very small part of the first cost.

It is possible to construct a machine which will eliminate all losses in the resistance; in other words, eliminate all resistance in series with the arc. A machine of this kind will save its cost within a very short time, providing the welder is used to any extent.

Putting it in figures, the results are as follows for average conditions.

Current at 2c per kilowatt hour, metallic electrode arc of 150 amperes, carbon arc 500 amperes; voltage across the metallic electrode arc 20, voltage across the carbon arc 35. Supply current 220 volts, direct. In the case of the metallic electrode, if resistance is used, the cost of running this arc is sixty-six cents per hour. With the carbon electrode, $2.20 per hour. If a motor generator set with a seventy volt constant potential machine is used for a welder, the cost will be as follows:

Metallic electrode 25.2c. Carbon electrode 84c per hour. With a machine which will deliver the required voltage at the arc and eliminate all the resistance in series with the arc, the cost will be as follows: Metallic electrode 7.2c per hour; carbon electrode 42c per hour. This is with the understanding that the arc is held constant and continuously at its full value. This, however, is practically impossible and the actual load factor is approximately fifty per cent, which would mean that operating a welder as it is usually operated, this result will be reduced to one-half of that stated in all cases.



Smithing, or blacksmithing, is the process of working heated iron, steel or other metals by forging, bending or welding them.

_The Forge._--The metal is heated in a forge consisting of a shallow pan for holding the fire, in the center of which is an opening from below through which air is forced to make a hot fire.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Figure 48.--Tuyere Construction on a Forge]

Air is forced through this hole, called a "tuyere" (Figure 48) by means of a hand bellows, a rotary fan operated with crank or lever, or with a fan driven from an electric motor. The harder the air is driven into the fire above the tuyere the more oxygen is furnished and the hotter the fire becomes.

Directly below the tuyere is an opening through which the ashes that drop from the fire may be cleaned out.

_The Fire._--The fire is made by placing a small piece of waste soaked in oil, kerosene or gasoline, over the tuyere, lighting the waste, then starting the fan or blower slowly. Gradually cover the waste, while it is burning brightly, with a layer of soft coal. The coal will catch fire and burn after the waste has been consumed. A piece of waste half the size of a person"s hand is ample for this purpose.

The fuel should be "smithing coal." A lump of smithing coal breaks easily, shows clean and even on all sides and should not break into layers. The coal is broken into fine pieces and wet before being used on the fire.

The fire should be kept deep enough so that there is always three or four inches of fire below the piece of metal to be heated and there should be enough fire above the work so that no part of the metal being heated comes in contact with the air. The fire should be kept as small as possible while following these rules as to depth.

To make the fire larger, loosen the coal around the edges. To make the fire smaller, pack wet coal around the edges in a compact ma.s.s and loosen the fire in the center. Add fresh coal only around the edges of the fire. It will turn to c.o.ke and can then be raked onto the fire. Blow only enough air into the fire to keep it burning brightly, not so much that the fire is blown up through the top of the coal pack. To prevent the fire from going out between jobs, stick a piece of soft wood into it and cover with fresh wet coal.

_Tools._--The _hammer_ is a ball pene, or blacksmith"s hammer, weighing about a pound and a half.

The _sledge_ is a heavy hammer, weighing from 5 to 20 pounds and having a handle 30 to 36 inches long.

The _anvil_ is a heavy piece of wrought iron (Figure 49), faced with steel and having four legs. It has a pointed horn on one end, an overhanging tail on the other end and a flat top. In the tail there is a square hole called the "hardie" hole and a round one called the "spud"


[Ill.u.s.tration: Figure 49.--Anvil, Showing Horn, Tail, Hardie Hole and Spud Hole]

_Tongs_, with handles about one foot long and jaws suitable for holding the work, are used. To secure a firm grip on the work, the jaws may be heated red hot and hammered into shape over the piece to be held, thus giving a properly formed jaw. Jaws should touch the work along their entire length.

The _set hammer_ is a hammer, one end of whose head is square and flat, and from this face the head tapers evenly to the other face. The large face is about 1-1/4 inches square.

The _flatter_ is a hammer having one face of its head flat and about 2-1/2 inches square.

_Swages_ are hammers having specially formed faces for finishing rounds, squares, hexagons, ovals, tapers, etc.

_Fullers_ are hammers having a rounded face, long in one direction.

They are used for spreading metal in one direction only.

The _hardy_ is a form of chisel with a short, square shank which may be set into the hardie hole for cutting off hot bars.

_Operations._--Blacksmithing consists of bending, drawing or upsetting with the various hammers, or in punching holes.

Bending is done over the square corners of the anvil if square cornered bends are desired, or over the horn of the anvil if rounding bends, eyes, hooks, etc., are wanted.

To bend a ring or eye in the end of a bar, first figure the length of stock needed by multiplying the diameter of the hole by 31/7, then heat the piece to a good full red at a point this distance back from the end. Next bend the iron over at a 90 degree angle (square) at this point. Next, heat the iron from the bend just made clear to the point and make the eye by laying the part that was bent square over the horn of the anvil and bending the extreme tip into part of a circle. Keep pushing the piece farther and farther over the horn of the anvil, bending it as you go. Do not hammer directly over the horn of the anvil, but on the side where you are doing the bending.

To make the outside of a bend square, sharp and full, rather than slightly rounding, the bent piece must be laid edgewise on the face of the anvil.

That is, after making the bend over the corner of the anvil, lay the piece on top of the anvil so that its edge and not the flat side rests on the anvil top. With the work in this position, strike directly against the corner with the hammer so that the blows come in line, first with one leg of the work, then the other, and always directly on the corner of the piece. This operation cannot be performed by laying the work so that one leg hangs over the anvil"s corner.

To make a shoulder on a rod or bar, heat the work and lay flat across the top of the anvil with the point at which the shoulder is desired at the edge of the anvil. Then place the set hammer on top of the piece, with the outside edge of the set hammer directly over the edge of the anvil. While hammering in this position keep the work turning continually.

To draw stock means to make it longer and thinner by hammering. A piece to be drawn out is usually laid across the horn of the anvil while being struck with the hammer. The metal is then spread in only one direction in place of being spread in every direction, as it would be if laid on the anvil face. To draw the work, heat it to as high a temperature as it will stand without throwing sparks and burning. The fuller may be used for drawing metal in place of laying the work over the horn of the anvil.

When drawing round stock, it should be first drawn out square, and when almost down to size it may be rounded. When pointing stock, the same rule of first drawing out square applies.

Upsetting means to make a piece shorter in length and greater in thickness or width, or both shorter and thicker. To upset short pieces, heat to a bright red at the place to be upset, then stand on end on the anvil face and hammer directly down on top until of the right form. Longer pieces may be swung against the anvil or placed upright on a heavy piece of metal lying on the floor or that is sunk into the floor. While standing on this heavy piece the metal may be upset by striking down on the end with a heavy hammer or the sledge. If a bend appears while upsetting, it should be straightened by hammering back into shape on the anvil face.

Light blows affect the metal for only a short distance from the point of striking, but heavy blows tend to swell the metal more equally through its entire length. In driving rivets that should fill the holes, heavy blows should be struck, but to shape the end of a rivet or to make a head on a rod, light blows should be used.

The part of the piece that is heated most will upset the most.

To punch a hole through metal, use a tool steel punch with its end slightly tapering to a size a little smaller than the hole to be punched. The end of the punch must be square across and never pointed or rounded.

First drive the punch part way through from one side and then turn the work over. When you turn it over, notice where the bulge appears and in that way locate the hole and drive the punch through from the second side. This makes a cleaner and more even hole than to drive completely through from one side. When the punch is driven in from the second side, the place to be punched through should be laid over the spud hole in the tail of the anvil and the piece driven out of the work.

Work when hot is larger than it will be after cooling. This must be remembered when fitting parts or trouble will result. A two-foot bar of steel will be 1/4 inch longer when red hot than when cold.

The temperatures of iron correspond to the following colors:

Dullest red seen in the dark... 878 Dullest red seen in daylight... 887 Dull red....................... 1100 Full red....................... 1370 Light red...................... 1550 Orange......................... 1650 Light orange................... 1725 Yellow......................... 1825 Light yellow................... 1950