Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting

Chapter 16




Common solder is an alloy of one-half lead with one-half tin, and is called "half and half." Hard solder is made with two-thirds tin and one-third lead. These alloys, when heated, are used to join surfaces of the same or dissimilar metals such as copper, bra.s.s, lead, galvanized iron, zinc, tinned plate, etc. These metals are easily joined, but the action of solder with iron, steel and aluminum is not so satisfactory and requires greater care and skill.

The solder is caused to make a perfect union with the surfaces treated with the help of heat from a soldering iron. The soldering iron is made from a piece of copper, pointed at one end and with the other end attached to an iron rod and wooden handle. A flux is used to remove impurities from the joint and allow the solder to secure a firm union with the metal surface.

The iron, and in many cases the work, is heated with a gasoline blow torch, a small gas furnace, an electric heater or an acetylene and air torch.

The gasoline torch which is most commonly used should be filled two-thirds full of gasoline through the hole in the bottom, which is closed by a screw plug. After working the small hand pump for 10 to 20 strokes, hold the palm of your hand over the end of the large iron tube on top of the torch and open the gasoline needle valve about a half turn. Hold the torch so that the liquid runs down into the cup below the tube and fills it. Shut the gasoline needle valve, wipe the hands dry, and set fire to the fuel in the cup. Just as the gasoline fire goes out, open the gasoline needle valve about a half turn and hold a lighted match at the end of the iron tube to ignite the mixture of vaporized gasoline and air. Open or close the needle valve to secure a flame about 4 inches long.

On top of the iron tube from which the flame issues there is a rest for supporting the soldering iron with the copper part in the flame. Place the iron in the flame and allow it to remain until the copper becomes very hot, not quite red, but almost so.

A new soldering iron or one that has been misused will have to be "tinned"

before using. To do this, take the iron from the fire while very hot and rub the tip on some flux or dip it into soldering acid. Then rub the tip of the iron on a stick of solder or rub the solder on the iron. If the solder melts off the stick without coating the end of the iron, allow a few drops to fall on a piece of tin plate, then nil the end of the iron on the tin plate with considerable force. Alternately rub the iron on the solder and dip into flux until the tip has a coating of bright solder for about half an inch from the end. If the iron is in very bad shape, it may be necessary to sc.r.a.pe or file the end before dipping in the flux for the first time.

After the end of the iron is tinned in this way, replace it on the rest of the torch so that the tinned point is not directly in the flame, turning the flame down to accomplish this.

_Flux._--The commonest flux, which is called "soldering acid," is made by placing pieces of zinc in muriatic (hydrochloric) acid contained in a heavy gla.s.s or porcelain dish. There will be bubbles and considerable heat evolved and zinc should be added until this action ceases and the zinc remains in the liquid, which is now chloride of zinc.

This soldering acid may be used on any metal to be soldered by applying with a brush or swab. For electrical work, this acid should be made neutral by the addition of one part ammonia and one part water to each three parts of the acid. This neutralized flux will not corrode metal as will the ordinary acid.

Powdered resin makes a good flux for lead, tin plate, galvanized iron and aluminum. Tallow, olive oil, beeswax and vaseline are also used for this purpose. Muriatic acid may be used for zinc or galvanized iron without the addition of the zinc, as described in making zinc chloride. The addition of two heaping teaspoonfuls of sal ammoniac to each pint of the chloride of zinc is sometimes found to improve its action.

_Soldering Metal Parts._--All surfaces to be joined should be fitted to each other as accurately as possible and then thoroughly cleaned with a file, emery cloth, scratch bush or by dipping in lye. Work may be cleaned by dipping it into nitric acid which has been diluted with an equal volume of water. The work should be heated as hot as possible without danger of melting, as this causes the solder to flow better and secure a much better hold on the surfaces. Hard solder gives better results than half and half, but is more difficult to work. It is very important that the soldering iron be kept at a high heat during all work, otherwise the solder will only stick to the surfaces and will not join with them.

Sweating is a form of soldering in which the surfaces of the work are first covered with a thin layer of solder by rubbing them with the hot iron after it has been dipped in or touched to the soldering stick. These surfaces are then placed in contact and heated to a point at which the solder melts and unites. Sweating is much to be preferred to ordinary soldering where the form of the work permits it. This is the only method which should ever be used when a fitting is to be placed over the end of a length of tube.

_Soldering Holes._--Clean the surfaces for some distance around the hole until they are bright, and apply flux while holding the hot iron near the hole. Touch the tip of the iron to some solder until the solder is picked up on the iron, and then place this solder, which was just picked up, around the edge of the hole. It will leave the soldering iron and stick to the metal. Keep adding solder in this way until the hole has been closed up by working from the edges and building toward the center. After the hole is closed, apply more flux to the job and smooth over with the hot iron until there are no rough spots. Should the solder refuse to flow smoothly, the iron is not hot enough.

_Soldering Seams._--Clean back from the seam or split for at least half an inch all around and then build up the solder in the same way as was done with the hole. After closing the opening, apply more flux to the work and run the hot iron lengthwise to smooth the job.

_Soldering Wires._--Clean all insulation from the ends to be soldered and sc.r.a.pe the ends bright. Lay the ends parallel to each other and, starting at the middle of the cleaned portion, wrap the ends around each other, one being wrapped to the right, the other to the left. Hold the hot iron under the twisted joint and apply flux to the wire. Then dip the iron in the solder and apply to the twisted portion until the s.p.a.ces between the wires are filled with solder. Finish by smoothing the joint and cleaning away all excess metal by rubbing the hot iron lengthwise. The joint should now be covered with a layer of rubber tape and this covered with a layer of ordinary friction tape.

_Steel and Iron._--Steel surfaces should be cleaned, then covered with clear muriatic acid. While the acid is on the metal, rub with a stick of zinc and then tin the surfaces with the hot iron as directed. Cast iron should be cleaned and dipped in strong lye to remove grease. Wash the lye away with clean water and cover with muriatic acid as with steel. Then rub with a piece of zinc and tin the surfaces by using resin as a flux.

It is very difficult to solder aluminum with ordinary solder. A special aluminum solder should be secured, which is easily applied and makes a strong joint. Zinc or phosphor tin may be used in place of ordinary solder to tin the surfaces or to fill small holes or cracks. The aluminum must be thoroughly heated before attempting to solder and the flux may be either resin or soldering acid. The aluminum must be thoroughly cleaned with dilute nitric acid and kept hot while the solder is applied by forcible rubbing with the hot iron.


This is a process for joining metal parts, very similar to soldering, except that bra.s.s is used to make the joint in place of the lead and zinc alloys which form solder. Brazing must not be attempted on metals whose melting point is less than that of sheet bra.s.s.

Two pieces of bra.s.s to be brazed together are heated to a temperature at which the bra.s.s used in the process will melt and flow between the surfaces. The bra.s.s amalgamates with the surfaces and makes a very strong and perfect joint, which is far superior to any form of soldering where the work allows this process to be used, and in many cases is the equal of welding for the particular field in which it applies.

_Brazing Heat and Tools._--The metal commonly used for brazing will melt at heats between 1350 and 1650 Fahrenheit. To bring the parts to this temperature, various methods are in use, using solid, liquid or gaseous fuels. While brazing may be accomplished with the fire of the blacksmith forge, this method is seldom satisfactory because of the difficulty of making a sufficiently clean fire with smithing coal, and it should not be used when anything else is available. Large jobs of brazing may be handled with a charcoal fire built in the forge, as this fuel produces a very satisfactory and clean fire. The only objection is in the difficulty of confining the heat to the desired parts of the work.

The most satisfactory fire is that from a fuel gas torch built for this work. These torches are simply forms of Bunsen burners, mixing the proper quant.i.ty of air with the gas to bring about a perfect combustion. Hose lines lead to the mixing tube of the gas torch, one line carrying the gas and the other air under a moderate pressure. The air line is often dispensed with, allowing the gas to draw air into the burner on the injector principle, much the same as with illuminating gas burners for use with incandescent mantles. Valves are provided with which the operator may regulate the amount of both gas and air, and ordinarily the quality and intensity of the flame.

When gas is not available, recourse may be had to the gasoline torch made for brazing. This torch is built in the same way as the small portable gasoline torches for soldering operations, with the exception that two regulating needle valves are incorporated in place of only one.

The torches are carried on a framework, which also supports the work being handled. Fuel is forced to the torch from a large tank of gasoline into which air pressure is pumped by hand. The torches are regulated to give the desired flame by means of the needle valves in much the same way as with any other form of pressure torch using liquid fuel.

Another very satisfactory form of torch for brazing is the acetylene-air combination described in the chapter on welding instruments. This torch gives the correct degree of heat and may be regulated to give a clean and easily controlled flame.

Regardless of the source of heat, the fire or flame must be adjusted so that no soot is deposited on the metal surfaces of the work. This can only be accomplished by supplying the exact amounts of gas and air that will produce a complete burning of the fuel. With the brazing torches in common use two heads are furnished, being supplied from the same source of fuel, but with separate regulating devices. The torches are adjustably mounted in such a way that the flames may be directed toward each other, heating two sides of the work at the same time and allowing the pieces to be completely surrounded with the flame.

Except for the source of heat, but one tool is required for ordinary brazing operations, this being a spatula formed by flattening one end of a quarter-inch steel rod. The spatula is used for placing the brazing metal on the work and for handling the flux that is required in this work as in all other similar operations.

_Spelter._--The metal that is melted into the joint is called spelter.

While this name originally applied to but one particular grade or composition of metal, common use has extended the meaning until it is generally applied to all grades.

Spelter is variously composed of alloys containing copper, zinc, tin and antimony, the mixture employed depending on the work to be done. The different grades are of varying hardness, the harder kinds melting at higher temperatures than the soft ones and producing a stronger joint when used. The reason for not using hard spelter in all cases is the increased difficulty of working it and the fact that its melting point is so near to some of the metals brazed that there is great danger of melting the work as well as the spelter.

The hardest grade of spelter is made from three-fourths copper with one-fourth zinc and is used for working on malleable and cast iron and for steel.

This hard spelter melts at about 1650 and is correspondingly difficult to handle.

A spelter suitable for working with copper is made from equal parts of copper and zinc, melting at about 1400 Fahrenheit, 500 below the melting point of the copper itself. A still softer brazing metal is composed of half copper, three-eighths zinc and one-eighth tin. This grade is used for fastening bra.s.s to iron and copper and for working with large pieces of bra.s.s to bra.s.s. For brazing thin sheet bra.s.s and light bra.s.s castings, a metal is used which contains two-thirds tin and one-third antimony. The low melting point of this last composition makes it very easy to work with and the danger of melting the work is very slight. However, as might be expected, a comparatively weak joint is secured, which will not stand any great strain.

All of the above brazing metals are used in powder form so that they may be applied with the spatula where the joint is exposed on the outside of the work. In case it is necessary to braze on the inside of a tube or any deep recess, the spelter may be placed on a flat rod long enough to reach to the farthest point. By distributing the spelter at the proper points along the rod it may be placed at the right points by turning the rod over after inserting into the recess.

_Flux._--In order to remove the oxides produced under brazing heat and to allow the brazing metal to flow freely into place, a flux of some kind must be used. The commonest flux is simply a pure calcined borax powder, that is, a borax powder that has been heated until practically all the water has been driven off.

Calcined borax may also be mixed with about 15 per cent of sal ammoniac to make a satisfactory fluxing powder. It is absolutely necessary to use flux of some kind and a part of whatever is used should be made into a paste with water so that it can be applied to the joint to be brazed before heating. The remainder of the powder should be kept dry for use during the operation and after the heat has been applied.

_Preparing the Work._--The surfaces to be brazed are first thoroughly cleaned with files, emery cloth or sand paper. If the work is greasy, it should be dipped into a bath of lye or hot soda water so that all trace of oil is removed. The parts are then placed in the relation to each other that they are to occupy when the work has been completed. The edges to be joined should make a secure and tight fit, and should match each other at all points so that the smallest possible s.p.a.ce is left between them. This fit should not be so tight that it is necessary to force the work into place, neither should it be loose enough to allow any considerable s.p.a.ce between the surfaces. The molten spelter will penetrate between surfaces that water will flow between when the work and spelter have both been brought to the proper heat. It is, of course, necessary that the two parts have a sufficient number of points of contact so that they will remain in the proper relative position.

The work is placed on the surface of the brazing table in such a position that the flame from the torches will strike the parts to be heated, and with the joint in such a position that the melted spelter will flow down through it and fill every possible part of the s.p.a.ce between the surfaces under the action of gravity. That means that the edge of the joint must be uppermost and the crack to be filled must not lie horizontal, but at the greatest slant possible. Better than any degree of slant would be to have the line of the joint vertical.

The work is braced up or clamped in the proper position before commencing to braze, and it is best to place fire brick in such positions that it will be impossible for cooling draughts of air to reach the heated metal should the flame be removed temporarily during the process. In case there is a large body of iron, steel or copper to be handled, it is often advisable to place charcoal around the work, igniting this with the flame of the torch before starting to braze so that the metal will be maintained at the correct heat without depending entirely on the torch.

When handling bra.s.s pieces having thin sections there is danger of melting the bra.s.s and causing it to flow away from under the flame, with the result that the work is ruined. If, in the judgment of the workman, this may happen with the particular job in hand, it is well to build up a mould of fire clay back of the thin parts or preferably back of the whole piece, so that the metal will have the necessary support. This mould may be made by mixing the fire clay into a stiff paste with water and then packing it against the piece to be supported tightly enough so that the form will be retained even if the metal softens.

_Brazing._--With the work in place, it should be well covered with the paste of flux and water, then heated until this flux boils up and runs over the surfaces. Spelter is then placed in such a position that it will run into the joint and the heat is continued or increased until the spelter melts and flows in between the two surfaces. The flame should surround the work during the heating so that outside air is excluded as far as is possible to prevent excessive oxidization.

When handling bra.s.s or copper, the flame should not be directed so that its center strikes the metal squarely, but so that it glances from one side or the other. Directing the flame straight against the work is often the cause of melting the pieces before the operation is completed. When brazing two different metals, the flame should play only on the one that melts at the higher temperature, the lower melting part receiving its heat from the other. This avoids the danger of melting one before the other reaches the brazing point.

The heat should be continued only long enough to cause the spelter to flow into place and no longer. Prolonged heating of any metal can do nothing but oxidize and weaken it, and this practice should be avoided as much as possible. If the spelter melts into small globules in place of flowing, it may be caused to spread and run into the joint by lightly tapping the work.

More dry flux may be added with the spatula if the tapping does not produce the desired result.

Excessive use of flux, especially toward the end of the work, will result in a very hard surface on all the work, a surface which will be extremely difficult to finish properly. This trouble will be present to a certain extent anyway, but it may be lessened by a vigorous sc.r.a.ping with a wire brush just as soon as the work is removed from the fire. If allowed to cool before cleaning, the final appearance will not be as good as with the surplus metal and scale removed immediately upon completing the job.

After the work has been cleaned with the brush it may be allowed to cool and finished to the desired shape, size and surface by filing and polishing. When filed, a very thin line of bra.s.s should appear where the crack was at the beginning of the work. If it is desired to avoid a square shoulder and fill in an angle joint to make it rounding, the filling is best accomplished by winding a coil of very thin bra.s.s wire around the part of the work that projects and then causing this to flow itself or else allow the spelter to fill the s.p.a.ces between the layers of wire. Copper wire may also be used for this purpose, the s.p.a.ces being filled with melted spelter.