Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting

Chapter 7

3/8 inch pipe. 26 feet long. 2 cubic feet per hour.

1/2 inch pipe. 30 feet long. 4 cubic feet per hour.

3/4 inch pipe. 50 feet long. 15 cubic feet per hour.

1 inch pipe. 70 feet long. 27 cubic feet per hour.

1-1/4 inch pipe. 100 feet long. 50 cubic feet per hour.

1-1/2 inch pipe. 150 feet long. 65 cubic feet per hour.

2 inch pipe. 200 feet long. 125 cubic feet per hour.

2-1/2 inch pipe. 300 feet long. 190 cubic feet per hour.

3 inch pipe. 450 feet long. 335 cubic feet per hour.

When drainage is possible into a sewer, the generator should not be connected directly into the sewer but should first discharge into an open receptacle, which may in turn be connected to the sewer.

No valves or pet c.o.c.ks should open into the generator room or any other room when it would be possible, by opening them for draining purposes, to allow any escape of gas. Any condensation must be removed without the use of valves or other working parts, being drained into closed receptacles. It should be needless to say that all the piping for gas must be perfectly tight at every point in its length.

_Safety Devices._--Good generators are built in such a way that the operator must follow the proper order of operation in charging and cleaning as well as in all other necessary care. It has been mentioned that the gas pressure is released or shut off before it is possible to fill the water compartment, and this same idea is carried further in making the generator inoperative and free from gas pressure before opening the residue drain of the carbide filling opening on top of the hopper. Some machines are made so that they automatically cease to generate should there be a sudden and abnormal withdrawal of gas such as would be caused by a bad leak. This method of adding safety by automatic means and interlocking parts may be carried to any extent that seems desirable or necessary to the maker.

All generators should be provided with escape or relief pipes of large size which lead to the open air. These pipes are carried so that condensation will drain back toward the generator and after being led out of the building to a point at least twelve feet above ground, they end in a protecting hood so that no rain or solid matter can find its way into them.

Any escape of gas which might ordinarily pa.s.s into the generator room is led into these escape pipes, all parts of the system being connected with the pipe so that the gas will find this way out.

Safety blow off valves are provided so that any excess gas which cannot be contained by the gas holder may be allowed to escape without causing an undue rise in pressure. This valve also allows the escape of pressure above that for which the generator was designed. Gas released in this way pa.s.ses into the escape pipe just described.

Inasmuch as the pressure of the oxygen is much greater than that of the acetylene when used in the torch, it will be seen that anything that caused the torch outlet to become closed would allow the oxygen to force the acetylene back into the generator and the oxygen would follow it, making a very explosive mixture. This return of the gas is prevented by a hydraulic safety valve or back pressure valve, as it is often called.

Mechanical check valves have been found unsuitable for this use and those which employ water as a seal are now required by the insurance rules. The valve itself (Figure 13) consists of a large cylinder containing water to a certain depth, which is indicated on the valve body. Two pipes come into the upper end of this cylinder and lead down into the water, one being longer than the other. The shorter pipe leads to the escape pipe mentioned above, while the longer one comes from the generator. The upper end of the cylinder has an opening to which is attached the pipe leading to the torches.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Figure 13.--Hydraulic Back-Pressure Valve.

_A_, Acetylene supply line; _B_, Vent pipe; _C_, Water filling plug; _D_, Acetylene service c.o.c.k; _E_, Plug to gauge height of water; _F_, Gas openings under water; _G_, Return pipe for sealing water; _H_, Tube to carry gas below water line; _I_, Tube to carry gas to escape pipe; _J_, Gas chamber; _K_, Plug in upper gas chamber; _L_, High water level; _M_, Opening through which water returns; _O_, Bottom clean out casting]

The gas coming from the generator through the longer pipe pa.s.ses out of the lower end of the pipe which is under water and bubbles up through the water to the s.p.a.ce in the top of the cylinder. From there the gas goes to the pipe leading to the torches. The shorter pipe is closed by the depth of water so that the gas does not escape to the relief pipe. As long as the gas flows in the normal direction as described there will be no escape to the air. Should the gas in the torch line return into the hydraulic valve its pressure will lower the level of water in the cylinder by forcing some of the liquid up into the two pipes. As the level of the water lowers, the shorter pipe will be uncovered first, and as this is the pipe leading to the open air the gas will be allowed to escape, while the pipe leading back to the generator is still closed by the water seal. As soon as this reverse flow ceases, the water will again resume its level and the action will continue. Because of the small amount of water blown out of the escape pipe each time the valve is called upon to perform this duty, it is necessary to see that the correct water level is always maintained.

While there are modifications of this construction, the same principle is used in all types. The pressure escape valve is often attached to this hydraulic valve body.

_Construction Details._--Flexible tubing (except at torches), swing pipe joints, springs, mechanical check valves, chains, pulleys and lead or fusible piping should never be used on acetylene apparatus except where the failure of those parts will not affect the safety of the machine or permit, either directly or indirectly, the escape of gas into a room. Floats should not be used except where failure will only render the machine inoperative.

It should be said that the National Board of Fire Underwriters have established an inspection service for acetylene generators and any apparatus which bears their label, stating that that particular model and type has been pa.s.sed, is safe to use. This service is for the best interests of all concerned and looks toward the prevention of accidents.

Such inspection is a very important and desirable feature of any outfit and should be insisted upon.

_Location of Generators._--Generators should preferably be placed outside of insured buildings and in properly constructed generator houses.

The operating mechanism should have ample room to work in and there should be room enough for the attendant to reach the various parts and perform the required duties without hindrance or the need of artificial light. They should also be protected from tampering by unauthorized persons.

Generator houses should not be within five feet of any opening into, nor have any opening toward, any adjacent building, and should be kept under lock and key. The size of the house should be no greater than called for by the requirements mentioned above and it should be well ventilated.

The foundation for the generator itself should be of brick, stone, concrete or iron, if possible. If of wood, they should be extra heavy, located in a dry place and open to circulation of air. A board platform is not satisfactory, but the foundation should be of heavy planking or timber to make a firm base and so that the air can circulate around the wood.

The generator should stand level and no strain should be placed on any of the pipes or connections or any parts of the generator proper.




_Tank Valves._--The acetylene tank valve is of the needle type, fitted with suitable stuffing box nuts and ending in an exposed square shank to which the special wrench may be fitted when the valve is to be opened or closed.

The valve used on Linde oxygen cylinders is also a needle type, but of slightly more complex construction. The body of the valve, which screws into the top of the cylinder, has an opening below through which the gas comes from the cylinder, and another opening on the side through which it issues to the torch line. A needle screws down from above to close this lower opening. The needle which closes the valve is not connected directly to the threaded member, but fits loosely into it. The threaded part is turned by a small hand wheel attached to the upper end. When this hand wheel is turned to the left, or up, as far as it will go, opening the valve, a rubber disc is compressed inside of the valve body and this disc serves to prevent leakage of the gas around the spindle.

The oxygen valve also includes a safety nut having a small hole through it closed by a fusible metal which melts at 250 Fahrenheit. Melting of this plug allows the gas to exert its pressure against a thin copper diaphragm, this diaphragm bursting under the gas pressure and allowing the oxygen to escape into the air.

The hand wheel and upper end of the valve mechanism are protected during shipment by a large steel cap which covers them when screwed on to the end of the cylinder. This cap should always be in place when tanks are received from the makers or returned to them.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Figure 14.--Regulating Valve]

_Regulating Valves._--While the pressure in the gas containers may be anything from zero to 1,800 pounds, and will vary as the gas is withdrawn, the pressure of the gas admitted to the torch must be held steady and at a definite point. This is accomplished by various forms of automatic regulating valves, which, while they differ somewhat in details of construction, all operate on the same principle.

The regulator body (Figure 14) carries a union which attaches to the side outlet on the oxygen tank valve. The gas pa.s.ses through this union, following an opening which leads to a large gauge which registers the pressure on the oxygen remaining in the tank and also to a very small opening in the end of a tube. The gas pa.s.ses through this opening and into the interior of the regulator body. Inside of the body is a metal or rubber diaphragm placed so that the pressure of the incoming gas causes it to bulge slightly. Attached to the diaphragm is a sleeve or an arm tipped with a small piece of fibre, the fibre being placed so that it is directly opposite the small hole through which the gas entered the diaphragm chamber. The slight movement of the diaphragm draws the fibre tightly over the small opening through which the gas is entering, with the result that further flow is prevented.

Against the opposite side of the diaphragm is the end of a plunger. This plunger is pressed against the diaphragm by a coiled spring. The tension on the coiled spring is controlled by the operator through a threaded spindle ending in a wing or milled nut on the outside of the regulator body.

s.c.r.e.w.i.n.g in on the nut causes the tension on the spring to increase, with a consequent increase of pressure on the side of the diaphragm opposite to that on which the gas acts. Inasmuch as the gas pressure acted to close the small gas opening and the spring pressure acts in the opposite direction from the gas, it will be seen that the spring pressure tends to keep the valve open.

When the nut is turned way out there is of course, no pressure on the spring side of the diaphragm and the first gas coming through automatically closes the opening through which it entered. If now the tension on the spring be slightly increased, the valve will again open and admit gas until the pressure of gas within the regulator is just sufficient to overcome the spring pressure and again close the opening. There will then be a pressure of gas within the regulator that corresponds to the pressure placed on the spring by the operator. An opening leads from the regulator interior to the torch lines so that all gas going to the torches is drawn from the diaphragm chamber.

Any withdrawal of gas will, of course, lower the pressure of that remaining inside the regulator. The spring tension, remaining at the point determined by the operator, will overcome this lessened pressure of the gas, and the valve will again open and admit enough more gas to bring the pressure back to the starting point. This action continues as long as the spring tension remains at this point and as long as any gas is taken from the regulator.

Increasing the spring tension will require a greater gas pressure to close the valve and the pressure of that in the regulator will be correspondingly higher.

When the regulator is not being used, the hand nut should be unscrewed until no tension remains on the spring, thus closing the valve. After the oxygen tank valve is open, the regulator hand nut is slowly screwed in until the spring tension is sufficient to give the required pressure in the torch lines. Another gauge is attached to the regulator so that it communicates with the interior of the diaphragm chamber, this gauge showing the gas pressure going to the torch. It is customary to incorporate a safety valve in the regulator which will blow off at a dangerous pressure.

In regulating valves and tank valves, as well as all other parts with which the oxygen comes in contact, it is not permissible to use any form of oil or grease because of danger of ignition and explosion. The mechanism of a regulator is too delicate to be handled in the ordinary shop and should any trouble or leakage develop in this part of the equipment it should be sent to a company familiar with this cla.s.s of work for the necessary repairs.

Gas must never be admitted to a regulator until the hand nut is all the way out, because of danger to the regulator itself and to the operator as well.

A regulator can only be properly adjusted when the tank valve and torch valves are fully opened.

[Ill.u.s.tration: Figure 15.--High and Low Pressure Gauges with Regulator]

Acetylene regulators are used in connection with tanks of compressed gas.

They are built on exactly the same lines as the oxygen regulating valve and operate in a similar way. One gauge only, the low pressure indicator, is used for acetylene regulators, although both high and low pressure may be used if desired. (See Figure 15.)


Flame is always produced by the combustion of a gas with oxygen and in no other way. When we burn oil or candles or anything else, the material of the fuel is first turned to a gas by the heat and is then burned by combining with the oxygen of the air. If more than a normal supply of air is forced into the flame, a greater heat and more active burning follows.

If the amount of air, and consequently oxygen, is reduced, the flame becomes smaller and weaker and the combustion is less rapid. A flame may be easily extinguished by shutting off all of its air supply.

The oxygen of the combustion only forms one-fifth of the total volume of air; therefore, if we were to supply pure oxygen in place of air, and in equal volume, the action would be several times as intense. If the oxygen is mixed with the fuel gas in the proportion that burns to the very best advantage, the flame is still further strengthened and still more heat is developed because of the perfect combustion. The greater the amount of fuel gas that can be burned in a certain s.p.a.ce and within a certain time, the more heat will be developed from that fuel.

The great amount of heat contained in acetylene gas, greater than that found in any other gaseous fuel, is used by leading this gas to the oxy-acetylene torch and there combining it with just the right amount of oxygen to make a flame of the greatest power and heat than can possibly be produced by any form of combustion of fuels of this kind. The heat developed by the flame is about 6300 Fahrenheit and easily melts all the metals, as well as other solids.