Parallel World Pharmacy

Chapter 80

Translator: yompyamper

Falma was keenly aware of the need of the oxygen cylinder. Otherwise, Pharma will have to be close to the patient as a live oxygen cylinder, and it will become infeasible if there are more than three patients.

Bruno leans forward to listen closely.

“To make oxygen, can"t you make it in the university laboratory even now?”

It"s impossible for Farma to be an oxygen supply for multiple days, Farma topples over.

There was also a sense of concern for him.

“Because the oxygen that can be produced in the laboratory is in very small quant.i.ties, we need to industrially compress the air to make it into a liquid, and then fractionally distill it to take out the oxygen. It"s difficult.”

You can pack the liquid oxygen that Falma synthesized into a cylinder, but there is no such cylinder.

“Air is liquid … such a foolish thing”

“If pressure is applied, the air will be liquid”

Farma briefly explains the three states of matter. Is it the nature of a scholar to explain even at such times? While looking at such a chat, I check his condition.

"Let"s get Melody to make the cylinder"

"…… Do you think Melody can do it?"

“I think there"s nothing she can"t do about metalworking.”

On the same day, Bruno made an order for Melody according to Farma"s description.

As Palle"s symptoms started to recede a little, I reduced the amount of anesthesia via infusion.

Once the amount of anesthesia was reduced, Palle"s consciousness returned.

"Are you conscious, Palle?"

Bruno holds Palle"s hand at the bedside.

"What happened … I suddenly cannot breathe…"

Falma"s hand was in front of Palle"s mouth. As soon as he had removed it, it became hard to breathe.

"I will apply my hand. Breathing will become easier"

Falma returns to his original position.

“I don"t feel bad… what"s going on?”

When I confirmed the situation, Palle was connected to the drip. Farma explains what is dripping and talks about the progress so far.

“There was a side effect.”

"Is it a pulmonary hemorrhage …? Will I survive"

Palle heard the story and seemed horrified. According to Palle"s common sense, if you have a serious lung hemorrhage, you can not help but suffocate. Even Palle and Bruno"s hand-held medicines cannot cure it, and the treatment has not been established yet. Although the explanation that there might be severe side effects was given by Falma, it had not been believed. Palle did not think I"d befall to himself.

“It"s thanks to Pharma, if it were not for Pharma, I wouldn"t have survived the disease.”

Bruno admitted honestly. But Pharma said

“I"m glad the steroid worked”

Falma"s humble att.i.tude that he does not depend on himself, but gives credit to the medicine, is admired by Palle. Bruno also agrees.

“Falma, you are a great drugmaker … and a good guy”

Palle had to admit to Falma. There was nothing to be embarra.s.sed about, so he told Falma straight.

"Let"s do our best, my brother. Now is a crucial moment"

“Oh, I will do my best.”

Palle was strong. Positive patients in treatment survive, Falma believed so.

It was the afternoon of the next day.

“If you want, would you like to decorate Palle"s room?”

Lotte dropped by to see Falma, who is still in the hospital room as Bruno"s replacement and handed over a picture in a frame to Falma. It is a landscape drawing of the riverside where a pheasant plays. It was great workmanship. It seems to have been drawn in a few days.

“Wow … why this subject?”

"Yes, it is the oil of Faisan de colchide which is Pelle"s favorite river and a water mill. I used to go there alone. I think I"m nostalgic."

TLN : Faisan de colchide is french for Ring-necked Pheasant

“Thank you, I think with his brother in the room, it will be decorated because it is tasteless.”

TLN : Help

I hope Palle likes it. Farma thanks, Lotte. Even though he/she isn"t in the hospital room, Lotte cares about Palle.

“Then, here is a letter of encouragement from everyone.”

A collection of photos from servants, Beatrice and Blanche, and a photo collection of Saint Fleuve"s capital city. The cover was painted by Lotte.

“Good, this …… I think I"m getting better”

“What is this picture?”