Parameter Remote Controller

Chapter 20

19     Etozawa Kaoru① (Difficulties and Harem IV)





「Okaa-saーn? Do we have gueーsts?」






Kaoru who has come home is approaching the living room.






In that living room, the beautiful girls that I loved were covered in a white cloudy liquid, feeling satisfyingly relieved with breathless expressions.






I am going to wait near the door in order to greet Kaoru. I told the girls to keep quiet. (1, see bottom)






And then, finally, Kaoru enter the living room.






「Ah, I"m home onii-chan&h.e.l.lip; e&h.e.l.lip; ehh!? Why are you naked!? Huh? What! More like why is that woman&h.e.l.lip; naked&h.e.l.lip;? Eh? Huh? Okaa-san&h.e.l.lip;?」






「Yea&h.e.l.lip; Welcome back Kaoru. I was waiting you know」






As soon as she entered the living room, Kaoru raised her voice in surprise and her whole body stiffened.






Well, that is a given. She has come home to a house where four nude women dressed in exhausted faces, each soiled and dripping with white s.e.m.e.n from between their legs. Not to mention, one of these women was her own mother.






And this "I" who she calls her dear stepbrother – tightly embrace Kaoru with a refreshing smile on my face as my erection is swelling up. Nn~ She smells nice. It is a bittersweet smell.






「Huh&h.e.l.lip; no&h.e.l.lip;! Wh, wait a minute onii-chan! Eh? Eh?」






Suddenly, like Kaoru was embarra.s.sed from being hugged by a naked man, or maybe it was to escape the erect pole that pressed against her uniform, she shook her body in an attempt to escape.






I held her tightly and summoned the Rimokon.
















    Affection  ■■■■■■■■■■ 100





    l.u.s.t ..... ■□□□□□□□□□   9











Sakuya, Ema, and all the other"s parameters appeared as well, but the only necessary one, for now, was Kaoru"s. I quickly manipulate her parameters using the Remokon with my fingers.






Kaoru"s parameters have not been tampered with since the previous stages of my Remokon, that"s why her LOVE value that was previously at 100 has turned into Affection 100, and the new Romance value, in turn, has become low. This makes her love me as a family member, but it does not seem to make her see me as a man.






Okay, so, I guess I will adjust Romance and put it at 100 as well.






Let"s also put 【CONCEIVE・MODE】OFF at the same time.






「Ah&h.e.l.lip; oniichan&h.e.l.lip;, don"t&h.e.l.lip; in such a place&h.e.l.lip; I mean, these women, what happened&h.e.l.lip;? Why is Okaa-san naked&h.e.l.lip;」






When Romance capped out at MAX, Kaoru who had been struggling in my arms quickly became quiet.






For some reason, the value of l.u.s.t also increased to nearly 50, as if it was linked with Romance. Or perhaps, maybe she got excited from being embraced by me who was naked.






Kaoru, she"s a naughty child!






「Kaoru, these people are my cute and lovely lovers, you see. Of course, that includes Sayaka-san too.」






「Eh&h.e.l.lip; what&h.e.l.lip; what are you saying&h.e.l.lip; Onii-chan&h.e.l.lip;」






While still hugging Kaoru, I place the cursor atop the Loyalty parameter and raise it.






This Loyalty value which was 32, slowly rises until it eventually reaches 100.






When it peaked, I separated my arms from Kaoru.






The freed Kaoru did not try to run away but instead stared intently at my face.






This stepsister who has now fallen in love with me, who would now listen to everything I said, this was the completion of the stepsister who accepts all of me.












When I speak out, Kaoru shivers.






「Wh, What is it&h.e.l.lip;?  Onii-chan&h.e.l.lip;」






「Onii-chan and these women, simply put, have had s.e.x」












「Was it a little early for you to see this, Kaoru? Onii-chan loves every one of these girls, and they all accept each other, too. It"s kind of like an agreement. 」












「Yeah. But it seems it was a little embarra.s.sing for you to see, Kaoru, I"m sorry.」






I say so and hug Kaoru again.






It is probably because she has returned home from club activities, but a smell of sweat floats faintly in the air and it tickles my nostrils. This is the sweet-smelling scent of a young girl. My erect d.i.c.k begins to feel good when it is rubbed against Kaoru"s school uniform.






Kaoru who was the one I embraced, despite the situation, returned the embrace with a spellbound face.






「Something like that&h.e.l.lip; Onii-chan apologizing&h.e.l.lip;」






「So you see, Kaoru. The truth is, I was actually waiting for you」






I whisper to Kaoru"s ear.






「Onii-chan, you see, also likes Kaoru. To the extent that I want to ravage her. Nee, Kaoru can also be my girlfriend. I want to have my c.o.c.k inside Kaoru"s c.u.n.t&h.e.l.lip;」






Kaoru who listened to my disgusting confession, "bikuri", trembled with her body&h.e.l.lip; And then, she hugged me even more tightly.






「Re, Really&h.e.l.lip;? Kaoru will become Onii-chan"s girlfriend&h.e.l.lip;? I"m glad. I also want to be Onii-chan"s girlfriend&h.e.l.lip;」






「A~aa, Kaoru can be Onii-chan"s girlfriend. I will f.u.c.k you like I did everyone else. I will fill your p.u.s.s.y to the brim with sperm. Does that make you happy?」






「Yup! &h.e.l.lip;It makes me happy, I can be Onii-chan"s girlfriend」






Kaoru no longer has droplets of tears in the corner of her eyes, and she hugs me tightly as if trying to project her happiness unto me. However, even if she said these things out of her own will, I"m really the worst, aren"t I?






Kaoru and I stood In this pose where we embrace each other closely, when unnoticed, a figure drew near that gently hugs Kaoru"s shoulder. It was Sayaka-san"s tender embrace.






「Kaoru, good for you. Did you love Kotaro-san this much?」






「Okaa-san&h.e.l.lip; yeah, I love onii-chan so much!」






Looking around, I could see that all the other girls blessed us with a full smile on their faces and muttering things like「that talk was so niceー&h.e.l.lip;」. That is the power of having put Loyalty at MAX. Amazing.






「Then, Kaoru, let me introduce you to my girlfriends. Get along well with them, it would make me happy if everyone made friends」






「Ah, yes&h.e.l.lip; I will make friends with everyone&h.e.l.lip;」






Seemingly reluctant to leave my side, she was inspired by my words and parted from me anyway. She faced Ema and the others and lowered her head in a bow.






「Everyone, nice to meet you. My name is Etozawa Kaoru, and I am my Onii-chan"s girlfriend. I would be glad if we could all get along well.」






In such a state, Ema, Sakuya, and Yamashina-sensei said words like she"s cute~ let"s work together~ so peaceful~, and it seems like Kaoru was warmly welcomed.






Kaoru was embarra.s.sed as she was greeted by everyone, so I approached her and reach out my hand to touch her&h.e.l.lip; I gently rub Kaoru"s a.s.s.






It is a thin a.s.s that doesn"t have a lot of meat, but it is still tender and soft. Even if I ma.s.sage it hard enough that it should hurt, she does not show any pain. Rather, she looks happily up at me with moist eyes.






「Well then, Kaoru. It"s about time you give me that virgin p.u.s.s.y」






「Ah&h.e.l.lip; yes&h.e.l.lip; I"m, that it is onii-chan who will be my first&h.e.l.lip; I"m happy&h.e.l.lip;」






I bury my hands in Kaoru"s skirt, and further down inside her underwear, I reach for her secret place.






While I enjoyed watching the twitching Kaoru as I crawled over her with my fingers, as soon as I reached that inner place and touched it, it was already wet. I smiled.






On the sofa.






Kaoru that is now naked is sandwiched between Sayaka-san and Sakuya-san and was receiving a woman"s caress.






「Ah&h.e.l.lip; ya~&h.e.l.lip; Okaa-san, that place is&h.e.l.lip;」






「Ufufu, Kaoru-chan is cute&h.e.l.lip; But soon Kotaro-san"s d.i.c.k will enter inside this place here. If you do not loosen it up properly&h.e.l.lip;」






「Yep, yep, Kotaro-kun is amazing you know&h.e.l.lip; But just relax, ok? Because it is going to feel very good&h.e.l.lip; chu~」






「Ya~ &h.e.l.lip; n&h.e.l.lip; Ah&h.e.l.lip;! Sakuya-san, don"t&h.e.l.lip;! My breast&h.e.l.lip; hia~!」






Kaoru"s small body jumped when her tiny chest was kissed by Sakuya.






Thin legs had been spread open and her v.a.g.i.n.a was on display, I watched as Sayaka-san was gently caressing her daughter"s secret place with her fingers.






Kaoru"s p.u.s.s.y that was already wet twitches and seems to greedily ask for more.






「Ara~ara, it"s become like this&h.e.l.lip; Does Okaa-san"s finger feel good&h.e.l.lip;?」






With a "Chupuri" sound, every time Sayaka-san"s white thin finger strokes her daughter"s slit, it sounds very lewd.






I"m sitting on the sofa, being caressed from both sides by Ema and Yamashina-sensei while watching this nasty forbidden relationship between a mother and daughter.






The two of them are serving me energetically with their abundantly sized b.r.e.a.s.t.s, in order to make me comfortable. And clinging onto me like this from both sides, it"s like I"m tangled up with a feeling of the softness of their female bodies. The sight of the dirty scene playing out in front of me has already made pre-c.u.m drip out of the tip of my excited d.i.c.k.






「Ah~&h.e.l.lip; Kotaro-kun, again&h.e.l.lip; it is getting so hard&h.e.l.lip;」






「Looking at my mother and sister"s s.e.xy appearance, I guess I got excited&h.e.l.lip;? Wa&h.e.l.lip; it"s already slimy&h.e.l.lip; amazing~&h.e.l.lip; 」






Ema was unable to stand it and began to rub with her fingers on my glans.  My pre-c.u.m and the female fluids from having had s.e.x with four people earlier began to mix together on my glans with the help of Ema"s thin and comfortable fingers.






My upper arm was forced into the suffocating b.r.e.a.s.t.s of Yamashina-sensei, as she watched the situation caused by Ema while muttering 「Ema is always sneaky&h.e.l.lip;」, she reached for my d.i.c.k as well.






「Wa~ &h.e.l.lip; I’m nervous」






「It feels good? Nee, Kotaro-kun&h.e.l.lip;?」






Ema and Yamashina-sensei"s hot breaths were caressing the nape of my neck from either side of me, as their hands worked synchronously and giving me a handjob.






Slender fingers touched my rod, gently groping it all the way from the glans to the s.c.r.o.t.u.m.






It feels really good, but I"d say it is time for the dessert. Ema and Yamashina-sensei, I will have some lovey-dovey fun-time with you two later, again.






「Ema, Tomoko-sensei. Sorry, but, this next load will go inside Kaoru"s v.a.g.i.n.a. Right? Kaoru」






The mother who was teasing her daughter"s p.u.s.s.y, at this moment was busy giving Kaoru a deep kiss. My addressing her was only given the reply of「Au~&h.e.l.lip; n&h.e.l.lip;」followed by pants that overflowed to a heavy breathing.






And without me noticing, Sakuya had sneakily appeared by my side.






「A re? Sakuya, are you finished with Kaoru?」






「Ah, a-ha, ha&h.e.l.lip; Sayaka-san and Kaoru-chan are huddled together and getting so excited&h.e.l.lip; somehow, I only seem to be a burden for them&h.e.l.lip;」






I see, no matter how you look at it, that mother and daughter duo is finally reaching the climax of their lesbian play.






It has turned into such pa.s.sion that it was too much for Sakuya that she became reserved and came over to this side.






Well then, this parent-child relation is on good terms. So I should gradually mix in with them. (TN: not sure)






「Sayaka-san, is she good to go?」






「Ah&h.e.l.lip; ah, sorry Kotaro-san. Not good, I&h.e.l.lip; I got carried away&h.e.l.lip;」






Hearing my voice, Sayaka-san shyly answered back to me in an apology.






「Haha, it can"t be helped. Kaoru is cute after all」






「Ee, truly&h.e.l.lip; my cute, cute Kaoru&h.e.l.lip; Good for you, Kaoru. You can give your virginity to Kotaro-san. You will be happy」






「Fu~a&h.e.l.lip; yes&h.e.l.lip; My, onii-chan, my first time will be given to onii-chan, I"m happy&h.e.l.lip;」






Kaoru was smiling even as she felt the lingering pleasures, her face was warped into a blanked out expression, it was the smiling face of someone whose mind had stopped working.






I made my way towards Kaoru. Sayaka-san shifted her body and embraced Kaoru from behind and held her in her arms. She placed her gentle hand on top of Kaoru"s head.






And then, she opens Kaoru"s legs, and spreads her daughters p.u.s.s.y open with her own fingers, as if to invite me.






「Kotaro-san, this here is Kaoru. She seems to be ready now&h.e.l.lip; So please give her your c.o.c.k」






「n&h.e.l.lip; hau~&h.e.l.lip; Onii-chan, Kaoru"s place, it has turned out like this&h.e.l.lip;」






It"s served, one portion of a begging Kaoru. (TN: he"s talking about the dessert from earlier)






Sayaka-san held her daughter"s legs, Kaoru"s body was trying to greet me by spreading her legs. I am going to indulge in everything.






Kaoru"s body of thin flesh.






A junior high school girl"s body.






This delicate body that was peculiar to a still-developing child looks like a little fairy. In a few years, is it going to become a feminine and rich body like that of Sayaka-san? However, right now it is just a premature fruit.






I crouch and watch Kaoru"s p.u.s.s.y carefully.






There is no hair growing at all, it is just a white and soft mound. The pretty slit which spreads under it is opened by the mother licentiously, and a pink endearing meat is exposed to me.






The hole is so small to the extent that I become worried it might break if my c.o.c.k was put inside. The pink c.l.i.toris was humbly small and was drenched in a liquid love juice.






"Rero~o" when I lick and taste this small v.a.g.i.n.a, 「Hyua~&h.e.l.lip;!」, a voice that sounds like a sob leak out of Kaoru"s mouth.


      >> 20 女たちには黙っているように伝えて&h.e.l.lip;と言ってもさんざん俺に嬲られたせいか、もう声も出ないようだったが。