Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter 101

Su Yutan began living with two female bodyguards.

Although she no longer went out, her life did not stop because of the threat of “Cui Er”.

The night when Qiao w.a.n.gchuan told the truth, she reviewed her paintings.

Her new commandment was “Do not touch the theme of life and death”. So she picked out all her paintings with this theme and sealed them in a large box.

Then, she scanned all the other paintings with a scanner, logged in to the Venus Art Network, and registered an ID called Ye Ning.

(Ning means night)

Although Night was synonymous with darkness in many people"s consciousness, Su Yutan liked night very much. Because in the darkness of night, she always felt a kind of tranquility.

In the future, “Ningning” will be her pen name.

The name Su Yutan would no longer appear in the public eye.

Venus Art Network was a well-known professional network of interstellar art, with its base camp on the earth.

This website provided a personal virtual exhibition room for each registered artist. The artist could put the scanned images of his paintings in his own exhibition room for netizens to visit.

Of course, there were many personal virtual showrooms in Venus Art Network. There were no well-known painter showrooms, and there would be very few visitors.

There were also professional art editors on the website. They would select art works of different types, different styles, and different genres from the vast number of online works, and enter it on the online official exhibition hall for exhibition.

If the artist did not want to sell the painting, he is unable to sign a contract with the website.

If the artist wanted to sell paintings, he could sign a contract with the website. After the conditions were met and approved, the website auctioned the paintings in a weekly online auction.

If it was a masterpiece or a popular work, you could also enter the Venus physical museum exhibition and enter the monthly physical auction catalog.

Su Yutan was going to be a professional painter and sell paintings for a living, but she didn"t worry about signing the contract, because she still needed to build her reputation and hone her painting skills.

Anyway, she still had a little bit of savings left. She didn"t need to pay the monthly rent and she would not starve to death without income for three to five years.

After uploading her old work to her personal virtual exhibition room, Su Yutan began to paint.

Although she couldn"t touch the theme of life and death, her spirit and vision were still quite wide, and she could paint a lot of other themes.

In late July, less than ten days after Su Yutan was discharged from the hospital, she heard news that was both expected and unexpected: Bandy went missing!

The surprise was that if Qiao w.a.n.gchuan"s guess was correct, if “Cui Er”, “sc.u.m reaper ” and “flying saucer killer” were indeed the same person, then revenge by this person to Bandy was inevitable.

Before his daughter died, Bandy did not love his daughter very much. After his daughter died, he used his daughter"s death to sue the Social Affairs Bureau, stepping on those who helped his daughter to make a profit. This was really a sc.u.m person.

“Sc.u.m reaper” had always hated such sc.u.m.

Secondly, Bandy"s claim used the accident and naturally he used the one who made the accident indirectly.

There were various signs that the “flying saucer killer” should also be very proud. He should be very angry when he was fired by someone like Bandy.

Unexpectedly, Bandy did not die, but went missing?

The sc.u.m reaper"s mode of crime had always been to kill with evidence. If Bandy"s disappearance was really his work, it would mean that he has changed the method of crime.

She couldn"t judge if this change was good or bad and she didn"t want to bother with it. The arrest of the serial killer was a matter for the police and had nothing to do with her.

After hearing the news of Bandy"s disappearance, she just gloated for a few minutes and continued to stay at home to hone her painting skills.

It must be acknowledged that after concentrating and starting to paint, even if her painting level was not a thousand miles improved, she could also be said to have made rapid progress.

This was completely different when she had kept painting as a hobby.

Every time she painted a picture, she would scan the painting and upload it to Venus Art Network and put it in her personal virtual exhibition room.

In her showroom, she finally had hundreds of collections, and some comments on some paintings.

Although the comments were all lukewarm like “very good”, “like it”, “come on”, Su Yutan was also very happy.

August 25th was Qiao w.a.n.gchuan"s grandmother Luo Lisa"s birthday.

Qiao w.a.n.gchuan brought the little Dove and the two bodyguards to his grandmother"s birthday dinner.

Originally, Luo Lisa also invited Su Yutan to her birthday banquet, but Su Yutan declined, and only prepared a small gift for Qiao w.a.n.gchuan to bring to her.

[The translation belongs to Wordrain. Support us by comments, clicking on ads, or buy Miao a coffee (´ェ`)っ旦~]

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