Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter 103

“Ah…” Su Yutan anxiously hit the pillow on the bed as she was being tortured by the tangles in her heart.

Logically, she felt that she should just stay at home.

This was not only because of her commitment to Qiao w.a.n.gchuan, but also because she could not help even if she went to the hospital like Qiao Dongfeng said. At such a critical moment, if she couldn"t help it was better not to mess it up.

But emotionally, she really wanted to go to the hospital to see Qiao w.a.n.gchuan and accompany the little Dove.

Ever since she received a call from Qiao w.a.n.gchuan in the studio, she had been feeling extreme uneasiness. Now, she could only be a little at ease by staying with little Dove and seeing the child.

Lu Xiaozhi"s phone call suddenly came in.

He said solemnly to Su Yutan, “Stay home and don"t go anywhere! I"m on duty at the hospital now, and I will contact my colleagues to change shifts. When I change my shifts, I"ll be right there with you.”

Su Yutan was very grateful for his concern, but she didn"t want to cause trouble to Brother Lu. She didn"t want to involve Brother Lu, so she smiled and said, “Don"t worry, I"ll be staying at home. Those two bodyguards will protect me. Just do your duty at the hospital. You don"t have to come over. Really!”

Lu Xiaozhi shook his head slightly, “At this time it is not suitable for you to be alone. A"Tan, you are a smart girl, don"t do stupid things at a critical moment. Wait for me! I will come over as soon as possible.”

As soon as Lu Xiaozhi"s call hung up, Avril"s phone call then came in.

Avril"s eyes were red, the makeup on her face was wiped off, and her face was looking terrible.

Staring at bloodshot eyes, she said to Su Yutan, “I"m at the police station now, and I"ve also let my family take the ground transportation to get to the nearest police station as soon as possible. At this time, I can only feel a little secure at the police station.”

Su Yutan quickly said, “The police station is good. That place is safer.”

Avril smiled at herself and said, “I am one of the witnesses in the Cui Linlin case, so now I have used this to apply for a witness protection plan. After my application is successful, my family and I will change our names and disappear from the world. We will start a new life with a new ident.i.ty in a new place…”

When she said this, she closed her eyes in pain and cried heavily.

After her heavy crying faded, Avril opened her eyes and continued to say to Su Yutan, “A"Tan, this is probably the last time I could contact you. I called you to bid farewell…”

She finally couldn"t help it, she began to cry again and said, “I"ll be gone later… you need to take good care of yourself… listen to Brother Lu… live well…”

Su Yutan paused.

Avril Lavigne"s response was undoubtedly the most efficient.

After Avril and her family “disappear” in the witness protection plan, no matter when or how Cui Linlin could return, the threat to their family would be minimized.

Avril could think of such a good measure in such a short time under such a blow, Su Yutan was proud to be her friend.

But at the same time, she was particularly sad…

Because that meant that Avril Lavigne and her family had to give up everything they had now.

That also meant that she had to say goodbye to her best friend. If Cui Linlin would never be caught, the Avril family would never appear again. This difference between them was equivalent to saying goodbye!

Su Yutan"s tears were raining, but she could only bless Avril. “You also have to take good care of yourself… I will take good care of myself… you will be happy, Avril! Believe me, you will be happy! You are such a good person. You will be happy…”

Avril sniffed, smiled and said, “We… will all be happy! G.o.d will bless the good people…”

After speaking, she no longer hesitated, cried and hung up the phone.

Su Yutan fell to the bed and wept.

The two female bodyguards were Gina and Lucy. Gina was on the second floor, and Lucy was on the first floor. Both could see what"s going on in her room through their surveillance items on their heads.

Gina, who was on the second floor, vaguely heard her crying, she hesitated for a while and walked to the door of her room and knocked.

Su Yutan just continued to cry and didn"t bother to open the door.

Gina sighed, didn"t knock on the door anymore, and continued to pace back and forth on the second floor, while watching Su Yutan"s movements through her monitoring head.

Su Yutan cried for a while, then felt that the grief and sadness in her heart had eased slightly.

Chen Ruoshui then called.

“I"m sorry, I just came to know about what happened.” Chen Ruoshui was wearing a bathrobe and was blowing her wet hair,”Wait for me, I"ll be right here with you!”

Su Yutan stopped her fiercely, “Don"t! Don"t come over here. I have bodyguards at home, and Brother Lu is about to come over. Tonight, don"t run around, lest you add chaos.”

Chen Ruoshui hesitated for a moment, and said with some discouragement, “Then… it"s OK! Or I"ll be with you on the phone! Let"s talk, it will not be so difficult to pa.s.s the time.”

Su Yutan shook her head, “What I need now is not to pa.s.s the time, but calmness. So let me be calm.”

Chen Ruoshui reluctantly agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Su Yutan couldn"t sit still so she called Chen Ruoshui"s mother, asking her to watch Chen Ruoshui and not let her run away.

She finished the phone call and cried, and Su Yutan"s attention returned to the news.

Just then, there was a commotion in the live broadcast of the hospital.

Soon, the news revealed a fierce gun battle breaking out in the underground depot of Fusheng Hospital, a combat team composed of war robots appeared, injuring a dozen people, and s.n.a.t.c.hing two children away!

Su Yutan"s mind got in chaos, were the two stolen children, the little Dove and Arnold?

“Call Qiao Dongfeng and ask them if they"re all right!” she ordered Mia.

Why was there such endless bad news?!

The call was quickly connected, but after several long seconds, Qiao Dongfeng picked up the call.

In the holographic video, there was blood and tears on his face and he looked embarra.s.sed, “Little dove and Arnold… kidnapped… those two kids were taken…"


As if being smashed by a huge thunder, Su Yutan felt dread!

Dr. Qiao Dongfeng, who had always been gentle, sat on the ground without caring for his image and started crying like a child.

Su Yutan turned her holographic screen and saw that the other members of the Qiao family around him were also in the same condition. They were not seriously injured, but they were all crying. There were also doctors and policemen busy around them.

She was a little stunned and thought; all the war robots had been dispatched and the Qiao family had suffered only minor injuries.

It seems that this “Cui Er” was really sympathetic to his subordinates.

The “Child Missing Alert” of the Earth Safety Agency was officially released, and holographic images of Little Dove and Arnold appeared in the news of major media.

Police were calling on citizens to provide clues to the two missing children.

At the same time, they warned the public not to rescue the child if they find them, because the criminals have control of a very sophisticated tactical team of war robots.

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