Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter 105

Su Yutan felt a heavy chill, penetrating from the soles of her feet to the top of her head, as if she was falling into an ice cellar.

The hooded man meant to let her walk into his cage and let her handle it?

Cui Linlin hated her so much. If she fell in the hands of Sister Cui Linlin, what would they do to her?

Cui Linlin"s men had wanted to hara.s.s her and sell her to pimps. If she really fell into the hands of Sister Cui, those threats would probably become reality.

This time, Qiao w.a.n.gchuan may not have a chance to save her.

Because he was already unable to protect himself, it was unknown whether he could leave the hospital alive or not.

And because the locator he implanted in her body was unlikely to work anymore.

“Cui Er” stayed hidden for so long under police investigation. He was definitely a very cautious person. It was impossible to fall again like his sister"s gang fell.

After controlling her, the first thing he would do was find out the locator and throw it away.

Due to the effects of her latent wound, Su Yutan was not afraid of death.

But she was afraid of being imprisoned and controlled. She was afraid that she would not be able to take charge of her own life and death. The greatest pain in the world had never been death, but inability to decide her survival or death.

She didn"t want to go there!

But what if she didn"t go, what would happen to little Dove? She was still so young, she wouldn"t understand anything yet. Would they make her take the place of her mother and take cruel revenge against her?

This multiple-choice question designed by the hooded man was not interesting at all.

It was the cruelest multiple choice question in the world!

For a moment, she hoped that she should"ve been killed by the flying saucer like Flora.

Because that ending would have been a happy one!

“Are you hesitating? Are you hesitant?” The hooded man smiled and was very happy. “What"s to hesitate about this?”

After he laughed a few times, he gave her an idea gleefully, “Actually, this problem is very easy to solve. You can say to yourself, I can"t save her at all. It"s a sacrifice if you don"t go. It is a wise choice not to go."

“Look, as long as you can convince yourself to believe that this is a sensible choice, you don"t need to care about your daughter anymore. No matter what she encounters in the future, it is a bad thing done by me as a bad guy and it has nothing to do with you. You will not be condemned."

“If you feel uneasy, you can cry a few times a year, shed a few tears for your daughter, and just confuse your conscience. I tell you, conscience is very foolish!

“Isn"t this beautiful?”

Su Yutan shouted in disintegration, “You devil!”

If he wasn"t a devil, how could he have such a heart? For a moment, she really wanted to use “this is a sensible choice” to convince herself not to go.

The hooded man smiled and exclaimed, “Yes! Yes! This is also a good idea. You can yell, bring in your bodyguards, and tell them this. As long as they know the truth, they will do everything to prevent you from going out."

“In this case, you don"t need to feel guilty. Because it"s not you who don"t want to save your daughter, but you"ve been blocked. You can vent your hatred on the bodyguards, blame them for obstructing you from saving people, and make yourself feel better. You can use a few drops of tears every year to fool your conscience."

“Isn"t this a more perfect solution?”

Su Yutan collapsed and cried again, “Don"t say it! Don"t say it again!”

The hooded man asked, “You wouldn"t let me say it, because you dare not to face the truth? In fact, it"s nothing, because people are selfish, because survival is in front of reproduction."

“When your own interests conflict with the interests of your children, you choose to benefit yourself as a human, and choose your children as a chess piece. In the face of human nature, paternal and maternal feelings are always vulnerable…"

He was eloquently demonstrating human nature and motherhood.

Su Yutan was sitting on the bathroom floor, hugging herself into a ball. It seemed that her whole person and her whole consciousness were about to be split in half.

Her mind kept flashing the image of little Dove, her laughter and the horrible experiences she experienced when she was imprisoned in the bas.e.m.e.nt by her biological mother.

That unforgettable feeling of pain and despair was clear again.

Those past events, she has been working hard to seal up, never willing to think back. But now, was she going to face that fate, that situation again?

She placed herself on a weighing scale. Who was more important; herself or the little Dove at the other end of the scale?

Was she more afraid of being controlled and abused, or was she more afraid of Dove being harmed?

If there was only a very slim hope for saving little Dove, would she desperately strive for this hope?

If she went, won"t it be stupid? If she didn"t, would that make her too selfish and cold?

In the past, she was judging the qualifications of others as parents. Now, under the same test, how should she choose?

To go, or not to go?

The hardest part of life was to face this extremely painful and tangled choice.

At this moment, every second was extremely long, but she struggled for a long time, and the countless thoughts in her heart almost drove her crazy.

In that mess, the appearance of the little dove became clearer and clearer in her mind. The person represented by the name “little dove” gradually overwhelmed everything else.

“What? Have you decided?” the hooded man asked her in a strange tone, seeming to be in a good mood.

Su Yutan covered her face and calmed her emotions, then touched the tears on her face and looked at him in despair, “You won… I"ll go!”

When the words “I"ll go” were spoken, she felt that something had collapsed and changed completely.

In her heart, she became strangely sorrowless. The courage born out of nowhere dispelled the fear that enveloped her, making her mood strangely agitated and no longer weak like before.

She suddenly felt abnormally awakened.

The hooded man was silent for two seconds and asked, “You sure you won"t regret it?”

Su Yutan did not answer.

Now, she had no other choice, because she couldn"t let little Dove fall into the hands of Sister Cui"s family anymore.

Even if there is only a one-billionth chance, she was not willing to give up everything with a glimmer of hope that little Dove would return home safely.

“I still have bodyguards in my house. How can I get rid of them?” She asked the hooded man.

The hoodie laughed twice, “Think about it yourself. If you can"t even throw them away, how can you save your daughter?”

Su Yutan said nothing more.

Holding her numb legs, she slowly got up from the ground and walked out of the bathroom.

Should she leave like this or do something?

Su Yutan thought for a moment, then walked to the dresser and took out the sketchbook and pencil from the drawer of the dresser.

She decided to leave a testament as a farewell.

The reason why she chose to write a testament in a sketchbook instead of recording a video was because her smart device was already controlled by the hooded man.

If she used her smart device to leave her last words, she was afraid that her last words would not reach the people who deserve it.

Opening the sketchbook, she didn"t think much, and wrote down the most real thoughts in her heart at the moment.

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