Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter 31

"If it"s just a minor injury, I will wait for it to be good. If it hurts, my mother will take me to the medical cabin to lie down, sleep, and wake up."

Medical cabin again!

For this kind of thing, Su Yutan"s perception was really complicated.

She explained it to the little boy as simply as possible, "If it hurts more than "very painful," then we should go to the hospital. There are more and better medical cabins there, and there are many good uncles and aunts who will make your mother better. "

"More painful than very painful?"

The little boy repeated this sentence, probably understood the meaning, and asked with anxiety, "Is mom sick?"

"Of course, your mom is uncomfortable now. Do you want to go to the hospital to see her? Blow her injury, and maybe she will feel better." Su Yutan flashed a smile at the little boy.

She thought, "That woman will get even more "uncomfortable" in the future."

The little boy"s face looked very entangled as he was struggling to decide.

He stood up hesitantly, moved a few steps forward, and stopped with some fear.

Su Yutan stood outside the door and encouraged him, "It doesn"t matter. If you are really scared, we will go to the hospital to take a look, and then we will go away immediately. Your mom won"t find out."

The little boy was finally convinced. He summoned his courage and slowly walked to the door.

Finally, he stood inside the door with both feet firm to the ground, grabbed the door frame with both hands, reached out half of his body, and looked at the situation in the living room.

The Police and Avril Lavigne were searching the living room.

Although they were as friendly as possible to the little boy, their existence itself scared the little boy.

The little boy retracted again, took a few steps back, and hesitated between the two choices of going back or moving ahead.

Su Yutan did not force him. She moved a dining chair, sat down outside the soundproof door, and looked across the door from the little boy.

"It doesn"t matter if you don"t want to come out. I will continue to tell you the story, okay?" She said with a smile.

Su Yutan continued to tell the little boy the story of "Wandering All Stars."

This time, she speeded up the storytelling, and soon she talked about the time when Gamma and her two buddies left in the Star Thief"s Nest and what they saw in the universe.

She deliberately described the outside world wonderfully.

What does a s.p.a.ceship look like? What does the starry sky look like? There was also a variety of delicious dishes made and how delicious they taste.

The little boy began to swallow his saliva involuntarily.

Finally, curiosity and longing for the outside world conquered the fear in his heart.

He slowly walked out of the room, carefully approached Su Yutan, and said to her with a grimace, "Well… let"s go and see Mom."

When he had finished speaking, he was so nervous he swallowed his saliva.

When Su Yutan saw Avril gesturing to her, she said to the little boy, "Okay! Of course, no problem. After seeing your mom, we can eat delicious food. But before that, there is one small thing that must be done. "

She pointed to Avril and said, "Open your mouth and let the aunt use a round stick to gently twice in your mouth, and I can take you out."

This was to take a DNA sample of the little boy in order to determine his ident.i.ty and whether he was related to Li Zixuan.

Whether there is a blood relationship between the two will affect the ownership of the case.

The little boy frowned again and said with a little embarra.s.sment, "Will it hurt?"

"No! It doesn"t hurt at all." She made an example by swiping a swab twice in her mouth to collect the shed oral epithelial cells, showing that it would not hurt him.

The little boy nodded and opened his mouth with difficulty, so Avril swiped a swab on his tongue and took his DNA sample.

Su Yutan smiled and encouraged him, "You are such a brave and good boy. You are so brave. You must have a nice name, right?"

The little boy raised his chin with pride, and said, "My name is Arnold, and I promised. My mother said that a man must keep his word."

"It really sounds good." Su Yutan praised, "My name is Su Yutan. You can call me Aunt Su."

Arnold finally agreed to walk out of the room and out of the house.

Su Yutan secretly relieved. She smiled and asked Arnold, "Do you have anything important? We are going out for a long time this time, and we have to take important things with us."

"Are you going for a long time?" Arnold was a little nervous. "Don"t you say, let"s take a quiet look at Mom and then slip away immediately?"

"Yeah! But after slipping away, we won"t live here anymore. You see, this place has so many people walking around and are living here, making this place very noisy, right?"

Arnold frowned, looked around, nodded, and agreed with her words.

"Then wait a moment," he said to Su Yutan.

He ran back to the storage boxes and dragged a large storage box outside.

At halfway to the door, he opened another box, pulled out a few packs of diapers, and threw it into the box he wanted to tow away.

Su Yutan saw that he also regarded diapers as "important" things, and could not help but sigh again.

This child looks five or six years old, but he still cannot leave diapers. This is a big problem. Those who took care of him are real jerks!

While waiting for Arnold to finish packing, she noticed that Avril was staring at the result of the gene alignment.

"What"s wrong?" She asked Avril with concern.

Ai Weier said suddenly, "This child is Qiao Dongfeng"s son."

Su Yutan was extremely surprised, "Dr. Qiao? Does your boyfriend have a son?"

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