Parental Qualification Certificate

Chapter 59

Su Yutan thought the arrangement of this “special investigator” position Tang En mentioned was really painstaking.

After this arrangement, even if she requested sick leave for a whole year, it would not affect the normal working order in the group.

If she went to work, Tang En would just throw her a task or two and ask her to investigate.

If she “requires rest” and couldn"t work, her colleagues wouldn"t need to work for her, and if she was given a project task, she could take turns as before.

This was simply treating her well. The position of a special investigator was a government rescue position.

In other words, the leaders have treated her specially as a latent patient in need of relief, rather than appointing her as an ordinary employee.

No wonder there was a newcomer in the group last month.

About that time, this method had already been formed, right?

Su Yutan thought with some self-deprecation, this was the benefit of being a government employee!

The salaries of employees were paid by the government.

Government leaders didn"t have to pay out of their own pockets, and they were naturally happy to act as kind people. Anyway, if they didn"t have to spend their own money, they could only support people in need with government relief.

Even if the matter was known to the public, she would not be condemned.

It was a social welfare benefit to provide government rescue positions for patients with 4th-grade latent trauma or higher.

If she was in private business, which boss would be willing to support someone useless?

She would have already been fired. No, she would not have been hired at all.

This arrangement took care of Su Yutan"s face, as well as the needs of the client and other colleagues.

Although it would hurt her self-esteem, she couldn"t help it.

Although she was not sick this time, who knew if she really had to go to the hospital again for a long time?

Then won"t her colleagues have to work overtime every week? And it would then take time for the child to adjust to the new social worker?

She could not refuse such a “good intention” arrangement.

She could only compromise. Because of blind resistance and strong self-confidence, she would only appear to be less professional, irrational, and more like a mental patient in need of help.

Su Yutan had a strong sense of weakness in her heart.

People living in society always had to constantly deal with people and things around them, seeking coordination.

She tried hard to live like an ordinary person. But it seems a bit difficult.

“Thank you, leader, I understand and I accept it.” She suppressed her writhing emotion. She kept smiling and expressed her grat.i.tude.

Tang En was relieved and said with a smile: “That"s good! That"s good! Xiao Su, you don"t have to feel pressured. Don"t think about it. Happiness is the most important thing, right?”

Su Yutan laughed and said nothing.

Tang En continued, “In the future, you can go shopping, drink tea, look at the scenery, and relax in the absence of tasks. This should be good for your condition."

Su Yutan had to continue to thank him.

After their discussion, Tang En asked Su Yutan to go to the technical department to check the equipment, and then he sent her work arrangements to her.

Su Yutan returned to her locker and walked to the technical department.

As she hadn"t been working for months, “Best Eye” had been locked automatically, and it was impossible to return to work without going to the technical department.

One-on-one service was the rule of the technical department, which made it easy to clarify the responsibilities of each technician.

Therefore, the person who received her was still the shy little handsome guy named Sha Jun.

This time, Sha Jun did not lower his head from beginning to end as he did last time.

When she came to see him at the front desk, Sha Jun looked up at her very quickly, then lowered his head in a hurry.

Su Yutan did not want to scare him, so like the last time she was there, she stuck to official business and did not tell him anything other than official business.

She thought this little handsome guy had a big obstacle in interpersonal communication. She wondered if he had visited a psychologist?

However, she was neither the leader nor the friend of the handsome young man, so she did not speak her thoughts.

After getting the equipment back, she returned to her flying saucer.

When she was idle, she entered the work group and turned over the recent chat history.

The newcomer named Cindy was a little girl who had just graduated. She was very cute and had a sweet mouth. She called everyone “Sister” and they were very satisfied.

Sometimes she approached the group for her work, and many people were willing to give her ideas.

Su Yutan sighed, is a colleague like Cindy more welcomed by everyone?

Pretty as sunshine, sensible, polite, and no sick leaves who troubled everyone.

A sudden burst of confusion rose in her heart.

Where was the value of one"s existence?

In the smart headset, the sound of “Best Eye” sounded.

Tang En had sent her a new a.s.signment.

A 6-year-old girl named Jiang Belle did not undergo a regular physical examination after the due date.

Her task is to find out why Jiang Belle skipped the physical examination and whether her guardian was negligent.

The Earth Alliance required minors to undergo a medical check-up every six months, which included a basic mental diagnosis.
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